Definition of Brick and mortar banks in E-Payment

Delarose Pratesia Sundjoko – 2301906911

Definition of Brick and mortar banks in E-Payment

Brick and mortar banks in E-Payment are stores that sell their goods offline. The term brick and mortar refers to a traditional business that offers products and services to its customers directly in an office or store owned or rented by the business. This word is usually used to distinguish the temporary business or presence of technology, as we know that there is an online store that sells complete products, that do not have a buyer presence to visit the store we have, is not required to speak directly (face-to-face), touch or deliver products to prospective consumers, or buy products in advance from other companies. Online businesses like this usually have non-public physical facilities where they operate their business or also store the products they have. Online businesses also need to have an attractive and well-designed website, an e-commerce system that is often used by consumers, good delivery services, and also product marketing tactics that we have in order to be effective to run our business and also manage the website traffic itself.



Dicky Hida Syahchari