Leaders, Don’t Just Respond to the Moment — Plan for the Future

Source: http://www.thefeelgoodmum.com/2017/05/just-another-moody-monday-excited-much.html


shared by: Nugroho J. Setiadi, PhD

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When you’re in the midst of a crisis, it can be hard to think past your short-term response. But, as a leader, your primary focus needs to be on the long term. After all, it’s your job to lead your people into the best possible future. To be able to do that, you need to delegate. Trust your people to handle the immediate response, and provide them with support and guidance to make tough decisions. Your time should be dedicated to planning for the future. You need to anticipate the obstacles that will arise in the next weeks, months, and even years, and set a course for your organization accordingly. If you can focus on what lies ahead, rather than what’s happening now, you’re more likely to emerge from the crisis stronger than before.
This tip is adapted from Are You Leading Through the Crisis … or Managing the Response?,” by Eric J. McNulty and Leonard Marcus


Source:  McNulty, E.J., & Marcus, L.  (2020). Are You Leading Through the Crisis … or Managing the Response?. Harvard Business Review.  From: https://hbr.org/2020/03/are-you-leading-through-the-crisis-or-managing-the-response?utm_medium=email&utm_source=newsletter_daily&utm_campaign=mtod_notactsubs . Retrieved on Apr 28, 2020, 3:37 PM

Nugroho J. Setiadi, PhD
  1. Fatah Panji Firmansyah (2001579780) This article reminds you to stay focused on the long term strategy. it has become the leader's job to make the best people in the future. Plan a better future about how to anticipate any obstacles that can occur both for the next week, month and even year, the company must be able to overcome them

  2. Afra Soraya (2001600393) Every job has a part that handles and responsibilities. The main key of a leader is trust in employees. Furthermore, the leader can think about future planning, anticipate obstacles and provide solutions or solutions to employees.

  3. As a leader, must always think and focus on the long term. Leader must lead the people to the future. To be able to do that, you need to delegate. Trust your people to handle the immediate response, and provide them with support and guidance to make tough decisions.

  4. Mohammad Rakhel Rahadian Harris/2001577226 from this article I understand as a leader your main focus must be on the long term. After all, it is your job to lead your people to the best possible future. To be able to do that, you need to delegate. Trust your people to handle the immediate response, and give them support and guidance to make difficult decisions.

  5. In the article, explain that when a crisis happen that means everything is full of complexity and change, then the executive is needed to lead and manage effectively. As a leader must guide people to the best outcome, focus on what will happen next and be ready to achieve it

  6. Monica Vania Stephanie (2001590796). In my opinion, a leader such a difficult position. So, the article is true about the the leader. They have to prepare the plan for long term, beside they think about what choice they to make in short term. But position as a leader is need it in one organization.

  7. Long term planning makes the leaders think creatively about the future of the organization. This also offers inspiration and insight into the kind of results needed to achieve company objectives and preventing the crisis stronger than before.

  8. Your response as a leader can affect the performance of an organization, so be careful with what tou say. Its all right to take your time before replying. At first let the questions sink

  9. Name: Jemmy Young, NIM: 2001624651 when we are in a situation that makes us very uncomfortable such as stress and fatigue then we will tend to respond to people briefly and respond to something just for now. doing things like this might fix and end people's questions, but only briefly. in the long run this can cause harm in the future because the people we respond to may lack information so making mistakes that ultimately also involve us.

  10. Being a leader, they must be able to commit and focus, they need to have clear vision and be able to control their team, having a strategy on what will happen in the future, and any condition in the future can also be prepared from now. Leader must be able to have a long-term strategy to help company or team gain value and to accomplish their goals/vision.

  11. If you see the reality about so many bad news nowadays, I get an important learning point from this current outbreak. This opportunity must be immediately turned into an opportunity to prepare for a better future. I think it's time to develop a plan or strategy in the long term. We alo need to ensure that the strategy will be much better than before once the market returns to normal.

  12. during covid outbreak, we know many problems faced by the company, it can be sign to the company what they have to prepare if the same problem come. leaders have to know and predict the future problems to avoid the risk of failing.

