e-business in Chaffey
Jessy Felicia 2301880710
e-business in Chaffey
Chaffey (2009) states that e-business is a transformation of major business processes through the use of internet technology. According to Chaffey (2009), e-business has introduced new opportunities for organizations small and large to compete in the global marketplace. According to him, many e-business observers have noted that one of the biggest changes introduced by electronic communication is the approach to sending and changing information that can be used as a competitive advantage. A strategy defines a company’s future direction and actions as an approach to achieving a specific goal. The E-Business Strategy defines an approach in which an enterprise’s internal and external electronic communication applications can support and influence a company’s corporate strategy. Chaffey’s strategy process model (2009) is used to build an e-business strategy, broadly consisting of four stages, namely strategic analysis, strategic objectives, strategy definition, strategy implementation. Strategic analysis is the collection and review of information about an organization’s internal processes and resources and external market factors to inform the strategy definition. Strategic Analysis reviews the resources and processes of the broader environment (micro-environment) environment (macroenvironment) – Strategic objectives aim to determine strategic ebusiness strategies, objectives and initiatives. The vision and mission of an e-business strategy is determined based on a review of the results of an analysis relating to an organization’s ability to achieve corporate vision and mission through an e-business strategy. Strategic definition aims to define an e-business strategy on eight specific perspectives that result in eight strategic decisions: Business channel priorities. The decision-making process was carried out by bringing up three channel options proposed by Chaffey (2009) and Gulati and Gurino (2000) to then be evaluated taking into account factors related to corporate SWOT analysis and e-business disconnection 2: product and market development, The purpose of this decision is to define strategies to derive value from digital channels, by providing added value to products and services, as well as targeting the market in accordance with the values provided by the product and service, so that both can be well received by consumers decision 3: positioning and differentiation strategy, this decision aims to define the best position in terms of online services relative to its competitors based on four variables, namely product quality, service quality, price and time of fulfilment of decision orders. Business models, services and revenues, aim to define a business model that describes how a company will generate value through products and services offered to targeted consumers, as well as identifying sources of revenue that a company’s decision 5: market restructuring, aimed at defining how information and communication technology can electronically provide opportunities to create Newmarket. According to Chaffey (2009) market restructuring can be done by: • disintermediation, namely by eliminating liaisons, such as distributors or brokers, so that companies can reach consumers directly • reintermediation, namely by creating a new link between consumers and suppliers • counter medication, i.e. creating a new link that is managed by the company’s own decision 6: supply chain management capabilities, aimed at defining Strategist strategist strategi strategist how organizations can interact more closely with their suppliers through digital channels of decision 7: internal knowledge management capabilities, aims to define strategies to build internal e-business capabilities, especially regarding how organizations share knowledge and build business processes decisions 8: organizational capabilities and resourcing. It aims to define strategists who deal with organizational changes needed to achieve e-business priorities. The implementation strategy is any tactic used to achieve the object of the strategy. Implementation strategies include planning, execution, and control In essence, e-business can be interpreted as business activities on the Internet that not only include purchases, sales and services but can also include customer service and cooperation with business partners (both individuals and agencies). While e-commerce is a business transaction in the form of the purchase and sale of goods and services through the internet which includes the transfer or acceptance of the ownership of rights to a good or service using the internet. Examples of e-business in Indonesia such as Go-jek. It is a revolution in two-wheeled motor vehicle transportation services, namely motorcycles, which are based on applications that can be downloaded using a smartphone. Transportation services are offered not only in the form of transportation for bookers but also in the form of goods and food services E-News E-News is news that uses computer devices connected to a global computer network. For example, Daily Kompas also has an e-business Kompas Online. Kompas runs its main business process in the form of providing news and distribution, no longer only through print media but also through the internet.
https://www.researchgate.net/profile/MuhammadShihab/publication/280479634_Meningkatkan_pemasaran_mebel_kayu_secara_online_melalui_ strategi_ebusiness_bagi_Asosiasi_Pengrajin_Kecil_Jepara_APKJ_Jawa_Tengah_Studi_Kasus_di_APKJ_ dan_CIFOR/links/55b5e51008ae092e96559ef9/Enhanced-marketing-furniture-wood-online-through-strategy-e-business-for-Association-Artisan-Small-Jepara-APKJ-Jawa-TengahStudi-Case-di-APKJ-and-CIFOR.pdf
https://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/download?doi= https://docplayer.info/36190688-Chapter-5-e-business-strategy.html