Reach Out to Those Casual Friends You Miss



shared by: Nugroho J. Setiadi, PhD

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On an average day, we interact between 11 and 16 times with casual acquaintances — think your favorite barista or the colleague that you always see at the microwave in the break room. Now that we live in an era of social distancing, these once-common interactions have disappeared, and we no longer have physical reminders that we are part of a wider social network. Reaching out to show someone that you’re thinking of them will make you both feel a bit closer during this challenging time. First, think of the right way to reach out — is it a text, a phone call, an email, a Facebook message? What will put the least amount of pressure on the recipient? If you don’t get a response, don’t take it personally. Think about this interaction as similar to smiling at a colleague in the hallway: Sometimes you might stop and chat, and sometimes you might not. Instead of expecting a reply, enjoy the knowledge that your message is likely to deliver a little hit of happiness for the recipient. Set an expectation for a short and simple conversation — it will help avoid the feeling that socializing is another item on your to-do list. And if you do end up talking, share something about yourself — maybe a photo of your pet or child doing something funny — to help build positive rapport. It may feel awkward at first, but reaching out to an acquaintance will create a spark of joy for both of you while you’re out of each other’s sight.
This tip is adapted from Why You Miss Those Casual Friends So Much,” by Gillian Sandstrom and Ashley Whillans


Source:  Sandstrom, G., & Whillans, A.  (2020). Why You Miss Those Casual Friends So Much. Harvard Business Review.  From: . Retrieved on May 7, 2020, 3:37 PM

Nugroho J. Setiadi, PhD
  1. Fatah Panji Firmansyah (2001579780) In social distancing as it is today, positive thoughts will really help us to get through this time period. in the article also explained we can still communicate even can make us closer to our friends like by talking about something funny.

  2. Afra Soraya (2001600393) We are accustomed to interacting and social, with the existence of this pandemic we need to maintain social distance. But it doesn’t rule out the possibility for us to be able to interact, we can still interact with friends, relatives, family and others, by maintaining communication via telephone, video call or chat every day or week.

  3. We can't directly interaction with our friends these days because of social distancing. But we can maintain it with using social media to reach out our friends. This helps both of us feel a bit closer or comfortable during this challenging time.

  4. Mohammad Rakhel Rahadian Harris/2001577226 in this period we must keep our distance from each other, and this article teaches me, we can still interact with our friends, relatives, family, and colleagues, by maintaining communication via telephone, video calls, or chatting every day or week using social media

  5. In this pandemic situation which requires us to stay home and do social distancing. We must determine effective ways so we can still keep in touch with others. (maybe through Social Media or other apps like Zoom, Skype), don't let this situation make us so far away from the others

  6. During this pandemic, even though we are asked to social distancing, we can still interact socially using social media. Sometimes in using social media, we hope to get a reply from the recipients. If they not replying don't take it personally, we must understand that other people do not always use social media and maybe they have other activities.

  7. keep in touch with your friends is needed in this time, with the pandemic and all. it would make your mental health more stable, also make your mood better.

  8. Name: Jemmy Young, NIM: 2001624651 in the current situation, communication is very important because many of us have to isolate ourselves in the house and this can make us stressed, depressed and very disturbed because we humans are social creatures.

  9. In this social distancing, it's important to keep in contact with our friend. We still need to socialize with others even though it's online. It will help us get through this pandemic.

  10. This article resonated with me. Something was missing in my day to day life as I self-quarantine. I realized I cultivate a lot of friendships based on brief acquaintances and the article articulated a likely source of my discontent.

  11. communicating with acquitances is a good way to make more connections and develop ourselves. this way will improve our socialization also reduce our stress because of social distancing

  12. on this article, i learned that our social skills during this crisis is decreasing, we no longer have physical reminders that we are part of a wider social network. by reaching out to an acquaintance wih social media, it will create a spark of joy for both of you while out of each others sight. Thank you for the article, Sir. — Agustin Savira 2001604246

  13. Melyana Pangestu / 2001553112 Yes, I fully agree with this article, because in this situation, we need to unite and communicate with each other to support each other even virtually. With communication, we can feel happier than before because of nostalgia and make us remind all the memories we have ever had.