  13. on this article, i learned how leaders response by managing the response, it's not by just respond but it's about planning the future on the long term. it requires delegation. Thank you for the article, Sir. — Agustin Savira 2001604246

  14. Melyana Pangestu / 2001553112 Every business must have a plan for the future and so should its leader. If the leader has no plan for the future, everything that he/she and his/her team has is useless. Because whatever we do now, it will affect the future, so we need to think ahead for next steps we need to take.

  15. Ardi Santoso Wibowo / 2001576841 As we know to be a leader in every situation, it must to understand what will to do to making an decision and how to minimize risks. carefully in definition to completely the decision making

  16. Bayu Pratama - 2001624336. Dengan adanya pandemi covid 19, menurut saya kedepannya tiap organisasi akan lebih memerhatikan risk management. Karena situasi ini memiliki minim sekali informasi terhadap covid, sedangkan virus tersebut terus bermutasi, dan tidak ada yang tahu kapan akan berakhir. Organisasi juga memerlukan backup plan tidak hanya dalam situasi pandemi, namun hal lain seperti bencana yang dapat mengganggu aktivitas.

  17. Maximilian Fajar Linus - 2001574874 - LA26. A long-term plan is very important to determine the future of your company. If your company can get through a crisis and become stronger in the future then that will also be a good thing for your employees. So start to plan strategies to achieve these goals in the future.

  18. Ferrel Enoch Ibrahim - 2001547671. We have to think ahead not just short term but long term. If we think about long term, then we know how to plan the short term if we want to reach that long term.

  19. Kevin Bangun Renaldy - 2001536453 Saya setuju dengan artikel ini, karena di masa-masa seperti ini, peran pemimpin sangat diperlukan, agar perusahaan maupun organisasi bisa berjalan dengan baik, dan juga untuk menentukan arah perusahaan kedepannya, dan juga menangani masalah yang muncul di tengah jalan.

  20. owen fernaldi 2001553024 Building up a fates thinking workforce cultivates an air of innovativeness instead of an incapacitating atmosphere of dread and stagnation. Prospects thinking places the association on a way toward optimistic objectives and wanted results as opposed to attempting to keep the current activities and procedures above water

  21. Edo Roy - 2001547665 Dari artikel tersebut saya bisa mengetahui bahwa menjadi seorang leader tidak diperbolehkan untuk gampang menyerah.

  22. True, that long-term decision or planning is the most important. Because our long term is determined by what we do now, and now is determined by our previous planning. If our planning is very mature, there will be a possibility of good impact and minimize the bad risks that may occur

  23. william - 2201734865 from this article, i think there must be trust between leader and employee. and as a leader, we must plan everything in the future so that our company will grow rapidly.

  24. After reading the article, i learned that every leader in this world beside holding a very high responsibility in their team, they will also faced many challenges. It is very important for leader to do long term planning and also coordinate and trust the people so they can work together as team to achieve their goals and also can get through the problem or crisis together.

  25. Nikeisha Jillian - 2201732475 | A leader really needs to think about the long term, when they were planning and preparing a better needs for the company in the future. Because, it is very important to achieve the vision and mission of the company. In addition, it takes a good relationship between leaders and employees to be able to work together and find the solutions for the company problems together.

  26. (Havez All Ayyas - 2201819085) I agree with the article above, which when in the midst of a crisis a leader is needed, a leader is needed not only to respond to the short term but for the long term to get to the best possible future. A leader can organize his employees by trusting them (employees) with job descriptions that have been shared, so that the leader can focus on facing problems or crises in the future more calmly and strongly.

  27. Saya setuju dengan artikel ini bahwa seorang pemimpin tidak hanya memikirkan tentang jangka pendek tetapi harus memikirkan tentang jangka panjang juga. Seorang pemimpin harus bisa merencanakan serta menentukan strategi yang tepat dan memimpin anggotanya untuk menuju masa depan yang lebih baik.

