Focus on “Microhabits” to Change Your Behavior

shared by: Nugroho J. Setiadi, PhD

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High achievers often have lofty aspirations for self-improvement. But big goals — such as “meditate for an hour every day,” or “read more” — are often more burdensome than they are sustainable. So, start small by focusing on “microhabits” — more achievable behaviors that you build over long periods of time. These habits should be ridiculously small, like meditating for 30 seconds or reading a paragraph each night. To minimize effort, piggyback on a daily task. Perform your new action at the same time as (or right before) something you already do every day. Read that one paragraph while brushing your teeth. Meditate while waiting for your coffee to brew. Then, track your progress, but keep it simple. Try using a “yes list” where you write down the desired action, and under each date simply note a Y or N to indicate if you completed the task. Once you’ve accrued several weeks of Ys, you can increase your microhabit by a small increment, say 10%. Continue these tiny, incremental adjustments until the new habit is part of your muscle memory. By starting small, you can achieve big results.
This tip is adapted from To Achieve Big Goals, Start with Small Habits,” by Sabina Nawaz


Source:  Nawaz, S.  (2020). To Achieve Big Goals, Start with Small Habits. Harvard Business Review.  From: . Retrieved on March 2, 2020.  4:37 PM

Nugroho J. Setiadi, PhD
  1. Menurut saya kebiasaan-kebiasaan kecil yang baik jika terus dilakukan akan berdampak baik bagi diri kita sendiri di masa depan. Jika diibaratkan menabung,kita tidak harus langsung menabung dalam jumlah besar namun dapat dilakukan perlahan-lahan,jika hal tersebut secara konsisten dilakukan secara terus menerus maka lama kelamaan tabungan tersebut akan menjadi banyak dan berguna buat diri kita. Sama seperti artikel ini.

  2. Brian Richard / 2001580321 / LA26 - The article shows me that we can change our behaviour by changing the way we live, changing our daily tasks but in a very small amount of activities. Habits are created by doing something same over and over again but we need to indicate whether the habit is a good one or a bad one. In order to create new positive habit, we can do it in a very small amount of time, as long as we keep consistence about what we're going to do, it will stimulate our brain and then the muscle memory will be created, and now you have another positive habits to change your behaviour.

  3. Thanks for sharing this usefull article . By "start small by focusing on “microhabits” on our live we can change our baheviour " i agree with this, because Micro-habits are all about preventing you from giving up due to something being too ‘hard' , by doing with a simple and small thing everyday .With this type of behaviour (microhabits) we can manage our time & also helped us establish the routine for example: bedtime etc. Thankyou

  4. Thanks for sharing this usefull article . I agree with this, because Micro-habits are all about preventing you from giving up due to something being too ‘hard' , by doing with a simple and small thing everyday .With this type of behaviour (microhabits) we can manage our time & also helped us establish the routine for example: bedtime etc. Thankyou

  5. ade Hafizh arifta-2001596244 LA26. artikel diatas menunjukan untuk memperbaiki hal hal yang biasa kita lakukan dapat dimulai dari kebiasan kecil yang sering dilakui sehari-hari. maka dengan melakukan itu secara bertahap dan terus menerus akan berdampak positif.

  6. I agree with the statement “High achievers often have lofty aspirations for self-improvement”. Because when we have something that we want to achieve, we will figure the way out to reach our goals. But I won’t success if we have some big goals that we can’t achieve it. We can start small goals by focusing on microhabits. Microhabits means the goals are more achievable behaviours that you build over long periods of time. By starting small, we can achieve big results. Because slowly it will change our habits become a person who take a little risks to get big results.

  7. This article reminds me of Kaizen, or the one-minute principle In Japanese culture there exists the practice of Kaizen, which includes the idea of the 'one-minute principle' for self-improvement. At the heart of this method is the idea that a person should practice doing something for a single minute, every day at the same time.

  8. Fatah Panji Firmansyah (2001579780) This article teaches us that any small thing that is carried out consistently until it becomes a habit will produce great results. As another example, maybe you can start by throwing trash in its place, this might look small, but actually you are helping the earth to be cleaner. So in conclusion, never underestimate the little things that you do because without realizing it will bring good for you

  9. Melyana Pangestu / 2001553112 This article teaches us to focus on small behaviors that are carried out for a long time and have become a habit, for example reading paragraphs every night. But we can add activity in the habits that we have done, for example reading paragraphs to brush teeth. So with these small habits, we can achieve big things.

  10. You are not able to go anywhere if we don't grow for ourselves by build own principles and strengthen our individuality. Small things can lead to big things which is about our habits. The trick is, just start doing it. Very simple. Do something small related to your purpose to move you back. It's so small that we hardly need the extra effort to do it. For example wake up early, read more books, and constantly do sports

  11. Verent Angelia - 2001609745 - LA26 Thankyou Sir for the article, from the article I know microhabits are not that "small". It will lead us to be more developed. After we keep do these small habits, it will become the real habits. To gain something big, we can begin with small habits.

  12. Ferrel Enoch Ibrahim - 2001547671 - LA26. Ada riset mengatakan bahwa sesuatu yang kita lakukan secara rutin selama 3 minggu (21 hari) akan menjadi kebiasaan kita. Untuk mencapai 3 minggu itu kita bisa membiasakan diri dengan hal-hal kecil dibandingkan dengan hal-hal besar seperti kata artikel diatas. karena hal-hal kecil lebih mudah dilakukan secara rutin dibandingkan dengan hal-hal besar. Jadi dengan kita melakukan hal-hal kecil selama 21 hari maka itu akan menjadi kebiasaan kita.

