Stop Trying to Tackle Too Many Goals at Once

shared by: Nugroho J. Setiadi, PhD

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Most of us know that trying to tackle too many goals at once is a bad idea. It’s tough to make meaningful progress on any of them, and you’re more likely to just give up. So take a step back to determine which goal deserves your focus right now. Make sure your goal is aligned with your company’s strategic vision. The most direct way to do this is to ask your boss for input: What do you think is the most important goal I can be working on this year? If you’re choosing between equally compelling goals, the next step is to put them in chronological order to determine their optimal sequence. Make a list of what you’ll need to have in place — skills, knowledge, connections, assets, etc. — in order to accomplish your longer-term goals. Be on the lookout for a “keystone goal,” that, if accomplished, makes everything else easier or more attainable. And commit to sticking with your goal for a predetermined amount of time. If you don’t see immediate progress, don’t be tempted to switch course. Give it at least six months. By then you’ll have a better sense of whether you’re on the right track.
This tip is adapted from Don’t Bog Yourself Down with Too Many Goals,” by Dorie Clark


Source:  Clark, D.  (2020). Don’t Bog Yourself Down with Too Many Goals. Harvard Business Review.  From: . Retrieved on Feb 12, 2020, 4:38 PM


Nugroho J. Setiadi, PhD
  1. Calvin Sioe/2001551460 Menurut saya, mengerjakan banyak goals secara bersamaan berpotensi membuat goals tersebut tidak tercapai karena usaha kita menjadi kurang maksimal karena fokus kita terbagi-bagi oleh banyak goals. Akan lebih baik jika goals dikerjakan satu per satu gar hasilnya lebih maksimal.

  2. Everyone knows that's a bad idea, so we need to reconsider it again by prioritizing any activities or goals which one give benefits the most. Even though having a lot of goals seems nice, it's really hard in practice. A man need to focus in order to gain what he wants. Commitment is also one of the most important key for us to reach our goal.

  3. Monica Vania Stephanie / 2001590796. I agree with this article because when you want to complete many goals, you can’t do it. When you want to finish all of your goals it can’t be at the same time. If you push to do it all, you can't finish the job perfectly. You can accomplish the goals step by step, after finish with 1 goal you can start to finish another goal. You can also plan how long do you want to finish all of the goals.

  4. Maximilian Fajar Linus - 2001574874 - LA26. Menurut saya membuat skala prioritas dapat membantu dalam menyelesaikan tugas. Dari pada kita mengejar semua hal dalam waktu yang hampir bersamaan dan akhirnya semuanya berakhir menjadi berantakan lebih baik kita tentukan dulu hal-hal apa yang dapat menjadi prioritas untuk diselesaikan terlebih dahulu lalu disusul dengan hal-hal yang tidak terlalu penting atau dapat ditunda.

  5. Edo Roy - 2001547665 Prioritizing our goal is important to do because doing all of the thing together we can make a mistake. in my opinion we must do it one by one slowly but surely to achieve our goal. last but not least we must do it with all our might and be satisfied by our own achievment because there is no such thing as perfect work.

  6. In my opinion, we can have as many goals as we like. As long as we can keep our focus. If we can multitask and simultaneously work on each of our goals without feeling overwhelmed by it, we can have as many goals as we like. But then, the trick is to prioritize which ones are the most important.

  7. Melyana Pangestu / 2001553112 We need to focus on one goal in our lives, because we can push our limits to it, so we can achieve it immediately.

  8. I agree with the tips in this article, we can have many goals. But we must choose one of the main goals for a predetermined period of time and keep in mind that these goals can suit us. Commitment is our main key to success in achieving a goal, by being committed and not giving up easily, we will be easy to achieve it. Thank you, Afra Soraya – 2001600393.

  9. in my opinion, having many goals is a sure-path to disappointment. You’re likely to end up frazzled and frustrated, as you’ll feel that you’re never making enough progress.

  10. Bayu Pratama - 2001624336 . Setiap orang memiliki tujuan dan visi nya masing - masing yang ingin dicapai dan biasanya memiliki lebih dari 2 goals. Tetapi tidak semuanya bisa dicapai secara bersamaan, perlu adanya tindakan untuk memprioritaskan dari berbagai tujuan yang kita miliki dan yang harus difokuskan terlebih dahulu. Di artikel ini memberikan tips untuk mengatasinya agar tidak salah mengambil keputusan.

