Don’t Let “Perfect” Be the Enemy of “Good”

shared by: Nugroho J. Setiadi, PhD

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We should all strive to do our best, but if you always aim for perfection, you may blow deadlines, annoy your colleagues, and miss out on opportunities. Instead of never being satisfied with “good enough,” talk to others about their standards. What does a good job look like to your boss, peer, or client? Seek their feedback on expected results, costs, and timelines rather than trying to meet your extremely high standards. Then check in regularly with these colleagues. Don’t wait until you think the project is finished, build in checkpoints where you share your progress at 50% or 80% done. Your boss or client just might tell you that the work is good enough at that point. You can also try small experiments where you relax your standards slightly. What happened? Were your worst fears realized? Finally, consider how perfectionism impacts your relationships. Are you setting unrealistic standards for those around you? The need to have it “perfect” will often annoy others, and in extreme cases, drive them away. For their sake — and yours — learn to be satisfied with good enough.
This tip is adapted from 6 Habits That Hurt Your Career — and How to Overcome Them,” by Kerry Goyette


Source:  Goyette, K.  (2020). 6 Habits That Hurt Your Career — and How to Overcome Them. Harvard Business Review.  From: . Retrieved on Feb 14, 2020, 4:37 PM


Nugroho J. Setiadi, PhD
  1. Melyana Pangestu / 2001553112 Usually, we always set goals for many things in our lives. When we say goals, we also say perfect things. To achieve perfect things in the project, we must actively communicate progress to other stakeholders (bosses, clients, partners, etc.), so that they can control the project too and we can know what their expectations are for the project.

  2. Kevin Bangun Renaldy - 2001536453 Menurut saya artikel ini sangat menarik, dimana mengajarkan kita untuk tidak memaksakan goal kita yang mungkin 'perfect', tetapi kita harus mengetahui juga standart baik dari orang, dimana kedua hal itu harus digabungkan, jika kita memilki standart yang terlalu tinggi bagi orang lain, maka kita harus menurunkan, dan orang tersebut harus menaikkan standart tersebut, maka standart tersebut akan bertemu di satu titik yang baik

  3. Nama: Jemmy Young NIM: 2001624651 there is a lot people feeling not satisfied about what they achieve. something i feel this too. if we put a not realistic standard about something, we will spend too much time with it and will be very disappointed if the results do not match the standards that we have applied. for that, when doing something, do your best without setting unrealistic standards and assume the results obtained are just a bonus.

  4. Monica Vania Stephanie / 2001590796. For me, you can be perfect for yourself but don’t push anyone to full fill your perfection side. Because when you push other to become perfect in your eyes, their personality will be ruin or they do their job by force. So make sure the member of 1 team can full fill the project by their way. It still in the track and not make the project get ruin.

  5. Setting a high standards is a good thing.. but sometimes it isn't, not all people can reach your standard, we gotta see what he/she capable of.

  6. Jonathan adhianto - 2001608452 Jangan terlalu memasang standart yang tinggi terhadap orang lain. Tidak semua orang dapat memenuhi ekspetasi kita. Setiap orang memiliki kelebihan dan kekurangannya masing2

  7. If we want perfection, we will never be satisfied. Because the level of perfection of each person will be different, if we continue to follow we will feel stressed. What we really need to do is set our targets so we can enjoy the process of achieving them. If our target is reached, we will feel satisfied and want to continue to improve according to the stage. Thank you, Afra Soraya - 2001600393

  8. We can't decide everything on our own, for there must be a discussion and negotiations. Having high expectations is always good, but we need to reconsider it as we are living in reality.

  9. Bayu Pratama - 2001624336. Tiap orang mempunyai prinsip hidupnya masing - masing, dalam kelompok khususnya mengenai pekerjaan. Ada baiknya komunikasikan dahulu dengan kolega untuk mendapatkan feedback, jangan mengambil asumsi diri sendiri.

  10. For me, the only place ‘perfect’ only exists inside our own heads, and nowhere else. How can perfection exist? There is no internationally recognized measure of what perfection looks like that we all agree on. How about being perfect at work? for me impossible, because it can only ever be a level of satisfaction we are experiencing at that particular time with an end result. We can be as driven, ambitious, controlling, pedantic and as precise as we want but we can never reach perfection, be realistic.

  11. Mohammad Rakhel Rahadian Harris/2001577226 what I get from this article, which teaches us not to impose the results we know is perfect, but we must also know the good standards of people. because people have different standards, maybe when we think something we do is perfect, not necessarily other people think our work is perfect

  12. In the teamwork, perfection is not the main thing that must be achieved because effective work is about moving toward the desired destination and mistakes will happen. So, if we have high expectations about perfection, don't force others. Everyone has a different ability

  13. In the teamwork, perfection is not the main thing that must be achieved because effective work is about moving toward the desired destination and mistakes will happen. So, if we have high expectations about perfection, don't force others. Everyone has a different ability

  14. Perfect make many things worth doing are worth doing badly. In this world there is no such a thing is perfect. Being a perfectionist often means you have a hard time delegating tasks to others, you most likely believe that there is a right way to do something and that everything else is wrong and so the job is never done cause of it.

