Conduct Layoffs with Compassion



shared by: Nugroho J. Setiadi, PhD

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Layoffs during the pandemic are different; due to social distancing, they can’t happen in person. If you must oversee layoffs remotely, take extra care to break the news with compassion. Your aim is to treat people with dignity, fairness, and respect. Offer a short explanation about the economic conditions that led to the decision. Stress that the dismissal is not the employee’s fault, but a result of an unprecedented global crisis. Provide information on how your employee can apply for government benefits. Offer to serve as a reference for future applications, and share leads about any opportunities that you’re aware of. Even if you’re experiencing guilt and sadness, don’t make the conversation about you. Resist the temptation to say, “This is hard for me.” Instead, find a peer or mentor to help you talk through your feelings at another time. As a manager, it’s your responsibility to be fully there for your people, especially when you’re conveying devastating news.
This tip is adapted from How to Manage Coronavirus Layoffs with Compassion,” by Rebecca Knight


Source:  Knight, R.  (2020). How to Manage Coronavirus Layoffs with Compassion. Harvard Business Review.  From: . Retrieved on Apr 24, 2020, 3:37 PM

Nugroho J. Setiadi, PhD
  1. Fatah Panji Firmansyah (2001579780) At this time a lot of layoffs occur, the thing to do when doing a layoff is to tell well and imagine if you are in their position, speak honestly according to the circumstances and keep motivating them.

  2. Afra Soraya (2001600393) Before giving a layoff decision to employees, we need to prepare words of wisdom, courtesy and can be understood slowly by employees. Also provide options or alternatives that can be done by employees as described in this article and prepare mentally to convey this news to employees.

  3. Layoffs at times like this are more difficult because they cannot talk directly and can cause misunderstandings. So it must explain honestly and correctly that layoffs is necessary. The way you talk must also be considered and don't talk about yourself even though you feel sad about this.

  4. Mohammad Rakhel Rahadian Harris/2001577226 Layoffs during a pandemic are different because of social distance, they cannot occur directly. so we have to explain in detail why layoffs must be done and talk as honestly as possible

  5. Corona virus has made several companies impose layoffs and of course this is bad news for workers. As a manager, it is the responsibility to be fully there while treating workers affected by layoffs with respect and give them motivation

  6. Monica Vania Stephanie (2001590796). This article tells about the layoffs in this kind of situation is to prevent the distance for everyone. If the company does the layoff for their employee, they must give the right explanation. Give them some information on how employee can apply for government benefits.

  7. In the current pandemic, many companies are laying off workers because of the economic conditions that the company is going through. As a manager, we must be able to make conditions as conducive as possible by preparing in advance and then handle the employee with kindness and consideration.

  8. If you decide that layoffs are necessary or others have made that decision for you, then make sure you're ready before reaching out to the employees affected. Figure "how and when you will be delivering the news individually to your employees" and what the message will consist of

  9. Name: Jemmy Young, NIM: 2001624651 I can feel the position of being a manager who has to lay off many employees where there will definitely be a feeling of impatience. for this reason when we want to lay off people we must choose the right words and explain in detail so that the people we lay off understand why we lay off them so they also do not feel this is a one-sided decision.

  10. I'm sure it's very difficult for a company to have a layoffs decision especially in a time like this. We need to encourage them and giving a clear reason of why this is a thing. Though, we need to keep in contact and give them the support they deserve

  11. Give the employees opt-in to take up a job as soon as possible and inform them, we are going through hard times and do not want him or her to face the same. Tell them the truth, that it's related to the coronavirus hurting the profitability of your company. If conditions improve and you can hire them back, tell them so. But the best thing you can do is be honest. Let them know they can collect unemployment. And you lay them off just as you would normally. Don't forget to give the layed-off employees a moral support to look for a job and let him go with a good note. So communication is a key.

  12. layoff during pandemic is hard decision for the companies also the workers. companies try to minimize the risk of fail and the workers try to save their life. managers can send the letter of layoff with a clear explanation why the company have to do that. make them understand without offending them personally.

