HR Analytics Trends For Business Success


Business development is, the creation of long-term value for an organization that starts from customers, markets, and relationships. The long-term value referred to herein is revenue and corporate branding. Also includes customer loyalty, prestige, or whatever the purpose of a company. So, business development is very important to build a business in a company. The company will conduct sustainable business to the long term. Thus, the use of “strategy plan” is key to business development.

Business development will collect all ideas, initiatives and innovation that will be made for the future. Companies must also know the targets that will be achieved in building this business, such as looking at market conditions, target customers, and have a relationship or networking. In business development, there are several parts, namely, product management, marketing, sales, vendor management, and networking.

Many say that business development and marketing is the same thing, but it has different activities and objectives although the tip continues to increase sales and grow the business for the company. The difference is, business development to build a business plan in the big picture in determining the target market segments, search for business partners and matching customers, and build relationships with other companies. As for the marketing itself is to increase people’s awareness of the company’s brand, and increase its market interest.


HR is a very important thing to build companies and businesses. Because HR is what will make ideas and live this work. SDM is considered a strategic advisor and works with management to drive bottom-line results. So HR will recruit the employees according to their skills and passion. Nowadays there are many employees who have used social media as their work tools in addition to the office. So, HR will often analyse how employees use social media.

HR will often do analysis to improve the experience of the employees. Insight can be gained by examining the data-driven HR on many factors, how the organization maintains the employee to be the best according to his skill and skills while working. HR will also often provide training for its employees to hone their skills in doing work in a company. Human resources that support data can quickly provide actionable insights and discussion to overcome challenges that overcome strategic operation Solutions.

Company HR will need employee engagement data and the organization’s financial performance data to draw inferences based on these statistical inputs. As an organization makes sure to deploy an employee engagement survey once every year. This will help HR collect the most recent data on how engaged your employees are at the workplace.

Reference :

Dr. Maria Grace Herlina S.Sos.,MM. & Amanda Putri Nurshavira