Look to the Great Outdoors to Inspire Your Next Leadership Training

shared by: Nugroho J. Setiadi, PhD

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Many leadership development programs fail to help participants develop dynamic, collaborative skills. But you can improve this training by taking some cues from wilderness adventure expeditions. These programs put participants in complex, unfamiliar environments that present opportunities for collaborative decision-making in ways that might not happen in a traditional conference room setting. Outdoor experiences require people to purposefully prepare — physically, logistically, and mentally — for the challenges ahead and to react to continuous, multisource feedback in real-time. You either end up where you intend to be on the map (or don’t), the tent stays dry (or doesn’t), and everyone leaves on time in the morning (or finds themselves eating dinner in the dark). Ongoing interactions build camaraderie and create a team norm of open discussion and honest feedback. That trust can often last long after the expedition ends. Also, participants on these sorts of trips are given repeated challenges, which allows them to put lessons into practice right away. While you don’t have to fly your leaders to a remote island and hand them a tent, stove, and kayak paddle to get these results, you can bring a little bit of the outdoors inside to enhance your next training and expand your employees’ potential.
This tip is adapted from Get Adventurous with Your Leadership Training,” by Christopher G. Myers and Mike Doyle


Source:  Myers, C.G., & Doyle, M.  (2020). Get Adventurous with Your Leadership Training. Harvard Business Review.  From: https://hbr.org/2020/02/get-adventurous-with-your-leadership-training?utm_medium=email&utm_source=newsletter_daily&utm_campaign=mtod_notactsubs. Retrieved on Mar 9, 2020, 3:38 PM

Nugroho J. Setiadi, PhD
  1. I think the most important thing in this article is the continuous feedback given to participants. With continuous feedback, participants can learn from their mistakes. Leadership isn't an easy job for most of people so feedback from other could really help building the leadership style of someone.

  2. Andi Wijaya - 2001592372 teamwork build trust and wilderness adventure expeditions is one of the place that can challenge you and build your leadership skills.

  3. Very interesting topic, job well done to you sir ?

  4. There are many ways to train and expand the employees’ potential as written in this article. Many activities that can make people interact, solve the problem together, and it will also last long even after the expedition ends. I think open discussion activity should be done because it helps people talk openly and give an honest feedback.

  5. In this article, we can know that the leadership must have a program that help to develop a dynamic collaborative skills. This skill can improve this training by taking some cues from wilderness adventure expeditions. One of the skill is outdoor experiences require people to purposefully prepare — physically, logistically, and mentally — for the challenges ahead and to react to continuous, multi source feedback in real-time. By open the feedback, we can know that our employee can give feedback freely and honest.

  6. Melyana Pangestu / 2001553112 I truly agree with this article because taking a moment to build relationships with colleagues is indeed very important in particular being able to increase the level of trust in each other, create a team norm of open discussion and honest feedback. This can be done in an easy way, for example, watching a movie together. That way, it is hoped that each other will not be awkward.

  7. nama: jemmy young nim: 2001624651 there is a lot thing we can learn outside our organization. because organization culture and occasion everyday almost same. but in outside of our organization, we can learn new thing that our organization lack of or don't have.

  8. I agree with this article, by conducting development programs such as programs that place participants in complex and unknown environments that can train participants physically, logically, and mentally for the challenges ahead and to react to feedback, so that participants will have experience more to face challenges. Thank you, Afra Soraya - 2001600393

  9. This article taught me that we can learn leadership through sharing thoughts with others. By sharing thoughts, we can do something like collaborative decision-making just to understand our team. Learning how to take feedbacks and discussing any different opinion is important to develop your leadership skills.

  10. Ferrel Enoch Ibrahim - 2001547671. Well, join in leadership event trip is good but maybe there are many way to learn about leadership. Like from seniors or adults, teacher, etc.