  13. on this article, i learned that layoffs during this pandemic are different. it requires extra effort to break the news with compasssion. Offer to serve as a reference for future applications, and share leads about any opportunities that you’re aware of. Thank you for the article, Sir. — Agustin Savira 2001604246

  14. Melyana Pangestu / 2001553112 As we know that many people were affected during the pandemic, one of them was laid off. I once heard the story of one of the layoff victims from LinkedIn, where she only had the opportunity to work at the company for one day, he said that this was the first time she had felt it and she also asked for help regarding this information about the vacancies available at other companies so she can try to apply. Sad to hear it...but we all can definitely get through this.

  15. Ardi Santoso Wibowo / 2001576841 in my opinion, in the midst of this pandemic there are indeed many crises, especially financial where they have to downsize to continue to survive in this condition. the steps taken as management to employees to keep them very heavy, but if it can be done and succeeded then it is great

  16. Bayu Pratama - 2001624336. Sektor bisnis adalah yang menjadi salah satu terkena dampak negatif pandemi covid19. Beberapa perusahaan tidak dapat mendapatkan revenue sama sekali yang mengakibatkan perusahaan mengeluarkan keputusan untuk mem-phk karyawan, dan ada yang dirumahkan tanpa diberikan gaji. Dalam mengeluarkan keputusan untuk phk, perusahaan tentunya sudah melewati proses pikir panjang. Sisanya adalah bagaimana cara perusahaan menyampaikan keputusan ini kepada karyawan. Artikel ini mengajarkan bagaimana cara kita menjalaskan kepada pekerja dengan compassion.

  17. Maximilian Fajar Linus - 2001574874 - LA26. During this pandemic the economy is indeed in decline. Many companies have layoff or laid off most of their employees. Good communication can certainly cure some of the feelings of those who experience this impact. As a manager this decision is certainly very difficult, if employees cannot be laid off by providing benefits to meet their daily lives, inevitably layoffs become his choice. Therefore good communication will certainly form a little more.

  18. Ferrel Enoch Ibrahim - 2001547671. Layoffs is something that we hear often during pandemic Covid-19. This is a difficult situation that can cause even a big company to bankrupt. So, as a manager if the situation make have to do a layoffs, you can explain it in a good words with the fact that the company can't hold off if we don't do this. The manager have to show that actually we dont want to do the layoffs but the situation makes us have to do it.

  19. Kevin Bangun Renaldy - 2001536453 Artikel ini bagus, karena seperti yang kita ketahui PHK adalah sesuatu yang tidak diinginkan semua perusahaan, tetapi di masa krisis seperti ini, kita sebagai perusahaan terkadang harus bertahan, menyelamatkan perusahaan dengan mengurangi sebagaian pekerja, cara ini saya rasa baik, karena disampaikan dengan baik, jadi setiap pekerja bisa memahami kondisi perusahaan juga, bukan kondisi diri sendiri.

  20. i find interesting article that organization must followed . Federal laws Worker Adjustment and Retraining Notification Act (WARN). The goal of this statute (and its state law counterparts) is to minimize harm to workers and communities caused by layoffs. Subject to certain exceptions and under certain circumstances, WARN requires employers to provide a minimum of 60 days' notice of a "mass layoff" or "plant closing" to certain persons. The WARN regulations say that in deciding whether notice is required, the employer should: Look ahead 30 days and behind 30 days to determine whether employment actions both taken and planned will, in the aggregate for any 30-day period, reach the minimum number for a plant closing or a mass layoff and thus trigger the notice requirement. Look ahead 90 days and behind 90 days to determine whether employment actions both taken and planned that separately are not of sufficient size to trigger WARN coverage will, in the aggregate for any 90-day period, reach the minimum number for a plant closing or a mass layoff and thus trigger the notice requirement. if any organization is dismissal or they dont get any notice according to the requirement , it needed to be proceed further through legal law because its their right to be "warned"

