Recruiting Tips Leveraging Your Strongest Asset

In the workplace, when willing to work in our new company as a prospective employee sends a wide range of important documents. Such as CV (Curriculum Vitae), a variety of certificates (ranging from academic and non-academic), education diploma, etc. The skills we can also enter CV as our experience. Skills are talents and abilities that we have developed over time through involvement in various activities such as employment, internships, volunteers, athletics, courses, student organizations, hobbies, etc. Often times, these skills are ignored or understated at the time we fill the resume or during the interview. However, skills may actually be our strongest asset during a job search. In order to determine what transferable skills, we must identify two things namely; What we need for the desired job. And it can be seen in the job description for the skills and qualifications required by the company. And, what we have (can be seen what skills we offer to the company). When creating resumes and cover letters, we should consider making the relationship between the job requirements and the transferable skills we have had to be clear.


Dr. Maria Grace Herlina S.Sos.,MM. & Shafa Annisa Febrianty