Should That Item Really Be on Your To-Do List?
shared by: Nugroho J. Setiadi, PhD LinkedIn: Google citation index:
Not every project or task you take on requires your immediate attention. If you’re feeling overwhelmed, ask yourself a few questions to help you prioritize your to-do list. First, why is this task necessary? If there’s no clear answer, it’s probably not urgent. Second, what would happen a month from now if you don’t get this done? It’s tempting to barrel through your list for the sake of crossing things off, but before you spend time on a task, visualize its future impact on you, your stakeholders, and your business. If you don’t see a long-term impact, consider passing. Third, are you the right person to do this task? If not, consider whether you can delegate to someone else. Finally, did you agree to take on this task for the right reasons? You may have told yourself, “People will think I’m rude if I say no,” or “My direct reports are too busy to do this.” If you said yes for the wrong reasons, chances are you’re the wrong person for the job. |
This tip is adapted from “If You’re Overworked, Learn Which Tasks to Hand Off,” by Sabina Nawaz |
Source: Nawaz, S. (2020). If You’re Overworked, Learn Which Tasks to Hand Off. Harvard Business Review. From: . Retrieved on May 4, 2020, 3:36 PM
Fatah Panji Firmansyah Fatah Panji Firmansyah (2001579780) This article helps in prioritizing the to-do list, starting with the question, is it important? what will become of after 1 month if not completed ?, Am I the right person for this task? to what extent can this task be taken for the right reasons?
Afra Soraya - 2001600393 Afra Soraya (2001600393) I agree with this article, we need to prioritize tasks if we feel we are too overwhelmed to do it. We can do tasks that are within our capabilities as explained in this article with the necessary considerations. Because not all jobs can be handled at one time.
Ghia Sakanti Narendrakanyaka - 2001578374 We must know what should be prioritized, as this article tells us if we want to do something we have to choose what we should do first and what we can do later. We also have to think right, we suit for the task or not. We can give to anyone that suit for the task, just remember we can’t do all the task by our self.
mohammad rakhel rahadian harris Mohammad Rakhel Rahadian Harris/2001577226 from this article We come to know what must be prioritized, because this article tells us if we want to do something, we must choose what we must do first and what we can do later.
Wulandari - 2001610583 I agree with this article, When we are sure we have to complete a million tasks, we have to ask ourselves these six questions then it's possible to find there are more important things to do - things that will increase the impact and extend our life at work and in life.
Monica Vania Stephanie (2001590796) Monica Vania Stephanie (2001590796). I agree with this article, because it's show how we can manage the task we have to done first. There are few steps to choose the important task to do first before others. First, why is this task necessary? Second, what would happen a month from now if you don’t get this done? Third, are you the right person to do this task? Finally, did you agree to take on this task for the right reasons?
Irfan Arsyad - 2001583752 I agree with this article that we need to consider the task before doing it. Because if it's not our task it will waste our time and make the work useless.
Muhammad Ragil Kesuma Putra (20015839) Prioratize task that you think are important first. and throw away task that you think arent very useful for you
Jemmy Young 2001624651 Name: Jemmy Young, NIM: 2001624651 I really agree with this article where when we have a lot of assignments we must be able to manage which we must do first. in my opinion the basis for setting the priority level of our task is to compare its impact on us.
Brian Richard - 2001580321 Having our own to-do-list really help us in saving our time. Prioritizing tasks will be very useful in terms of working, we will not procrastinating and will be able to finish all the work on time.
Raden Mikail Akbar Aulia - 2001615205 Based on this article I learned to be able to prioritize my tasks or work based on their interests. Which one should be on the list which is indeed important, which can be done at leisure or on a different list which is the lower priority list.
Verent Angelia - 2001609745 there is priority framework can be used to set up our priorities. priorities can be consider by long term benefits, its importance, the vision and mission of the project. if it priority, but there is a project that more important, we can delegate it to someone we trust.
Agustin Savira - 2001604246 on this article, i learned how to prioritize to do list more clearly, by seeing project or task that really needed on immediate attention and not immediately. Thank you for the article, Sir. — Agustin Savira 2001604246
Melyana Pangestu Melyana Pangestu / 2001553112 I agree with this article, especially in this situation (study from home), because we (students) have many tasks from our lecturers, so we need to make to-do-lists to handle our priorities.
