What Not to Do When You’re Hiring New Talent

shared by: Nugroho J. Setiadi, PhD

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Source: https://harver.com/blog/sourcing-strategy-in-recruitment/


One of the most important — and toughest — parts of being a manager is hiring. Too many of us look for talent in the same old (wrong) places or follow the popular trend of thinking the “best hire” is the “best culture fit.” It’s time to update your tactics: Here’s what to stop doing and what to try instead. First, don’t just focus on your current needs. Plan ahead and consider whether the new hire has skills that align with your long-term strategy. Then, don’t just look at past performance. Consider the traits that will help the person be successful, for example, do they have the necessary soft skills. Also, don’t think about the candidate as an individual hire, think about the configuration of your team. Will people work together well? Are they likely to complement each other? Do their roles align with what the team needs? And don’t only search outside your company. Research shows that external hires take longer to adapt and have higher rates of voluntary and involuntary exits. On the other hand, internal hires tend to have higher success rates, not least because they are better able to understand the culture and navigate the politics of the organization. They are also more likely to be loyal and committed to the company, which is an important trait in all candidates.
This tip is adapted from How the Best Managers Identify and Develop Talent,” by Tomas Chamorro-Premuzic and Jonathan Kirschner


Source:  Chamorro-Premuzic, T., & Kirschner, J.  (2020). How the Best Managers Identify and Develop Talent. Harvard Business Review.  From: https://hbr.org/2020/01/how-the-best-managers-identify-and-develop-talent?utm_medium=email&utm_source=newsletter_daily&utm_campaign=mtod_notactsubs&deliveryName=DM68392 . Retrieved on Feb 11, 2020, 4:37 PM

Nugroho J. Setiadi, PhD
  1. Fatah Panji Firmansyah (2001579780) This article is very helpful because sometimes when hiring, things we focus only on what we need but with this article we come to know the right thing is whether the skills possessed can align with the long term strategy. Soft skills are a priority that must be seen.

  2. Monica Vania Stephanie (2001590796) . This article really open our mind, that hiring someone. It needs soft skills and hard skills. They have to adapt the situation that run in 1 company so they can do their job well and also can talk with other partner in that division.

  3. Afra Soraya (2001600393). This article explains when being a manager, in hiring employees it is necessary to look at the skills of our employees to adjust long-term strategies. This article provides in considering the qualities that will help external employees to be successful by looking at the level of success of internal employees.

  4. Thank you for sharing this useful article. As a manager, you have to make a lot of rational judgments and you never have all the facts you want until you make a decision. One decision that a recruiting manager must make is whether to employ external employees or internal employees. So as a hiring manager we must consider lot of things before hiring people.

  5. When hiring employees we must pay attention to the impact of the long term do not just look at the current needs. The employee must have skills that suitable for the company's needs. If you want to hire employees it’s better to look for the internal employees first because usually internal employees already know the condition of the company, are more loyal, and are not difficult to adapt again. From external employees it will be difficult and takes more time consuming to adapt or understand the company's situation.

  6. jemmy young 2001624651 finding an employee does have to consider long-term business because employees who can only meet current trends and needs will not be reliable in the future or if needs and trends have changed. in my opinion one of the strong reasons why we have to look for employees who can handle future needs and trends is because employees can indeed be sought again if they leave their jobs but it is the closeness of their relationship to the company that is difficult to rebuild.

  7. Thank you sir for the article. A great manager is usually an expert in his field to hiring new employees by looking at talent before others see it (soft skill or hard skill) and finding not only the best employees for each role, but also the best roles for each employee.

  8. There are many aspect for a manager to consider when hiring new talent. this article is sure help a lot, thankyou sir

  9. I can understand from this article that following the popular trend thinks that the best employee is the most suitable culture. but now it's time to renew your tactics. This is what must stop doing and what to try. First, don't just focus on your current needs. Plan and consider whether new employees have the skills that match your long-term strategy. So, don't just look at the previous performance. who hired someone. and needed soft skills and hard skills. They have to adapt to the current situation in a company so they can do a good job and also can talk with colleagues in the division.

  10. Name: Jemmy Young, NIM: 2001624651 the most important thing that I got from the article is that in hiring people, we have to think about the future whether the people we work with can handle problems in the future because our business processes will change in the future.

  11. Through this article, it's nice to know that if it's important to have such beneficial soft skills, if we are going to apply in a specific company, we need to know that our soft-skill will match the requirements given by their manager. As a manager itself, it's crucial to understand what's the condition in the future, so they will not make a mistake by accepting employee that only give benefits in one specific period.

  12. I think it's interesting the concepts of focusing on future skills versus what skills are necessary for the job in the "now". Though in general, I do agree with this article, this concept tends to gain an employee for the future. I do think there are certain aspects to consider. One being that talent today often doesn't stay too long. This long term planning may only be beneficial if the company/firm/organization hires talent that is the right fit.

  13. during hiring the new talent we must consider their skills with the company long-term strategy. company not only run in 1-2 years, but as long as they can run. so, hiring the new talent will be challenging.

  14. Bayu Pratama - 2001624336. In my opinion, it's important for managers to have ability to see talent before others see it (internally and externally), unlock human potential, and find not just the best employee for each role, but also the best role for each employee, is crucial to running a topnotch team.

  15. Melyana Pangestu / 2001553112 Managers must be able to plan about what they need in the future, so they can plan what they need to do in the present, so that it will be in line. If it is appropriate, it will be easier for managers to realize the plan.

  16. it is not easy to hire new employees. Having a colleague / employee who can work well in accordance with the needs of a company is a difficult thing to do. However, It's not difficult to find people who are willing to work, but finding people who have good dedication and a good work ethic require some special tricks. Which is identify the long term needs and assess every aspects of that person whether from their social media, traits, and past performances.

  17. Maximilian Fajar Linus - 2001574874 - LA26. As a good manager, of course it is necessary to have the right strategy in forming his team so that it can be in accordance with the needs and goals to be achieved by the company. Through this article, we became aware that in looking for prospective employees, it is also necessary to pay attention to other abilities possessed by prospective employees so that in the future they can help build a company without having to bother looking for new employees. Of course this way will be more effective and efficient than having to always look for new employees every time there is something new to be achieved.

  18. Kevin Bangun Renaldy - 2001536453 Saya setuju dengan artikel di atas, penting bukan hanya memikirkan satu individu, tetapi memikirkan apakah setiap individu bisa saling melengkapi dan berpadu menjadi tim yang membawa perusahaan ke arah depan, bukan sebaliknya. Individu memang penting, tetapi kerjasama antar individu dalam kelompok lebih penting dari individu itu sendiri.

  19. Ferrel Enoch Ibrahim - 2001547671. I agree with the article, especially that someone with good soft skills can be better than the better hard skills. Hard skill can be learn when you already become employee at company but soft skill is something you learn through experience and from your habit. Its longer to improve your soft skills than your hard skill. So, sometime someone that can be work together as a team is better than someone that can't even he/she is better about their hard skills.

  20. Don't overlook for skills that someone has, but instead place their skills to the test. Nowadays, company don't bother with the talks but with their achievement.

  21. Edo Roy - 2001547665 untuk merekrut suatu pekerja baru tidak harus dari gelar yang banyak atau gelar yg tinggi. tapi dapat di lihat dari kepribadian orang tersebut sehingga kinerja pada tempat kerja terus terjaga.l

  22. In increasing the number of talents we need to consider, not only physical things, but can be from what skills and abilities he has, and how far he has mastered the field he took