Home Banking in E-payment

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Before entering the concept  of Home Banking,  you  must  understand about  e-payment first. E-payment  or  electronic  payment  is one of the    payment  systems or payment transaction process of funds through electronic media. Electronic payments represent all types of non-cash payments with the aim of improving payment efficiency so that transactions can be faster without the need to meet with others to make payments(cash). E-payment  allows  users  to  access  accounts  and  manage  bank    accounts or digital wallets   remotely   by utilizing   electronic media.  Its  main function is  to    exchange  funds  through electronic media.  But in the use of­ e-payment,  users    need an  internet  network to be able to  use ­ e-payment  optimally.  In the  use of  e-payment,  of  course,  there are many  benefits  that  can be obtained by using    it, including    easy to  use  because  most  of  e-payment  makes  applications  friendly.   with  customers  who are    first  time  using their application,    itis safer    to use  because  in  electronic  payment  systems  there is an authentication process,   entering  passwords  or  pins  to  make  transactions so that  a  hacker will have  difficulty  if they want to  do  hacking,  and  can  increase  customer  loyalty  if  an  e-payment  It  is very  safe  and   there is    no  crime  problem  so  of course  customers  are happy  to  use  the application.  One of   the e-payment  methods that are  widely  used  is home banking. Home Banking  is a transaction  process  of  banking  transactions  through  their  homes each using electronic  media  with  the aim to   improve  the banking transaction  process.   To make  it easier  so that  customers  no  longer  need to come  to  the  nearest  branch  office  or the nearest ATM.


Knights, D., & Noble, F. (t.yhn.). Networks and partnerships in the evolution of home banking.

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Teoh, W.M.-Y., Chong, S.C., Lin, B., & Chua, J. W. (2013). Factors affecting consumers’perception of electronic payment:an empirical analysis. Emerald Group.