Google’s transaction fees in E-Payment

Gabriela Clara2301865975

Google’s transaction fees in E-Payment

Transaction  fees are    tools used  to  measure  even  in  an   existing institution  or business    entity.  Transaction fees are  also fees  that  must be  incurred  or  paid  by  a  company   when  processing  electronic  payments  for  customer transactions.  For  transaction    fees  have  several  variations,  ranging    from the provision of  services  and  transaction fees  must be paid by the company at the  time of processing  debit  or credit card  transactions.   .  The concept  of  transaction  costs  comes from the provider  of  goods  or  services  through the market du  outside of production costs.  Componentsthat   exist  in  transaction costs  that  include the cost  of making  contracts  such as  negotiations  and  contract   formulations, ad an  ya  cost  to  find  information ,  adaptation costs  during  the implementation of the  agreement  and the last  is  the existence of  monitoring  costs such as  checking  the  quality  and      quantity,   price checking ,  and  timeliness    of delivery as well as  security. The company  can  find  transaction    costs  by way  of fixed  costs that are tetheredto  existing  variable   fees, the  results obtained  are used as  a  result  of  fees.  transaction. Variables that  enter  into  transaction  costs  are  balance  sheetstatements,  sales  costs,  general,and  administrative  such as  marketing, supplier coordianation  costs,   fees  labor    organization,  marketing and  promotioncosts,   sales,  management,  advertising,   training,  etc. The existence of  variables  managing  information,  mengelola  distributors, fees,  commissions, and  paja. Google  is  an  American    multinational  company  that  has  services  and  products on the  Internet. Electronic payments      are  payments made  to  facilitate  and  offer  convenience  for  users  in  making  payment transactions.  Transaction costs    exist    to  support  smoothness in the production process.  Kethics there is no relationship between the products to be sold it will still be needed for smoothness in the process between buying and selling. So  when    transaction  costs are   higher  then the  less  efficient the businessentity.   Because  of the deviation of    transaction  costs,  namely  the existence of  intertemporal  storage, the storage of    measurements  or  existing    tasks  and  considered  complex  andhas  principles   various         kinds,  adnaya of arising  and  weaknesses  in  policy  in  the  body  of udaha,and  the deviation of    the  guarantee of a  the right  to  ownership. So  users  can  use it easily  because  of the  help of intrnet  that  can be  done    online.    ATM. E-money, internet banking,  credit  card, debut, mobile banking, and mobile payment  are  electronic payments.  For the transction   fee   in    Google    Payment,  it does not  charge  merchants  to  accept Google Pay. At  the time Google Pay  was used  as a transaction it did not  use  a card,  but  in the Android  application Google Pay  payments did not  use the card  as a transaction. Transaction fees   used  in  Google  for  electronic  payments,  namely  Google Pay, this use  is  easier    for  sellers  to  accept  payment  and physical  and   services from users  of the Google Pay app.   For  its users  can  store  loyalty cards,  hadiajcards,     acaa tickets, boarding passes, and  offers. One    example of transaction   fees used  by Google is the  transaction  fee  for  merchants. Where  for  purchases  on Google Pay will be  charged  transaction  fees  for  merchants. For this cost  is  different  because it  suits  the  currency  and platform  used. Next  there is a Google Pay  transaction  fee for  developers. Where  this fee  for  all  purchases  is done  using the application  (GooglePay). But  in the cost of     tgaxi  has  beba n,  where  this  cost can not  be  understood in its entirety  because  a concept offered  is  special  and  It’s  adapted to   the existing one.



Dicky Hida Syahchari