Be Extra Nice to Your Colleagues Right Now



shared by: Nugroho J. Setiadi, PhD

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When you’re under constant stress, it’s not always easy to be patient and understanding with your coworkers. But being judgmental doesn’t help anyone. How can you find — and demonstrate — empathy for your colleagues when you’re emotionally depleted? First, accept that we’re all coping with the coronavirus crisis differently. For example, you may find it helpful to pay close attention to the news, for example, while a colleague prefers to limit the amount of information they take in. Also, be generous in your interpretations of others when they send a terse email or look grumpy on a video call. It’s more than likely that their mood has nothing to do with you or work. Do your part by being honest about what you’re feeling at the moment and clearly communicating your needs. And remember that your coworkers are likely suffering in ways that you don’t see or necessarily understand. Don’t try to compare suffering. Instead, lean into compassion, empathy, and kindness.
This tip is adapted from What Your Coworkers Need Right Now Is Compassion,” by Amy Gallo


Source:  Gallo, A.  (2020). What Your Coworkers Need Right Now Is Compassion. Harvard Business Review.  From: . Retrieved on May 6, 2020, 3:37 PM

Nugroho J. Setiadi, PhD
  1. Fatah Panji Firmansyah (2001579780) In this article we know that everyone faces and sees problems in different ways so we must convey what we really feel so that communication is clear. And remember not to draw conclusions too easily.

  2. Afra Soraya (2001600393) Never assume someone quickly. In this situation misunderstanding will be easier to arise. Before making conclusions, imagine our position as if the position of the person. Always maintain positive thoughts, if indeed the person looks stressed or angry or upset many factors cause it.

  3. We must more understanding to face the situation. When you’re under constant stress, it’s not always easy to be patient and understanding with your coworkers. I feel that too sometimes, but we also must think about the other's feeling too because every people facing this kind of situation differently. So, don't easily making an assumption.

  4. Mohammad Rakhel Rahadian Harris/2001577226 from this article we must understand people feeling and we must more unstrand the situation. When you’re under constant stress, it’s not always easy to be patient and understanding with your coworkers. But being judgmental doesn’t help anyone. so don't make assumptions for someone too quickly, because we don't know what that person is going through

  5. From the article above, what we must do if we are under pressure due to this pandemic is to try to understand that all are facing the same crisis, understand the feelings of others and do not compare suffering

  6. The important thing is to understand others. Understanding others as the first element of empathy, by giving them an empathy that helps us understand how others are feeling so we can respond appropriately to the situation.

  7. never took anyhing emotionally when it comes to work, it would just create disasters. just calm yourself first and then talk

  8. Name: Jemmy Young, NIM: 2001624651 in the current situation many people become stressed and depressed so that the mood becomes very bad and this can become a conflict with other people. current conditions make us hope that others understand our suffering but the reality is not everyone can understand. for that I am very much with this article where at this time we must focus on empathy in interacting.

  9. If we're stressed, it's important to have your own time first, don't take anything from your co-worker emotionally because it will make it worst. But, empathy plays role too in here, we need to understand if there are our colleagues that might be stressed, we don't disturb them for a while.

  10. If you want to be a respectful coworker during this challenging time, show your peers you care by taking time to understand their world, showing some emotial empathy, stay in touch, and find ways to offer support. If we do, we may just come out of the other side of these health crises closer and more connected to our coworkers.

  11. In this situation, we will find any problems. if our colleagues make some problems, we cant judge them directly, we have to understand situation in each person is different. also we have to being honest with our feeling and tell them without offending them personally

  12. on this article, i learned during this crisis, stress around people is increasing. it's time to developing some empathy by talking about acceptance of this covid crisis differently by lean into compassion, empathy, and kindness. Thank you for the article, Sir. — Agustin Savira 2001604246

  13. Melyana Pangestu / 2001553112 In this situation, everyone may have their own pressure, so to reduce it, we can communicate clearly and honestly with each other to spread kindness, empathy and compassion with many people.

  14. Monica Vania Stephanie (2001590796). As a employee in one company, you don't work alone. Understand the problem of every people, because they have their problems. It's better to care with others or hear what the problem, give the best solution for it. Or we can give some space to let them finish their problem.

  15. Ardi Santoso Wibowo - 2001576841 yes, we must to understand about we have an problem, we dont ever pretend to be an goodman if we starts a tired and will gone wrong

  16. Bayu Pratama - 2001624336. Dalam situasi pandemi ini, semua pihak merasakan dampak negatifnya. perlu adanya sikap empati, membantu satu sama lain. Dalam situasi yang menegangkan ini, kita tidak boleh langsung menghakimi apa yang diperbuat oleh seseorang, lebih baik untuk memahami terlebih dahulu dibandingkan langsung menghakimi yang akan memperburuk keadaan.