  15. Feeling like we're not good enough is often happens because we usually set goals too high. That also happened to me. We sometimes feel like we aren’t confident about the result because we feel that’s not perfect so we keep working on it until the deadline comes. Rather than you keep struggling with yourself, it will be nice if you ask your friends or boss if your work is good enough and ask them what is the perfect standard for them. Then, you can set a perfect standard as them. That much will help you finish your work.

  16. Fatah Panji Firmansyah (2001579780) As social beings, we must pay attention to the people around us, the standard of perfection that we have is not the same as the standard of perfection of others, so keep asking for opinions from others so that good relationships are maintained and projects are made to produce perfection.

  17. Edo Roy - 2001547665 Artikel ini mengajarkan saya bahwa tidak ada sesuatu pun yang perfect. karena jika kita mengejar sesuatu yang perfect itu maka kita dapat melewatkan banyak opportunities seperti kehilangan kerabat, mengecewakan client dll. jadi puas lah dengan hasil kerja masing" karena tidak ada yang perfect

  18. Erlyta Agustin W- 2001598956 Dengan adanya artikel ini dapat menambah hal yang harus saya lakukan dengan berusaha untuk melakukan yang terbaik , bagimana kita harus mencari umpan balik atas hasil yang ada, memeriksa secara teratur bagaimana rekan kita . Menetapkan standar realistis dengan belajar untuk menilai standar kepuasan dengan cukup baik

  19. Calvin Sioe/2001551460 Menurut saya "perfect" itu lebih kearah menjadi patokan kesuksesan suatu proyek. Artinya bahwa dengan patokan tersebut kita berusaha sebisa mungkin untuk mencapai patokan tersebut, tidak harus persis dan sempurna namun mendekati patokan "perfect" tersebut.

  20. Maximilian Fajar Linus - 2001574874 - LA26. Setiap orang tentunya memiliki standar yang berbeda-beda dalam menilai sesuatu, tetapi dalam melakukan sesuatu kita juga harus dapat memikirkan batas waktu pengerjaan, lamanya pengerjaan proyek, dan kita juga harus mempertimbangkan apakah standar kita sesuai dengan yang orang lain harapkan atau malah menjadi berlebihan. Dalam menyelesaikan proyek dalam kelompok pemikiran mengerjakan segala hal harus "sempurna" dapat memberikan situasi yang kurang nyaman bagi anggota lain dan diri sendiri karena standar tersebut akan berbeda pada tiap orang dan hal tersebut akan memberikan tekanan pada diri anda sendiri untuk dapat mencapai titik yang anda anggap sempurna tersebut. Pemikiran bahwa kita harus dapat menyelesaikan segala sesuatu secara sempurna tidak sepenuhnya salah jika anda dapat mengaturnya dengan baik. Tetapi dari pada memikirkan untuk melakukan segala hal dengan sempurna, ada baiknya jika kita mengerjakan sesuatu dengan memberikan yang terbaik dan maksimal agar hasil yang diberikan dapat memberikan kepuasan dan memberikan kita sedikit ketenangan dalam bertugas.

  21. setting up high expectations make us be perfectionist and not realistic. we often think to do something perfectly and forget we are human and have limitations. it is really okay if sometimes when we have done our best but the result is not as expected. just keep be realistic that not all things can be done as we expected and keep do our best.

  22. standar nya orang menilai "good" itu berbeda-beda, sehingga kita biasanya berusaha sebisa mungkin untuk mendapatkan hasil yang menurut kita "perfect", itu tidak salah selama kita dapat menyelesaikannya tepat waktu dan tidak annoy sesama kita

  23. Daniel Nalom LA26 1901497174 From this article, i could learn that whenever perfectionism isn't applied properly or run in the proper way it could hurts the relationships between me and others..

  24. ade hafizh arifta-2001596244 in this case we must be flexible in dealing with situations, by doing the best we can do it, and having a good team, then it will all affect performance

  25. on this article, i learned that striving for perfection is good but strive for progress is more than good because perfectionist might be a pressure trait for us for some reasons, thats why enjoying the progress with communicating with the team is more having satisfying result because of feedback that given. Thank you for the article, Sir. — Agustin Savira 2001604246

  26. Don't always prioritize the "perfect" that will happen, trying your best is necessary. But doing other good things is also needed, don't be afraid of being wrong, by considering all the consequences and other good things that will happen that's called the learning process