General Process of Reading RFID Tag

by Apriyani Dwiyanti 2301903506


For example, Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) employs metro mode auto-ID or Automatic Identification. Automated identification (Auto-ID) is a way of obtaining data without the need for human intervention. Automated data entry is made easier by the use of Auto-ID, which operates automatically.

Identification, tracking, and storage of information recorded in RFID tags may be done electronically utilizing radio waves. Devices called RFID tags or transponders may be used for automated identification. Codes that are used to identify a certain item might be sent data. RFID readers and tags are used to identify objects in RFID. To identify a certain item, an RFID tag is attached. The ID number of each RFID tag is different, hence no two RFID tags have the same ID number.


Via an RFID reader, an application may communicate with an RFID tag using radio waves. Antennas broadcast radio waves into the surrounding area. Thus, data may be sent wirelessly to an RFID tag situated near the antenna. An RFID 125kHz reader, ID12, is available for purchase. GK4001 and EM4001 RFID ID-12 compliant tags have a reading range of roughly 12cm.

RFID tags are divided into three categories:

The battery’s Active Tag Tag may be read (read) and written (written) (Write). Information may be sent over greater distances and the reader only requires a modest amount of power to read this tag with an active internal battery.

Passive Tag tags can only be read (read) and do not include a battery like the active tag. The RFID reader provides the electricity needed to activate this tag. Attenuation coils in passive tags create magnetic fields when they come into contact with a reader’s radio wave field. When this magnetic field is applied, it generates an electric voltage that powers the passive tag As a result of the passive tag’s limitations, the RFID reader must generate radio waves big enough to require a significant amount of power to read this tag.


There are a few universities that record attendance manually, using just the registrar book at the moment of entrance. Reduce the effectiveness of classroom learning. Design of a database-integrated RFID attendance system application to assist a student/disciplinary i’s attitude adjustment program. In this RFID application, id cards are utilized to read the information on the presence of students/i.e. This system’s database integration will enable data to be instantly entered into the database and immediately notify the lecturer that the student/i is present in the class. As a final project, this student developed an RFID application that can read RFID tags, save student attendance data on the SISFO website, and alert students of their status.

An RFID system for traffic counting

Uses radio-frequency identification (RFID) technology as a means of identifying vehicles and automatically calculating toll fees.


Dicky Hida Syahchari