The Importance Of Lifelong Learning In The Future Work

This classical model has traditionally produced prestigious universities, but it is now challenged by the digitalization of society—which allows everybody who is connected to the internet to access learning—and by the need to acquire skills in step with a fast-changing world. If technological diffusion and implementation develop faster, workers will have to constantly refresh their skills.

By teaching foundational knowledge and up-to-date skills, universities will provide students with the future-proof skills of lifelong learning, not just get them “job-ready.”  This new role comes with a huge set of challenges, and needs largely to be invented.

The bachelor’s degree could be your passport to lifelong learning.

Recent advances in computational methods and data science push us into rethinking science and engineering.

We are not advocating its abolition but rather calling for the adaptation of its characteristics to meet the needs of today.

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Dr. Maria Grace Herlina S.Sos.,MM. & Cherys Santy