Check the Tone of Your Message Before Hitting Send
shared by: Nugroho J. Setiadi, PhD LinkedIn: Google citation index:
When teams are working remotely and stress levels are high, it’s all too easy to miscommunicate. Even well-intentioned messages can be misconstrued. So how do you avoid sending a Slack message or email that could be interpreted as passive-aggressive? One option is to use an emoji, which can go a long way in signaling tone, meaning, and emotion. But be careful — too many emojis could undermine your professionalism. Consider your audience before sending a slew of smileys. As a rule of thumb, try sticking to one emoji per message — unless it’s the very first time you’re communicating with someone, in which case, you might leave them out altogether. Also, be sure to spend a few minutes proofreading your message for typos, which are a not-so-subtle signal that you were in a rush or heightened emotional state when you hit send. Finally, read your message aloud to ensure that it’s clear and conveys the right tone. You don’t want to make a colleague unnecessarily anxious by saying, “Let’s talk,” when you mean something more like, “These are good suggestions, let’s discuss how to work them into the draft.” Putting a little more thought into the tone of your digital communication will make you the kind of colleague people look forward to working with. |
This tip is adapted from “10 Digital Miscommunications — and How to Avoid Them,” by Liz Fosslien and Mollie West Duffy |
Source: Fosslien, L & Duffy, M. W. (2020). 10 Digital Miscommunications — and How to Avoid Them. Harvard Business Review. From: . Retrieved on Apr 13, 2020, 3:37 PM
Fatah Panji Firmansyah Fatah Panji Firmansyah (2001579780) Misunderstandings often occur especially if only by using text. the thing that can be done is to use emojis effectively then reread the message before sending it to make sure the message we write is clear and away from things that can make a mistake
Afra Soraya - 2001600393 Afra Soraya (2001600393) In reducing misunderstanding of messages, emojis can be an alternative. Other alternatives such as employees can use polite words and choose words that match the message sent to whom, such as friends with division can use words that are closer, if the colleague can use words that are less formal. Don't forget to re-read the message before sending to avoid confusing the message.
Agustin Savira - 2001604246 on this article, i learned that during this virtual communication with the teams are working remotely, it's easy to miscommunicate. so, how to having a message interpreted as passive-aggresive, is to use emojis and re-read message to ensure that it's clear and conveys the right tone. Thank you for the article, Sir. — Agustin Savira 2001604246
Ghia Sakanti Narendrakanyaka - 2001578374 Misunderstanding and miscommunicating are often happen especially when we feel stressed and were in a rush. This article tells us how to reduce misunderstanding. We can communicate using an emoji which can go a long way in signaling tone, meaning, and emotion. Always make sure to check the tone of the message and the typing before you sending it out.
mohammad rakhel rahadian harris Mohammad Rakhel Rahadian Harris/2001577226 this article taught me to prevent misunderstanding, we can communicate using emoji but you must consider your audience before sending a slew of smileys. As a rule of thumb, try sticking to one emoji per message unless it’s the very first time you’re communicating with someone, in which case, you might leave them out altogether.
Irfan Arsyad - 2001583752 I agree with this article that digital communication can bring misunderstanding and slack between others. But we can prevent it by using an emoticon, make the context clear and read it first with your tone. Preventing misunderstanding and slack is a good step to gain good communication.
Wulandari - 2001610583 In light of this global shift where we have to work from home and all levels of stress increase, it is very important to take steps to avoid miscommunication when working as part of a virtual team. Steps that can be taken are paying attention to sending messages etiquette such as using emojis, realizing typos, proofread your message.
Muhammad Ragil Kesuma Putra (20015839) Using text messages usually make the text more ambigous. so use emoji to let them know the tone of your messages. however if its so important, why nt just call them? it'll make them understand better
Jemmy Young 2001624651 Name: Jemmy Young, NIM: 2001624651 talking face to face and through messages is very different. if face to face we can show expression but through messages can not and this can result in someone catching our intentions wrong. for that use of punctuation is very necessary. in my opinion the punctuation that really needs attention is the exclamation mark and the letter capital.
Brian Richard - 2001580321 This article is very useful because sometimes people might misunderstood on what we're saying, especially when it comes to a passive-aggressive statements. Use emoji but not too much is the best option to help others know our intonation and feelings :-)
Raden Mikail Akbar Aulia - 2001615205 It is important that your message is heard and perceived correctly by your audience. Be aware of your own preferred style of communication - whether it be speaking to others in person or via email. Understand how your tone, body language, and word choice impacts the message you are sending across in order to avoid misunderstandings.
Verent Angelia - 2001609745 misscomunicating because work remotely can be happened. by messaging, the receiver can be misinterpret what we try to say. emoji, cross check and try to say the message out loud before send it are the way to minimize the risk of misscomunicating
Monica Vania Stephanie (2001590796) Monica Vania Stephanie (2001590796). When we are stress, we are commontly send the message without thinking about the tone of the message. The tone of message can be misunderstood by the receiver. So, before send the message think the words correctly so it won't hurt anyone.
Melyana Pangestu Melyana Pangestu / 2001553112 Communication is very important, especially in this situation. Every word we say or we type can affect the person we are talking to. This may be good or bad news, but whatever it is, we still need to pay attention to our words so as not to cause misunderstanding.
Bayu Pratama Bayu Pratama - 2001624336. Perkembangan teknologi membuat penggunanya dapat mengirim pesan secara singkat, namun dapat menimbulkan dampak negatif, contohnya adalah miskomunikasi. Karena dalam mengirim pesan teks, pembaca tidak bisa menebak ekspresi dan nada tidak seperti ketika berbicara. Penting untuk mengecek kembali isi pesan sebelum mengirim untuk menghindari adanya miskomunikasi
Maximilian Fajar Linus Maximilian Fajar Linus - 2001574874 - LA26. I agree with the article above. It is important for us to correct the message that we will send to someone to avoid misperceptions that might occur when we speak through the short messages applications, we must also pay attention to whether the words we will convey can roughly offend the person we are talking to later or not. By paying attention to things like that of course we will be able to maintain our relationship with others.
Ferrel Enoch Ibrahim Ferrel Enoch Ibrahim - 2001547671. I agree with the article. Misunderstanding is very common in messaging something. So it's important to be very carefull before we send our message to other
Kevin Bangun Renaldy Kevin Bangun Renaldy - 2001536453 Saya setuju dengan artikel ini, terkadang memang mispersepsi sering terjadi dalam komunikasi chat, benar adanya penggunaan emoji bisa menggambarkan suasana dan intonasi serta nada, tetapi harus diperhatikan, lawan bicara kita, jika lawan bicara kita adalah atasan, maka menurut saya diminimalisir sebaik mungkin, karna kita juga tidak ingin karna emoji bisa membuat kita disalah artikan juga, dan sebaiknya juga kita mengetahui arti emoji tersebut, karena banyak orang yang menggunakan emoji tanpa mengetahui makna sebenarnya emoji tersebut
Edo Roy Edo Roy - 2001547665 Menjaga nada saat memberikan pesan suara atau membaca ulang text bahasa yang telah kita ketik pada pesan sangatlah penting agar tidak terjadi salah paham kepada penerima pesan
Sri Wulan H.T (2001548535) I agree with the above statement, and I also feel that communication via social media often miss communication, so maybe one solution is to use emojis to exchange messages, but it should also be noted that messages are not too full of emojis and don't use emojis that make the reader becomes ambiguous