Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) Problems

by Muhammad Andri Sheva Firdaus S NIM: 2301959496

RFID is a technical term (Radio Frequency Identification)

Radiofrequency identification (RFID) is a method of identifying a person or thing. An RFID tag or transponder (Transmitter + Responder) utilizes radio frequencies to read data from a tiny device. When an RFID tag detects a signal from a compatible device, i.e. an RFID reader, it will identify itself.
RFID is ideal for automated processes since it is versatile and simple to utilize. RFID offers benefits that aren’t accessible in other forms of identification. No light lines or direct touch are needed to run RFID, which may work in a wide range of situations and give great data integrity. RFID can be supplied in read-only or readable and write devices. RFID may also give a high degree of security because of the difficulty of counterfeiting this technology.

System for Radio Frequency Detection

A tag or transponder is attached to an item in RFID systems. The serial number, model, color, assembly location, and other data from the item may be carried by each tag. Using a suitable RFID reader, this tag may be used to identify an item by sending its data to the reader.
Figure 1 depicts the four components of an RFID system:
( This is a device for storing data for identifying objects. Transponders are a common term for RFID tags.
Radiofrequency signals are sent between an RFID reader and an RFID tag through an antenna. An RFID reader is a device that can connect wirelessly with an RFID tag. RFID application software is a software program that can read data from RFID tags on a workstation or PC. Electromagnetic waves may be sent between tags and RFID readers by use of antennas.


Latief, M. 2013. Identification System Using Radio Frequency Identification (RFID). Accessed from

Ramadan, A. W. 2013. RFID installation is considered less than optimal. Accessed from

KMR. 2018. Talking About The Application of RFID Technology in the Express Industry. Accessed from

Yoanda, S. 2017. Improved Library Services Through RFID Technology. Accessed from


Dicky Hida Syahchari