  11. Edo Roy - 2001547665 dengan pergi mengikuti leadership trip tentu dapat belajar leadership secara pelan". seperti menghadapi tantangan secara pelan", mencari solusi, dll

  12. Fatah Panji Firmansyah (2001579780) Through this article I get that don't just hope for the leadership program that provided you to be able to develop, to be able to develop better then we must continue to explore more about things outside the leadership program

  13. ade hafizh arifta-2001596244 dari artikel ini didapat kesimpulan bahwa meluangkan waktu untuk membangun hubungan dengan kolega memang sangat penting khususnya untuk dapat meningkatkan tingkat kepercayaan satu sama lain, membuat tim berdiskusi terbuka dan jujur. Dengan begitu, diharapkan satu sama lain tidak akan canggung.

  14. Mohammad Rakhel Rahadian harris/2001577226 I agree with this article because we take the time to build relationships with fellow colleagues it is very important especially to be able to increase the level of trust in each other and to improve performance because we already believe, make the norm of the discussion team open and get honest answers. How do we do it? In my opinion, we carry out mutual activities with each other and often gather together, so that we can make strong bonds and make compact cooperation.

  15. leadership training should always be focused on truth, trust, and transparency, and it will lead to a more familiarized environment on working as a team and also a good leadership mentality for every employee. nice article, sir.

  16. Thanks for the article, Sir! from the article, i understand that leadership training is very important because every leader needs an employee to be physically, mentally and logistically prepared.

  17. Bayu Pratama 2001624336. saya setuju dengan ini, terkadang banyak sekali program pengembangan kepimpinan yang tidak berhasil, karena perlu waktu untuk mengembangkannya. Mungkin dengan program leadership trip seperti yang dijelaskan dalam artikel ini dapat membantu.

  18. I agree with this article, i think looking from outdoor can inspire us to be a good leadership, Leadership training can also be developed by strengthening the connection between, and alignment of the efforts of individual leader, Leadership development can build on the development of individuals including others to become leaders.

  19. I think, kind of leadership programs that didn't work well into a situation means there are some differences goals, vision or mission between the program and the company. Adventure leadership program maybe suit well with an organization that always need innovation in every activity on their business lifecycle.

  20. Leadership is about learning and exploring new things, and owning the fact that we do not know everything — and admitting to ourselves that that is truly OK. Do not expect that our leadership abilities are developed only because of leadership training. We have to find from all the gaps, even from the simplest things like sharing with colleagues: sharing stories and experiences. Raden Mikail Akbar Aulia 2001615205

  21. Kevin Bangun Renaldy - 2001536453 Its a good article, sometimes employee skills to accept training different, so we must try a something new to expand the employee potential

  22. on this article, i learned that leadership training on the great outdoors is more inspiring participants on physically, logistically, and mentally — for the challenges ahead and to react to continuous despise on indoor training. Thank you for the article, Sir. — Agustin Savira 2001604246

  23. Daniel Nalom 1901497174 (LA26) To be able to accomodate subordinate for a great camaraderie and supportive environment, helps them to put the lessons into practice right away.

  24. Erlyta Agustin - 2001598956 Dalam kehidupan nyata memang banyak pelatihan yang mengalami kegagalan karna kurang nya fokus untuk menggali potensi perseorangan dan butuh waktu lama untuk membangunnya . Dalam artikel ini bagus karna menggali potensi dapat dilakukan dengan cara berbeda , supaya dapat membuka kita untuk membuka potensi masing masing apa yang ada , mampu menunjukan kualitas potensi kita .

  25. Maximilian Fajar Linus - 2001574874 - LA26. Saya setuju dengan artikel ini, karena membangun koneksi yang baik dalam tim kerja merupakan sesuatu yang sangat penting karena dengan terbangunnya koneksi yang baik maka kinerja dalam kerja dapat meningkat, kejujuran antar sesama pekerja akan terbangun, dan diskusi yang dilakukan dapat semakin terbuka. Hal ini dapat dilakukan dengan cara sering melakukan refreshing diluar jam kerja dan luangkan waktu untuk mengobrol bersama dan melakukan kegiatan diluar kantor bersama.

  26. Provide leadership programs that not only focus on hard skills, but also soft skills on how to work in teams etc., and the good attitudes that can be taken. Not only focus on yourself but also others, because this is for the common good