Ardi Santoso Wibowo Ardi Santoso Wibowo / 2001576841 There are learned about work from task, this will be selected which one to be effectivelly to get an best result. it will need the list to what to do
Bayu Pratama Bayu Pratama - 2001624336. Saya setuju dengan artikel ini, itulah pentingnya mengapa kita harus membuat perencanaan seperti skala prioritas. Terkadang kita juga harus membuat backup plan jika rencana yang dibuat tidak berjalan dengan baik.
Maximilian Fajar Linus Maximilian Fajar Linus - 2001574874 - LA26. Making priority scale becomes very important. Priority scale can help us in determining the sequence of tasks that must be completed in accordance with the required criteria. If the work is done in groups then determine which part is considered appropriate in your field, this can provide more maximum results in the task both in terms of completion time and the end result.
Kevin Bangun Renaldy Kevin Bangun Renaldy - 2001536453 Menurut saya artikel ini benar adanya, karena dalam melakukan suatu pekerjaan, kita harus memikirkan skala prioritas, mana pekerjaan yang akan kita kerjakan terlebih dahulu dan mana yang bisa dikesampingkan, bertanya pada diri sendiri juga merupakan hal yang baik, karna kita bisa mencoret list-list yang sebenarnya tidak perlu digantikan oleh list-list yang mendesak dan berdampak untuk jangka waktu panjang
Ferrel Enoch Ibrahim Ferrel Enoch Ibrahim - 2001547671. We have to set our priority. Which is the number one priority and which is not even our priority. Don't take the job because of "people will think i am rude" but take the job if you want it and if you have to do it.
Edo Roy Edo Roy - 2001547665 memprioritaskan suatu tugas dari paling urgent ke tidak adalah sesuatu hal yang penting untuk dilakukan sehingga kita tidak merasa tertekan dalam melakukan tugas tersebut
Sri Wulan (2001548535) Agree that before we tell others, we must ask ourselves that if this is important, will it affect both ourselves and others, etc. If yourself feels uncomfortable, then there is a possibility that other people will also feel that way
Nikeisha Jillian - 2201732475 I agree with the article above. First, we have to know about what our prioritize in the task or job. Because, it is very important and related into our healthy body. Therefore, as the solution, we have to make some daily journal or own schedule like a to-do list to help us doing our task and will not get the overwhelmed.
Alif Millen'ga - 2201795753 This article is good, in my opinion we must pay attention to the task immediately because it prioritizes the important things and does the task with confidence if you can actually complete it.
Meilinda - 2201758676 Pada artikel tersebut diketahui bahwa sang penulis mempunyai suatu masalah dalam projectnya yang dimana bisnis yang penulis sedang kelola mengalami “stagnan”( merupakan kondisi berhenti tidak ada kemajuan tetapi tidak berarti mundur juga). Penulis telah mengisi hari-hari dengan tugas namun project nya tidak berjalan dengan lancar atau cepat. Artikel tersebut memberi tahu bagaimana caranya agar waktu yang dapat digunakan secara efisien dan efektif dan kita perlu mengetahui dan dapat membedakan mana hal yang perlu diprioritaskan terlebih dahulu karena itu merupakan hal yang penting.
Nikeisha Jillian - 2201732475 I agree with the article above. First, we have to know about our prioritize in the task or job. Because, we can’t do and handle all of the jobs together at the same time. Therefore, as the solution, we have to make some new schedules like a to-do list to help us doing our task in daily activities.
Regina Emilia - 2201728622 Artikel ini penting untuk kita ketika berada didunia kerja nanti maupun di kehidupan sehari-hari. Kita bisa memprioritaskan pekerjaan yang perlu dikerjakan terlebih dahulu, menghindari hal-hal yang tidak diperlukan dan mengatur waktu dan pekerjaan secara tepat. Bisa dengan menyusun jadwal atau list pekerjaan dari yang paling penting. Hal itu membuat kita bisa menjadi lebih sehat dan juga lebih bahagia saat ditempat kerja maupun dirumah .
Salsabilla muna - 2440072616 Artikel diatas membuat saya setuju, bahwa pentingnya untuk selalu mengutamakan diri sendiri. Dalam menghadapi berbagai kegiatan ataupun kewajiban lainnya, yang menuntut kita untuk harus melakukannya dan segera menyelesaikannya. Sehingga terkadang membuat kita cenderung bingung untuk mengerjakan kewajiban tersebut. Maka artikel diatas memberikan kita beberapa anjuran ataupun petunjuk rekomendasi dalam menghadapi berbagai kegiatan ataupun kewajiban lainnya, agar diri kita mampu untuk memilih suatu pekerjaan yang sesuai dengan prioritas kita masing-masing.