Research And Development In Pharmaceuticals And Medical


Business Development is an ideas, initiatives, or activities to create a long-term value for an organization for customers, markets, and relationships in the business world. Business Development use revenue, expansion, and strategic partnership as their measurement for expanding their ideas for business. Business Development is used across different department in organization, such as Sales, Marketing, Project Management, Product Management, Vendor Management, and Partnership. Mostly, cases in Business Development because of the business expansion can be felt by almost every unit of the business. There’s a different process in business between traditional business and digital business. As a Business Developer, we need to improve our business to make it sustain in the digital business. Business Developer is one of most wanted job in the future, because its position will never dull. If we want to be a Business Developer in future, we need to know what kind of competencies that we have. Besides, we do need to know too what kind of specialty that we can handle. We have to strength our personal branding and networking to make a great impression.


Based on the article, Business Development and Researchers or R&D (Research & Development) used to helps to make an innovation, improve productivity and performance, and develop successful strategies. In driving innovation, R&D needs to meet changing industry needs, or support efforts to attract, motivate, and mobilize. Developer helps to innovate product that offer substantial benefits over hundreds of competitor. Next, in improving productivity and performance, R&D have to calculate financing and partnership that minimize cost and risk. R&D helps design clinical strategies that maximize the chance for a successful approval with the best possible label too. A developer have to understand the changing vendor landscape and their offer global reach and expertise to identify the right outsourcing. They capture opportunities and greater value from emerging markets too. A Researcher & Developer helps to analyze the clinical budget and the company too. Their identify compound that will provide more value in established markets or generate demand in rapidly growing markets. They also execute the opportunities by their developing the business.

Reference :

Dr. Maria Grace Herlina S.Sos.,MM. & Nabila Ailsa Rachmadianti