How to Answer Tough Questions About the Crisis



shared by: Nugroho J. Setiadi, PhD

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In these times, leaders and managers are often being called upon to answer especially difficult questions that you may not know how to answer. But that doesn’t mean you can’t provide a helpful and honest response. For example, if someone asks you about the future of the company, avoid a canned answer like, “I assure you we’re doing everything in our power to weather this storm,” which could come off as dismissive. Instead, listen for what’s behind the question. People under stress are often unable to communicate as clearly as they’d like. You can acknowledge the question that was asked, but say something like: “I suspect some of these questions are rooted in concerns about job stability and how a recession could impact the company. Let me tell you how we’re beginning to think about these things.” Don’t take it personally if people’s questions come off as angry or frustrated. Think about the stress that they’re under, and show compassion. Even if you can’t alleviate the uncertainty of the moment, you can still provide a sense of solidarity and stability that will go a long way.
This tip is adapted from How to Answer an Unanswerable Question,” by Ron Carucci


Source:  Carucci, R.  (2020). How to Answer an Unanswerable Question. Harvard Business Review.  From: . Retrieved on May 8, 2020, 3:37 PM

Nugroho J. Setiadi, PhD
  1. Fatah Panji Firmansyah (2001579780) In these circumstances many people are panicking about the continuity of the work they are facing, as leaders they must respond to this with a cold attitude, if there are questions the leaders can answer by empathizing as if we were on the part of employees and answering answers that can calm.

  2. Afra Soraya (2001600393) I agree with this article, when the circumstances we experience will cause excessive worry and stress. But every leader must be able to deal with any circumstance such as responding wisely, providing solutions that can calm someone down by imagining as if we were employees. If it can’t reduce the current uncertainty, we can still provide a sense of solidarity and stability that will last a long time.

  3. Because of these situation many people asking a difficult question that can lead to misunderstanding, this article tells us how to answered it. If somebody asking a question, don't answer it right away but listen for what’s behind the question and remember don’t take it personally if people’s questions come off as angry or frustrated.

  4. Mohammad Rakhel Rahadian Harris/2001577226 from this article I understand to listen to what's behind the question. People who are stressed often can't communicate as clearly as they want. You can acknowledge the question posed, but say something like I suspect some of these questions are rooted in concerns about job stability and how the recession could impact the company. Let me tell you how we started to think about these things.

  5. Every company, of course, has its crisis time, and its impact on the employee in the company too. Leaders and Managers must create conditions that didn't make the other employees stress, by providing a sense of solidarity and stability that we can get through this difficult time.

  6. In the pandemic situation, as a leader and manager when facing questions during a crisis is to stick to what is known about the event rather than commenting on what might have happened or the potential consequences. Dealing with questions during a crisis is undoubtedly difficult, but knowing the types of questions that will be faced and need to be prepared will make it less daunting

  7. as a leader, your answer can affect the organizations performance, so becareful with what tou say. its okay to take your time before answering them. let the questions sink in first

  8. Name: Jemmy Young, NIM: 2001624651 in answering difficult questions you can be convincing or calming. both must be used according to circumstances. if we feel the situation can be controlled then answer convincingly, if not then answer calmly.

  9. A leader must be able to respond and gives example to their follower. Leader must be able to encourage team and this will make all the worry and stress decrease little by little.

  10. In this current outbreak, there must be lots of questions that managers or leaders might not be able to respond with valid data or answers. But this is not a problem if the managers or leaders can calm the situation by not promising something but showing commitment or efforts to care for problems in the current situation.

  11. the unexpected and hard questions will make the leaders confuse and stress. but they must show their integrity to the workers by answer it even they need to take a longer time to answer. give some explanation why we cant answer it right now, and give expected time how long they have to wait for the answer.

  12. on this article, i learned how to answer the unanswerable question by listening and acknowledge the question that was asked provide a sense of solidarity and stability that will go a long way. Thank you for the article, Sir. — Agustin Savira 2001604246

  13. Monica Vania Stephanie (2001590796). As a leader, they have to know the answer for every single question. If they can't answer the question, they can search it and then tell the correct answer. Don't panic when you can't answer the question.

  14. Melyana Pangestu / 2001553112 Everything we do, we must do it with all our heart. If we do, we can give a good response that does not hurt the feelings of others. We can spread the goodness and the other good things to others. As we usually hear, every word can affect other people, so we have to think twice with our words.

  15. Bayu Pratama - 2001624336. Dalam situasi krisis ini, sosok figur dari leader sangatlah dibutuhkan. Karena setiap statement dan keputusan yang diberikan akan berdampak pada anggotanya. Perlu untuk mengumpulkan informasi terlebih dahulu tentang situasi krisis tersebut sehingga leader dapat membuat keputusan yang tepat.

  16. Maximilian Fajar Linus - 2001574874 - LA26. I agree with the statement contained in the article above. In times of crisis, of course all situations become difficult. People become easily stressed and certainly have many doubts because of the impact of the crisis. As managers we are expected to be able to provide realistic answers and to be able to increase the morale of our employees rather than just giving overly artificial and exaggerated answers which in turn can be considered non-serious by our employees. By providing realistic answers and rebuilding the morale of our employees, of course, it can reduce the impact of stress and doubts that arise on them, which in turn can also improve the quality of work of employees and company performance.

  17. Ferrel Enoch Ibrahim - 2001547671. In stress time, people usually panic, then stressed, and can't think clearly. We must remain calm in every situation so we can think clearly and can answer the question in a wise way.

  18. Kevin Bangun Renaldy - 2001536453 Ini adalah pertanyaan yang akan muncul kepada setiap atasan di setiap perusahaan dalam kondisi krisis seperti ini, benar adanya seperti artikel di atas, seorang atasan maupun leader harus bisa menjawab dengan tenang dan meyakinkan, dan mengatakan realitanya, tanpa menjatuhkan moral dan mental rekan kerja, hal ini penting dilakukan, karena mental dan moral rekan kerja kita adalah salah satu hal penting di dalam berjalannya sebuah perusahaan.

  19. Edo Roy - 2001547665 Menggunakan bahasa yang tepat dalam menjawab pertanyaan sangatlah penting. jangan sampai kita terlihat tidak bisa menjawab pertanyaan yang telah di berikan

  20. By speaking well and supporting that even in a crisis situation you can still develop, even if the worst things happen, you might be able to develop elsewhere.

  21. Kisia Anthonete Paulus-2201787316| There are situation that we often meet a question that is very difficult to answer. I agree with this article, if someone ask question that is hard to answer first we have to be calm and listen what's behind the question. We have to understand and listen to the question very clearly and don't take this question personally, because sometimes when people are stress or feel under pressure they can not communicate very clearly and if we are panic and don't understand the situation it will be hard to answer the question and this will make the situation become worse. The key in answering a difficult question is we have to keep calm and don't panic.

  22. Reyhan Primananda - 2440088053 - LB86. Menurut saya, sangatlah penting jika kita harus menenangkan diri saat menjawab pertanyaan yang bagi kita sulit untuk dijawab. Karena jika kita mengalami kepanikan dan stress yang berlebih saat menjawab pertanyaan, maka itu akan membuat jawaban kita menjadi tidak jelas bagi orang yang bertanya, sehingga membuat komunikasi yang buruk dalam pekerjaan. maka dari itu kita harus berhati-hati dengan jawaban kita sendiri, sehingga kinerja kita tidak mengalami penurunan.