  17. Maximilian Fajar Linus - 2001574874 - LA26. We must be able to understand each other and understand one's feelings. It could be someone is experiencing things that are not wearing and make the mood in the day is not good so that it gives an uncomfortable response. Not everyone has something in common with us.

  18. Ferrel Enoch Ibrahim - 2001547671. We can't interfere in other people's business because we don't know what is happening to them, what cause them to do that. Just act like usual and don't mention any of it until they told you themself.

  19. Kevin Bangun Renaldy - 2001536453 Hal ini adalah salah satu hal penting dalam berorganisasi, termasuk dalam pekerjaan, karena kita tidak mengetahui isi kedalaman hati seseorang, alangkah baiknya jika kita berempati, dan berusaha memahami orang tersebut, jika bisa membantu, kita boleh membantu rekan kerja tersebut, karena bagaimanapun keadaannya, kita adalah sebuah tim yang saling membutuhkan satu sama lain, saat yang satu jatuh, yang lain harus mengangkat yang jatuh tersebut.

  20. Edo Roy - 2001547665 Menurut saya kita harus mengetahui kepribadian co-worker kita yang sedang dalam ada masalah. bisa saja co worker kita membutuhkan teman untuk curhat tetapi bisa juga co worker kita membutuhkan waktu sendiri

  21. Right, we need to have empathy and respect for others. Especially if we have a position as a leader, we cannot interfere in our personal affairs in business affairs. We must be professional, however heavy or when we are in trouble, we must remain professional

  22. Kisia Anthonete Paulus-2201787316. After reading the article i learned that when we working with our coworkers sometimes we don't understand their situation. to prevent that we have to try build our relationship with our coworkers and try to communicate with them. communicate is very important, we can ask if there is something wrong so both parties can honest about what they feel, understand both situation and work together without feeling stress. and we have to try not easily make an assumption, we have to think positive all the time.

  23. (Erica Lauren-2201781722) In the middle of this pandemic, which requires us to social distancing, it affects our emotions to be more sensitive. Thus, it is very easy to trigger stress or anger. Through this article, when we are under pressure or angry, spreading our emotions and thinking that we are right and they are wrong is not good for interactions between colleagues. It would be better for us to accept that anger and learn to control it. Then, discuss it with our colleagues so that the interaction between colleagues does not get damaged. The impact of this global crisis has made some people more sensitive. For some, it is very important to know as much information as possible, but some do not but seek the appropriate convenience. Therefore, it is very important to be able to understand every situation that is happening by having a sense of sympathy and empathy. Understanding that each person faces their own problems also have their own strength to endure their problems. Keep in mind that sympathy and empathy are the foundation of compassion, our work colleagues need it.

  24. Sometimes the situations of our workplace is not good and not condusive. It turns into emotional. But, we learn to manage ourselves for become more patient and understand each other. Especially because of this pandemic. We have to build a good communication with our colleagues as the main focus. Therefore, the mood and condition will get better.

  25. Always put yourself in someone else's shoes. Meskipun kita tidak memahami masalah mereka, cobalah untuk lebih berempati dan lebih ramah terhadap orang lain, karena suatu waktu kita juga membutuhkan bantuan rekan kita. Lebih terbuka dalam berkomunikasi, saling bertukar pikiran dengan rekan kerja, agar tidak terjadi kesalahpahaman yang menyebabkan perselisihan.

  26. Nowadays, many of us are working in new and suboptimal conditions. We’re dealing with unprecedented levels of stress and anxiety. But each of us are coping with the crisis differently, that’s why we need to always practicing and showing compassion even we’re also under constant stress, rather than trying to compare suffering. Communicating with kindness and empathy will reduces pressure, anxiety, which will makes us more resilient to stress and burnout. Beside, being compassionate with colleagues doesn’t just affect both parties, but also has a positive impact on the performance culture in general either. Therefore, it’s very important to try to find ways to remain open to compassion.

  27. Agree, menurut saya itu merupakan hal penting yang sederhana tetapi akan berakibat sangat fatal jika kita ceroboh. Hal-hal seperti itu sangat dibutuhkan didalam dunia kerja maupun dikehidupan sehari-hari. Kita harus respect dan memiliki rasa empati yang tinggi terhadap satu sama lain karena kita tidak tahu apa yang terjadi pada lawan bicara sebelum dia bertemu dengan kita, bukan hanya focus pada satu hal melainkan seseorang pasti memiliki hal-hal lain yang harus ia hadapi, dengan begitu akan tercipta hubungan yang baik antar keduanya.