  13. I think with this article i can learn new ways to improve myself. We can start with focusing on microhabits. So it helps more by doing it little by little frequently. We don't feel bored or burdensome until this new habits becoming our habits. With these small habits, we can achieve big things. Start doing it with your daily activity like read one paragraphs while brushing your teeth or meditate while waiting for your coffee to brew.

  14. 2001570623 - as long as we believe in ourselves, self-improvement from small habit will never lie to impress how developed ourself has just become and from it we can learn to improve ourself in many other ways.

  15. Nama : Edo Roy NIM : 2001547665 in my opinion we can change our behavior if we keep doing the same thing over and over across time. lets just say around 1 month. and then that behavior will become a habit because we used to do it. we can start by doing something small.. and it will become bigger when we used to it.

  16. This article shows me to be a high achiever who has high aspirations for self-development must focus on "microhabits". because microhabits are one of the more attainable ways of behavior that you build over a long period of time such as small habits that can lead us to achieve big results. Thank you - Afra Soraya (2001600393)

  17. The article showed me that we can change our habit by changing the way we live, Habits are created by doing the same thing over and over again and I believe small habits that are good if we kept doing it will have a good effect on ourselves in the future

  18. Andi Wijaya - 2001592372 ( LA26 ) Habit is about something we create with our mind and we do daily, do little things and take action to change our behavior to more positive, we start, we do and we do it consistently. it takes around 21 days to become the norm. so just start with little things and continue consistently, as the article said a big goal start with one step.

  19. Thanks for the article, sir. We need to start small by focusing on "microhabits" - more attainable behaviors that you build in the long run. To continue this small habits and gradual adjustment until the new habit becomes a part of your muscle memory. By starting from ‘small things’, you can achieve big results. -- Wulandari 2001610583

  20. Anak Agung Lanang Hartawiguna R. - 2001561972 I stongly agree with the statement of small habit can makes you achieve big. Because with just 1 productive task everday can encourage us to do more productive task.

  21. Maximilian Fajar Linus - 2001574874 - LA26. Dalam membangun kebiasaan yang baik ada baiknya seusatu dilakukan secara bertahap dan perlahan-lahan. Karena sesuatu hal yang kecil dan dilakukan secara konsisten akan lebih mudah menjadi kebiasaan dari pada langsung melakukan perubahan besar dengan kegiatan yang besar pula. Ketika hal tersebut sudah menjadi kebiasaan maka akan lebih mudah untuk mempertahankannya.

  22. Nama: Jemmy Young NIM: 2001624651 saya sangat suka prinsip pada artikel ini bahwa untuk berubah ke arah yang lebih baik, kita harus merubah hal yang kecil dulu dan ini sangat tepat. karena dengan merubah hal-hal kecil, ini sangat baik untuk kita dalam beradaptasi secara perlahan dan tidak kaget. kalua merubah sesuatu langsung ke hal besar, keadaan dan kondisi kita saat ini belum tentu siap. untuk itu perubahan yang dimulai dari hal kecil adalah yang baik.

  23. Bayu Pratama 2001624336. Dalam artikel ini bisa kita pelajari bahwa semua berawal dari tindakan kecil dapat menjadi kebiasaan jika konsisten melakukannya berulang kali. Seperti halnya anak kecil yang disuruh oleh orangtuanya untuk menggosok gigi sebelum tidur , semakin bertambah umur akan menjadi kebiasaan anak tersebut untuk menggosok gigi tanpa perlu disuruh.

  24. Daniel Nalom -1901497174 This article is really helpful! Certainly going to do meditation and do some reading during my breaks.. Thank you.

  25. All habits start as micro habits. So it’s picking out the habits you want to implement and getting to work on them. Consistency is the key. Stick to these micro-habits and you’ll amplify your progress with little to no effort on a daily basis.

  26. on this article, i learned that high achievers are sustainable for self improvement, we can increase this kind of microhabit by a small increment and then continue until new habit is part of muscle memory. Thank you for the article, Sir. -- Agustin Savira 2001604246

  27. Kevin Bangun Renaldy - 2001536453 Its good as the quote say, its better and easier to change your habits, than changing other habits. Thats very related, and a good thing to start with small thing, doing small thing everyday, and we gonna ready for something big in the future. discipline is a hard thing to do, if we can doing that, im sure we ready for the big one.

  28. Daniel Nalom- 1901497174(LA26) Meditate and do more reading is likely to improve my wanted behaviour, thank you for sharing.

  29. Erlyta Agustin Wilarto - 2001598956 - Dari artikel saya mendapat pengetahuan jikakita harus memulai untuk memfokuskan diri dari hal kecil dan memfokuskan diri guna mencapai pencapaian diri dengan melakukan kebiasaan baik dan mengingat apa yang seharusnya masuk dalam daftar yang harus dilakukan . Thankyou for sharing Sir

  30. Aji Sinta Prameswari/2001541283 I say yes to practicing microhabits to fix our bad habits. Some examples of bad habit is procrastinate homeworks, free-style sleep patterns, and easy to get tensed, but by practising microhabits like meditate, read books, and take time for yourself may help to reduce those bad habits

  31. When we want to change, don't expect the instant that we can change right away, because those habits create lifestyles and usually a long-lived lifestyle will be difficult to change. Therefore, focus on changing the small things first, then the big things can be overcome if we are loyal to the small things