Four Ways to Improve Your Board’s Performance

shared by: Nugroho J. Setiadi, PhD


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The most successful boards do far more than reviewing financials, audits, and compliance. If you’re a director and you want to up your board’s game, here are four things you can do. First, focus forward, not back. Activities like strategic or succession planning, or improving risk oversight, help a company create its future. Second, foster high-quality debate among your fellow members. Actively seek out different points of view, and ensure that everyone contributes their expertise, so that you make thoughtful decisions. Third, make sure everyone gets clear performance reviews via an annual assessment of each member’s contribution. The board chair should be responsible for giving clear, actionable feedback and coaching to each director. Finally, make sure that everyone is present and focused at each meeting. This isn’t just about putting their phones down. Directors need to actively listen, speak up, and encourage others to do the same.
This tip is adapted from Top Boards Do These 4 Things Differently,” by Rusty O’Kelley III


Source:  O’Kelley, R.  (2020). Top Boards Do These 4 Things Differently. Harvard Business Review.  From: . Retrieved on Mar 6, 2020, 4:38 PM

Nugroho J. Setiadi, PhD
  1. In my opinion, it's very important for directors to be active in listening,speaking up and encouraging others. Giving feedback to fellow members is also important so that they can improve their performance from the feedback or maintaining their current performance. With clear feedbacks, people will know if they're doing something right or something wrong.

  2. Andi Wijaya - 2001592372 Organisational Top Board Manager should listen first then speak, the leader need first try to understand the point of view of each of member in that board room and their discussion the after that he/she give the opinion to make a decision or direction the company/organizational try to move.

  3. 1. Focus forward, not back 2. foster high-quality debate among your fellow members 3. make sure everyone gets clear performance reviews via an annual assessment of each member’s contribution 4. make sure that everyone is present and focused at each meeting These 4 is actually really good, I'll be sure to remember this if i become a board of directors or something

  4. I agree with this article. As a director when I want to up my board’s game, there are 4 things I must do : • Focus forward. • Foster high-quality debate among your fellow members. • Make sure everyone gets clear performance reviews. • Make sure that everyone is present and focused at each meeting. When 4 things above we really done it, the game will run well. Because it has structured on it, from beginning until finish. Who join it also can enjoy the game.

  5. This article helps us how to lift up the broad games when you’re a director. There are four things to do: 1. focus forward, 2. foster high-quality debate among your fellow members, 3. make sure everyone gets clear performance reviews via an annual assessment of each member’s contribution, 4. make sure that everyone is present and focused at each meeting. We all want the audience to pay attention to us. So, i think this 4 things are really helpful.

  6. Melyana Pangestu / 2001553112 I agree with this article, because in the current work, a director who actively listens, speaks up, and encourages others to do the same is needed. Because a leader can be called a real leader if he can set a good example to his subordinates. If the leader succeeds in creating such a working atmosphere, the team's performance cannot be doubted, because it is very possible for two-way communication that will lead to profits for a company.

  7. nama: jemmy young nim: 2001624651 from the 4 points I read on this article, I really agree with all. but my favorite part is points number 1 refocus the board agenda because this point for me is really important. its like planning and for me. good planning is the most important part to improve board performance.

  8. This article gives me an idea of how to become a successful board. members and the board can get involved with each other or contribute according to their respective expertise. and the most important thing is the Directors need to actively listen, talk, and encourage others to do the same. Thank you, Afra Soraya - 2001600393

  9. From the article above, it enlighten me up about being a director someday. With the 4 methods explained above, we know that its not just being a director, is about being a leader. Being a good leader is a leader who listen, who speaks up, and also the one who encourage their subordinates.

  10. Ferrel Enoch Ibrahim - 2001547671. This article is very informative about how to improve board performance. The point is everyone at the company have to be active and contribute to give their point of view and the director also have to actively listen, talk, and encourge each other

  11. Edo Roy - 2001547665 Having everyone understand the material in a meeting is important to keep going. thats why this 4 ways to improve your board performance is good

  12. Fatah Panji Firmansyah (2001579780) The article made me realize that a successful board isn't just about reviewing financials, audits and compliance. 4 things that can be done in my opinion make sense to do and could make improve the board performance

  13. Fatah Panji Firmansyah (2001579780) The article made me realize that a successful board isn't just about reviewing financials, audits and compliance. 4 things that can be done in my opinion make sense to do and could make improve the board performance

  14. ade hafizh arifta(2001596244). dari artikel ini dapat diketahui 4 langkah yang sangat baik jika dijalankan dan dapat meningkatkan kinerja.