  11. we have many goals in our life and try to achieve the goals at the same time, it will make us unfocus to all the goals and delay the time to achieve them. rather than trying to achieve the goals at the same time, its better if we prioritized the goals and focus one by one. we will achieve more goals easier than do all the goals at the same time.

  12. It's good to have many goals in life but it's better if you only focus on one or the main goal. Choose the goals that you think you need to focus first so that the results will be better when you focus on many goals.

  13. Kita tidak boleh mempunyai banyak "goals" sehingga fokus kita terbagi-bagi. Mulai lah fokus mencapai target kita satu per satu sehingga kita bisa fokus pada target kita supaya kita dapat menyelesaikan target kita itu dengan baik.

  14. Mohammad Rakhel Rahadian Harris/200157726 We may have many targets but we cannot solve it in close proximity, so our focus is divided. we should complete one target and then we begin to pursue other targets so we can focus on our targets so we can complete our targets properly and on time.

  15. having many goals or target make you hard to reach that, because its never make you satisfied, you must focus on one goal then after reach it you can move to your next goals and not achieve it in the same time.

  16. Erlyta Agustin W- 2001598956 Disini saya mendapat kan pencerahan mengenai apa yang akan saya capai , bagimana saya harus menetukan apa yg ingin saya tuju,menjadikannya daftar yang rapi dan memfokuskan pada barisan yang ingin dicapai. Bagimana saya harus membuat jalur benar dalam pencapaian yang akan saya capai

  17. nama: jemmy young nim: 2001624651 I myself determine the number of goals depending on what goals I want to achieve, if more than one goal and connected then I dare to take more than one goal but if the goal is difficult and requires a lot of focus then I will only set one goal.

  18. Daniel Nalom 1901497174 LA26 It its more likely ro boost our confident everytime we, ourselves, achieved a keystone on our list and get motivated on doing the next task on plan..

  19. Daniel Nalom 1901497174 LA26 It its more likely to boost our confident everytime we, ourselves, achieved a keystone on our list and get motivated on doing the next task on plan..

  20. ade hafizh arifta-2001596244 I agree with this article, we must choose which goals we want, and must be aligned with the vision and mission. then that way we can focus on one goal

  21. Fatah Panji Firmansyah (2001579780) I agree with this article, because if our focus is divided, it will lead to less than maximum results, so make a priority where things need to come first in order to get maximum results.

  22. on this article, i learned that having one clear goals is more than tackle many goals that is resulting unclear goals, that does not having meaningful progress on any of them goals that resulting giving up because exhausting. by it, it will have a better sense on the right track Thank you for the article, Sir. — Agustin Savira 2001604246

  23. Having many goals is actually a good thing, however tackling them all at once is a bad idea. so you need to tackle them one by one. there are things to consider when you decide which goal you wanna pursue, such as which one is more important, or which one you wanna do first, and many other things

  24. Focusing on one goal will make you get your dream faster than your focus will be divided on many goals. In terms of business, Business strategy is the company's efforts to take policies and guidelines that have commitments and integrated actions and are designed to build excellence in business competition to meet and achieve business goals. With the existence of a business strategy, the company is able to determine the direction of the company by identifying it in terms of markets, competitors, customers and so forth. To achieve maximum business profit, here are six business strategies that can be carried out.

  25. Kevin Bangun Renaldy - 2001536453 Dari artikel ini saya mendapat satu hal bagus, yaitu kita tidak boleh atau dianjurkan untuk mengejar satu goal dalam satu moment, mengapa ? karena mengejar beberapa atau bahkan banyak goal akan membuat fokus kita terpecah, dan meningkatkan kemungkinan semua goal tidak akan tercapai, jika kita fokus pada satu goal yang penting, maka goal tersebut bisa menjadi achievement kita sebagai pegawai dan achievement perusahaan juga.

  26. Focusing on one goal and one goal is the best. As there is a quote saying "it's better to practice 1 moment 10,000 times, compared to learning 10,000 moves but only practice it once"