4S–Net Business Model typology

Yoshua Marchiano, 2301953441

4S–Net Business Model typology

This business model typology, which will be referred to as 4S–Net Business Model in the following, provides an overview of the most significant B2B business models on the Internet and is defined as follows:


It is the buyer’s responsibility to initiate and/or settle B2B business transactions from seller to buyer under the B2B model of sourcing. With this business model, the goal is to conduct corporate transactions pertaining to procurement management via the use of the Internet (Camarinha-Matos et al. 2013).

It is the seller’s responsibility to initiate and settle direct B2B business transactions with the buyer under a business-to-business model (B2B sales). The goal of this company strategy is to manage sales transactions entirely via the Internet medium. In contrast to the source model, the selling entity is the one that begins the direct contact between buyers and sellers in this case (Rayport and Sviokla 1995).

Collaboration that is supportive
The collaborative value creation component of the B2B model supporting cooperation is comprised of the fields of collaborative R&D, manufacturing, and sales. As a result, the collaboration, and more specifically the collaborative effort of multiple enterprises in the fields of research and development, manufacturing, and distribution, is the primary focus of attention. There are direct linkages between the people engaged in this situation. In most cases, there is no need for a middleman.

The Service Broker is a person who provides a service to other people.
The service broker business model is a B2B business model that facilitates B2B commercial transactions by providing information and markets (Weill and Vitale 2013). This approach, in contrast to the remainder of the 4S-Net Business Model, incorporates the use of third-party suppliers or intermediaries. As a result, there is no direct contact between the organizations that ultimately make agreements and execute transactions; instead, they are only connected to one another via the intermediary that is appropriate for each transaction. e-information and e-marketplaces are two kinds of businesses that go under the umbrella term “business-to-business service broker.”


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Dicky Hida Syahchari