  15. Mohammad Rakhel Rahadian Harris/200157726 From the 4 points that I have captured from this article, I agree with everything said. but the part that I think is best is point number 1 refocusing the board's agenda because this point is very important to me. it's like planning and for me. good planning is the most important part to improve the performance of the board. But the 4 points are still very good to run and can improve performance

  16. the most important thing as a leader is to communicate, and transparency, the trust will be built within the time as it becomes a more positive environment

  17. Thanks for the article, Sir. it's important to all part of the work required of board performance to keep the company running on the right path with these following ways : 1. focus forward, not back, 2. foster high-quality debate among your fellow members, 3. make sure everyone gets clear performance, and 4. make sure that everyone is present and focused!

  18. Thanks for sharing this usefull article, it is so important to game up the Board's performance because there is so many benefit that we can get from it, like it help to be a good leadership, maintain a good culture in the company, making decision, good teamwork & communication etc.

  19. Thanks for sharing this article, it is so important to game up the Board's performance because there is so many benefit that we can get from it, like it help to be a good leadership, maintain a good culture in the company, making decision, good teamwork & communication etc.

  20. Bayu Pratama 2001624336 . Artikel yang sangat bagus, saya setuju dengan artikel ini. Dari banyaknya gaya kepemimpinan yang ada, menurut saya gaya pemimpinan seperti pada artikel ini cocok diterapkan pada masa sekarang.

  21. Thank you, Sir for the article, i got some points to improve boards performance, there are: Focus on what they planned for the future, debate to look how each member contribute with the project/company, clear assessment for each member by the head of project/company. and the last is try to keep connected with the members while we hold a meeting

  22. This article helps us how to lift up the broad games when you’re a director. Focus forward, foster high-quality debate among your fellow members, make sure everyone gets clear performance reviews and make sure that everyone is present and focused at each meeting are the great tips to lift up the organization. Because a good director is someone who makes sure their team keeps improving and works well together. It’s the director's job to make sure everyone is constantly improving themselves and that they are engaged in their work. Raden Mikail Akbar Aulia 2001615205

  23. Kevin Bangun Renaldy - 2001536453 This one is so important for a director, because we must look forward, and every single of employee must know, their job, their performance, and everything. Director got the important job to remind every employee to have a good work, and give feedback for the performance of employee

  24. on this article, i learned that to improve a successful boards performance is : 1. focus forward not back 2. foster high-quality debate among your fellow members. 3. make sure everyone gets clear performance reviews via an annual assessment of each member’s contribution. 4. make sure that everyone is present and focused at each meeting. Thank you for the article, Sir. — Agustin Savira 2001604246

  25. Daniel Nalom 1901497174(LA26) Thank you for this kindly information, as a college student and after i finished this bachelor program. I hope i can fit to the company with the great boards and director which match this given information.

  26. Erlyta Agustin Wilarto - 2001598956 Ini membuat saya menambah sudut pandang baru bagaimana kita harus memfokuskan diri kepada apa yang akan terjadi kedepan, bagaimana menumbuhkan debat yang berkualitas dan bagimana membuat orang lain berkontribusi aktif dalam setiap hal atas keahlian mereka. Ini juga membuat dorongan tanggung jawab apa saja yang harus dilakukan semisal kita ada di lingkup pekerjaan dan usaha . terimakasih atas artikelnya pak

  27. Aji Sinta Prameswari/2001541283 Menjadi pemimpin yang bijak anda tidak hanya bisa berdiam diri dan memerintah bawaan anda tetapi mengontrol dan berkomunikasi dengan bawaan anda adalah akses untuk mempertahankan jabatan anda, team anda dan pekerjaan yang anda kerjakan demi reputasi dan kualitas yang akan anda hasilkan. Pada dasarnya seorang pemimpin hanya bisa memberikan perintah untuk bawahannya tetapi pemimpin yang bijak pasti mengerti apa yang diperintahkan dan kepada siapa perintah itu dia berikan, karena setiap anggota bawahannya memiliki kelebihan dan kekurangan dalam bidang yang dikerjainnya. Sehingga jika anda adalah seoreng pemimpin, bijaklah dalam memberikan arahan dan keputusan karena team yang kuat adalah pemimpin yang bijak dalam mengarahkan bawahannya.

  28. Maximilian Fajar Linus - 2001574874 - LA26. Saya setuju dengan artike ini, seorang pemimpin yang baik adalah pemimpin yang dapat mendengarkan, berkomunikasi dengan baik, dan menjadi contoh bagi bawahannya. Seorang pemimpin harus dapat membimbing bawahannya untuk dapat mencapai tujuan yang diinginkan perusahaan. Dengan begitu maka tujuan perusahaan akan lebih cepat dicapai dan memberikan lingkungan kerja yang nyaman bagi karyawan.

  29. I agree with the article above, because good leadership involves many things, not only the short term that can be achieved, but the long term for the common good