  14. Monica Vania Stephanie (2001590796). In the pandemic situation that we have to take some social distance, but we still can take relationship well with our friends. We can still contact our friends by Instant Messaging (IM), Video Call, etc. Because as a human we need some relationship with other.

  15. Bayu Pratama - 2001624336. Dalam situasi pandemi ini, banyak sekali hal yang tidak dapat dilakukan secara langsung, misalnya adalah bertemu dengan teman dan keluarga. Kebiasaan orang Indonesia pada saat lebaran adalah dengan silaturahmi dengan keluarga, namun bukan berarti kita tidak menaati aturan PSBB. Banyak alternatif yang dapat dilakukan seperti silaturahmi online dengan video call yang tersedia di beberapa aplikasi mobile.

  16. Maximilian Fajar Linus - 2001574874 - LA26. In social distancing times like now we rarely can not even meet with our friends or relatives that we usually meet almost every day and even every day. But even though we all can't see each other it doesn't mean that the communication we usually do should also just stop. In this digital era, we are made easy to be able to communicate with others through telephone, text messages, and even video calls. By continuing to communicate and interact with our friends and relatives, of course we can still maintain good relations with each other.

  17. Ferrel Enoch Ibrahim - 2001547671. Catching up with friends is very good thing even we can't meet. We can chat, share, call, video call, etc. and its very good thing to do because its can relieve stress because we can't do something that we usually do.

  18. Kevin Bangun Renaldy - 2001536453 Hal ini mungkin bagi orang introvert sangat sulit dilakukan, tetapi baik untuk dilakukan, selain itu hanya ini yang bisa dilakukan untuk berkomunikasi di masa pandemi seperti ini. tentunya tetap keep in touch dengan kolega-kolega kita penting di saat-saat seperti ini. selain itu media sosial yang tersedia juga membantu kita, mulai dari video conference, aplikasi chatting, dan banyak hal lainnya yang membantu komunikasi di masa pandemi seperti ini

  19. Edo Roy - 2001547665 Menjaga hubungan pertemanan dari dini sangatlah penting untuk kedepannya. kita tidak mengetahui apakah kita akan membutuhkan bantuan dari teman tersebut.

  20. Building a positive thing in a relationship is needed, because the relationship or friendship that builds that will bring us grow up. Set aside also some of our time to socialize, because however we still need other people and friends in our lives

  21. Kisia Anthonete Paulus-2201787316| right now we are facing social distancing because of the pandemic and we cannot meet our friends. this situation also make us lost contact with some of our friends. I agree with this article that we have to reach out our friends, right now we are live in digital era, doing communication is very easy. we can start by chatting them in social media (Line, WhatsApp, etc) ask them about their current condition, what did they do during this pandemic, we can also share about our life, by doing that it means we are building communication. reaching our friends by online can help us more happy during this pandemic and not feeling depressed or sad.

  22. Pandemic ini membuat kita harus melakukan social distancing, untuk memutus rantai penularan covid-19 yang masih kian menambah jumlahnya lebih baik kita menerapkan protokol kesehatan dan tetap dirumah saja dan keluar bila diperlukan. Agar tidak menjadi pemutus hubungan dengan teman, ada baiknya kita sering tegur sapa melalui social media, menanyakan kegiatan yang dilakukan dan sekedar curhat agar semuanya tetap berhubungan dengan baik.

  23. Untuk membangun hubungan atau relasi yang baik dengan seseorang sangat sulit pada masa pandemic seperti ini karena diberlakukan nya social distancing yang dimana kita harus mengurangi pertemuan atau facetoface. Saat ini, social media sangat berperan penting di masyarakat dalam berkomunikasi seperti email, atau forum chatting online karena saat ini semua harus melalui online. Contohnya Binus menerapkan Video Conference untuk perkuliahannya pada masa pandemic seperti ini. Kita perlu terus berkomunikasi agar hubungan yang telah kita bangun tetap bertahan meskipun dengan cara yang berbeda.