Even Business-To-Business Companies Benefit From Having A Purpose  


The business world is changing, but it might be easy to assume that a purpose is just good marketing for companies that want to sell products to bleeding heart consumers. But even business-to-business companies are coming to understand the importance of “purpose,” according to a new report, and it could help them attract and retain talent, grow their business, and help their communities—but there’s still a gap between what these companies say they care about, and what they actually do. Why would these companies want to embark on that journey anyway? Basically, it’s good for business, from the hiring process to building a company’s reputation. “Purpose is a lens for our strategy development, our behaviors internally, our product development, the suppliers we work with, and then how we engage with society,” Cone says. Even if you’re not selling directly to a consumer, she adds, you still have to understand what you stand for as an organization. Defining that purpose could be a key to winning the war on talent. Employee retention is also important, and having a purpose helps these companies keep their workers happy, because those values then align to internal ones like fair pay, gender equity, and advanced training education. When it comes to the companies that these B2Bs do business with, that purpose can also translate across that relationship. Purpose has become a requirement for many businesses. Now, it’s time for the business-to-business companies to take note.


Business Development adalah penciptaan nilai jangka panjang untuk sebuah organisasi. Dimana organisasi tersebut dimulai dari pelanggan, pasar, dan relasi. Nilai jangka panjang yang dimaksud disini adalah pendapatan dan pencitraan dari sebuah perusahaan tersebut. Kegiatan pengembangan bisnis mencakup berbagai departemen: penjualan, pemasaran, manajemen proyek, manajemen produk, manajemen vendor, kemitraan, upaya penghematan biaya iklan. Business development pun bertujuan sebagai pengetahuan bidang teknis yang akan sangat berguna untuk masa mendatang. Metrik yang umum digunakan dalam pengembangan bisnis adalah pendapatan, ekspansi, kemitraan strategis. Pemasaran juga termasuk kedalam business development. Pemasaran melibatkan promosi dan iklan yang ditujukan untuk penjualan produk yang sukses kepada konsumen akhir. Dan Pemasaran memainkan peran pelengkap dalam mencapai target penjualan. Dalam business development pun, harus menyiapkan rencana dan visi untuk dimasa mendatang.

Reference: https://www.fastcompany.com/90477552/ive-worked-from-home-for-almost-20-years-these-6-tips-make-it-awesome


Dr. Maria Grace Herlina S.Sos.,MM. & Febia Malihatul Uyun