Partial E commerce

by Jason, NIM 2301902056

The business process in e-commerce is broken down into numerous segments, one of which is partial e-commerce. When it comes to e-commerce, it’s all about making it work for both online and offline companies, according to the definition provided by partial e-commerce itself. Click and mortar is another term for partial e-commerce, which refers to a mix of online and offline operations in running a firm. E-commerce is used in this form of transaction to make offers and orders of things through electronic means. In order to complete the transaction, e-wallets or a bank account may be used, and this is referred to as an electronic transaction. Product delivery or the delivery process, which involves the delivery of items to the user’s desired location, is a kind of physical activity.
Processes and actions in pure e-commerce, on the other hand, can only be carried out through electronic means. Organizational functions, transaction activities, etc. are all carried out digitally. Electronic products, such as music, videos, journals, and e-books, are also available for purchase. So, this is quite different from enterprises that utilize partial e-commerce to sell actual things, such as books, home necessities, hardware or hardware, and so on, which of course necessitates the use of vehicles for shipment. Even yet, the ordering and payment procedure is comparable in both pure e-commerce and partial e-commerce. Both kinds of same use electronic media to complete the transaction process and to order items. E-commerce, on the other hand, may perform both functions, i.e. both physically and digitally. The thing may be bought online, but I prefer to pay for it in person or by courier so that if the product I ordered arrives, I only have to pay for it after it has been delivered. On-Delivery Payment