  28. (Erica Lauren - 2201781722) I agree with this article. Through this, a leader should get used to thinking for the future, imagine what’s going to happen in the future, also how to deal with it. Having a long-term plan is a crucial thing for a leader. With a long-term plan, will make a company last longer also go along with any threats. Besides that, trust is an important thing in a team. A leader should have trust in all of the people on their team. Believe in them that they have the capability to do a work that has been delegated. From this trust, encourage them to feel confident with their skills. Lastly, very important for a leader to give support and direction, not leaving them just that. Thus, the team will able to feel a sense of leadership from their leader.

  29. I agree that managers must have their main focus for the long term because they are in control of the company and they are also the ones who deliver subordinates into the possible future. Besides that, with managers having a long term focus or thinking at least it can avoid unwanted problems or be able to get through the problem / crisis well.

  30. The actions of executives and their teams, in the midst of this corona virus crisis, will significantly determine their organizations’ future fate. That’s why, leaders need to focus on what is likely to come next and readying to meet it. That means seeing beyond the immediate to anticipate the next three, four, or five obstacles. Because if we as a leader, can focus on what lies ahead, rather than what’s happening now, we’re more likely to emerge from the crisis stronger than before.

  31. Every good leader must direct the whole team to do their best and achieve goals. For that a leader really needs to have a good focus. Both team focus and personal focus. There must be a priority which is a common goal so that the team does not lose direction.

  32. In my opinion, from this article the position of a leader is very much needed. Because if leaders only focus on the long term and give authority to their employees to make decisions in the present, it is very difficult if there is no supervision from the leader. Therefore, the role of a leader is needed not only for the long term, but also to supervise employees with decisions taken in the short term.

  33. A good leader is a leader who thinks about the long term who aims to make a strategic plan that makes a company grow. The leader must also focus on the goals and be responsible for everything.

  34. berdasarkan artikel tersebut bahwa untuk menjadi seorang pemimpin yang baik harus fokus pada apa yang akan terjadi kedepannya dibandingkan dengan memikirkan apa yang akan terjadi sekarang. Mengapa? karena itu akan memudahkan suatu organisasi untuk menyelesaikan permasalahan yang akan terjadi. seorang pemimpin juga harus membangun hubungan yang baik dengan bawahannya seperti memberi dukungan, himbauan serta kepercayaan kepada bawahannya dalam mengerjakan apapun karena bawahan akan menjadikan pemimpin sebagai acuan dalam bekerja.

  35. Dari artikel ini saya stuju bahwa untuk menjadi pemimpin kita harus berfikir jangka panjang dan fokus. apabila kita menjadi seorang namun masih berfikir jangka pendek bagaimana dengan orang orang yang kita pimpin, kita harus memberikan contoh yang baik. sebagai pemimpin memang harus berfikir kedepan apa yang akan terjadi dan belajar dari kesalahan sebelumnya serta terus memperbaikinya.

  36. saya setuju dengan artikel ini, bahwa untuk menjadi pemimpin kita harus memiliki tujuan jelas dan berfikir secara jangka panjang, tidak berfikir jangka pendek terus. dan harus menyadari bahwa orang orang yang kita pimpin pastinya akan melihat apa yang kita lakukan. sehingga jangan memberikan contoh yang tidak baik, melainkan menuntun mereka agar mencapai tujuan bersama.

  37. Saya sangat setuju dengan artikel diatas, karena bawahan yang sukses pasti ada campur tangan pemimpinnya, jika pemimpin salah mengambil langkah maka akan berujung ke bawahan juga, maka dari itu peran pemimpin yang penting ini menjadi tanggung jawab yang sangat berat, dari artikel di atas sebagai seorang pemimpin harus mempunyai pikiran jangka panjang yang baik untuk mencapai masa depan perusahaan yang "cerah". Terlebih seorang pemimpin harus dapat berinteraksi dengan baik kepada bawahannya untuk membangun loyalitas kepada perusahaannya agar terus menjadi sebuah kesatuan yang kuat untuk menjalani "batu kerikil" di masa yang akan datang.