  21. Edo Roy - 2001547665 Meskipun phk sangat tidak enak untuk dilakukan, tetapi hal tersebut harus tetap dilakukan jika perusahaan tidak dapat memberikan gaji untuk karyawan karena perusahaan tersebut tidak mendapat pemasukan. cara yg baik mungkin adalah dengan berbicara dengan baik"

  22. Edo Roy - 2001547665 Meskipun phk sangat tidak enak untuk dilakukan, tetapi hal tersebut harus tetap dilakukan jika perusahaan tidak dapat memberikan gaji untuk karyawan karena perusahaan tersebut tidak mendapat pemasukan. cara yg baik mungkin adalah dengan berbicara dengan baik"

  23. I agree with the statement mentioned, that layoffs to employees will indeed be difficult, and when we talk about layoffs or other sad news involving other people, this is no longer about "me", but "them".

  24. Nikeisha Jillian - 2201732475| I agree with this article. Because, during the Covid-19 pandemic, the occurrence of layoffs on a large scale was never predicted before and one of the causes was economic problems and the global crisis. Then, there is no one to blame. So, it is better if the managers should act wisely and have a good conversation with the employees. Therefore, they both can be understand and support each other in facing a pandemic.

  25. Pemutusan Hubungan Kerja merupakan pengakhiran hubungan kerja yang disebabkan oleh suatu hal. Dalam kasus pada saat ini, PHK dilakukan oleh berbagai perusahaan akibat pandemi Covid-19 yang mengharuskan perusahaan memPHK para pekerja demi menekan pengeluaran gaji karyawan karena sedikit pemasukan. Saya setuju dengan artikel ini, kita tidak dapat menyalahkan perusahaan tetapi bagaimanapun keputusan perusahaan untuk memPHK pekerjanya haruslah dengan cara yang baik dan bijak.

  26. As a result of the unprecedented global crisis, a lot of layoffs occur. This layoffs during the pandemic are different; due to social distancing, they can’t even happen in person. So yes, I think that’s absolutely right if the manager need to take extra care to break the news with compassion. The manager should be ready to talk about why the decision to layoff the employee was made in a clear, professional, and empathetic manner as the aim is to treat people with dignity, fairness, and respect. And not only that, as a manager, it’s also their responsibility to provide solutions like career assistance and outplacement. Because solutions like career assistance and outplacement not only extend a helping hand to impacted employees, but they also help cement an employee’s final impression of the company and leave the employees with the impression that the company truly cares about them.

  27. Before layoffs someone must be done politely or there is ethics. we must pay attention to tone of speech and body language one of factor as a result for the recipient of the news(feelings) and we must using soft but firm and clear language. We must position ourselves as them and always be careful in saying something and encouraging them.

  28. This article is very good, layoffs can be done to save a company even though it is hard for employees, but there is a solution. The solution is to negotiate to cut these employees' salaries until the pandemic is over with the aim of not laying employees.

  29. In my opinion, the solution is to negotiate to cut employee salaries until the pandemic so that there are no layoffs and reduce the working hours of employees who work from home in this way the decision is good.

  30. In my opinion, in this article, the economic conditions during this pandemic have experienced a very significant degression. From the business sector, many companies have experienced the negative impact of Covid-19, which requires companies to make decisions to lay off employees. During this pandemic, we are required to reduce physical contact, maintain distance, and also have to stay at home. This makes work in the company hampered, and employees cannot work for the company. Therefore, the company has thought carefully and with a heavy heart to make this decision. Businesses that can be stable during this pandemic in my opinion are food and health, this business will continue and remain stable

  31. artikel tersebut mengajarkan kita sebagai seorang manager agar siap dalam menghadapi suatu masalah seperti pada masa pandemic ini yang mengharuskan melakukan PHK terhadap karyawannya, yang dimana pada artikel tersebut menjelaskan kita bagaimana cara untuk melakukan PHK terhadap karyawannya tanpa membuat karyawan tesebut tertekan dan menerima akan hal tersebut. Dengan menjelaskan kondisi ekonomi perusahaan yang sedang terjadi saat ini yang dimana salah satu solusinya yaitu mengurangi tenaga kerja agar operasional perusahaan dapat terus berjalan.