Growth Mindset (Individual)

Given the many benefits of a growth mindset, what are strategies for developing a growth mindset? Whether you’re trying to foster a growth mindset in yourself, in people you manage, or throughout the company, there are many ways to get started.

Strategies for individuals
• Identify your fixed mindset triggers. We are all a mixture of growth and fixed mindsets. In order to move to more of a growth mindset, start by noticing your fixed mindset triggers. When you see someone more skilled than you, does that make you feel jealous or demotivated? Instead, try thinking about how you can learn from that person. What strategies are they using that you could also try out to improve your own skills? When you get critical feedback, do you feel defensive? Instead, try thinking about how that feedback can help you grow.
• Track your progress over time. When you take the time to think about it, you’ll probably notice that you’re a lot better at things now than you used to be. Reflecting on how you’re progressing can help foster more of a growth mindset. If you’ve improved in the past, you can certainly continue to improve in the future.
• Don’t compare yourself to others. Instead of comparing yourself to others, focus on being better tomorrow than you are today. When you compare yourself to others, it can be easy to feel like someone else is just naturally more talented than you. But the truth is that you don’t know what experiences might have led them to develop their skills. The goal shouldn’t be to be better than someone else – it should be to continue to grow your own skills over time.

Source: Growth Mindset at Work, Paradigm’s growth mindset work is led by Dr. Carissa Romero,
