Don’t Change Yourself to Impress a Client or Hiring Manager

shared by: Nugroho J. Setiadi, PhD

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When we’re trying to land a job or a new deal or client, we often try to make a good first impression by catering to the interests and expectations of others. But this approach can backfire. Hiding who you are or downplaying your ideas is cognitively and emotionally draining — and that, in turn, can undermine your performance. You also can’t really know another person’s preferences or expectations with certainty, no matter how much research you’ve done. Trying to anticipate them will just heighten your anxiety and could make you come across as phony. Instead, be your genuine, authentic self. Focus on conveying what you can offer — skills their team or organization needs — rather than trying to deliver what you think they want. Research shows that simply being yourself makes a better impression. And not only does it feel better, it also improves the likelihood that you will achieve your goal.
This tip is adapted from Research: It Pays to Be Yourself,” by Francesca Gino


Source:  Gino, F.  (2020). Research: It Pays to Be Yourself. Harvard Business Review.  From: . Retrieved on Mar 10, 2020, 3:38 PM

Nugroho J. Setiadi, PhD
  1. We also know when we face to face with our client or hiring manager we have to have a great attitude. Sometimes we like to cover up who we are, the bad things that we usually show to other. Rather than cover up, we need to show what skill we have and other don’t have it. When we show our positive side, it will be a chance to go up and to achieve our goals. Just being our self, it will help us to get better impression for ourselves and others.

  2. Try to update your skill, know your main focus then do research and prepare.

  3. Andi Wijaya - 2001592372 Try to update your skill, know your main focus then do research and prepare. Note : Why I cannot submit my comment

  4. I think this article is very useful, because we all want to impress anyone so we can get what we want or achieve our goal. But we must do it in correct way. Be yourself, keep trying, and keep learning. It will achieve your goal and it'll make a better impression instead of when you're hiding who you are, you search what your client or boss like, because we cant really know another person's expectations.

  5. Melyana Pangestu / 2001553112 We often have the idea that we know what qualities are needed by new clients, even though we actually don’t know for sure, whether what we think is true or not. For example, we think new clients are looking for people who are very dominant. But in reality, it is possible for new clients look for people who are not so dominant, because he/she feels the position is more suitable to be occupied by people who are not so dominant. So, through this article, we can realize that we should show our nature to new clients, because if not, then it will become a boomerang for ourselves or just deceive ourselves.

  6. nama: jemmy young nim: 2001624651 I like this article. the information on this article is really correct. when we be ourself, other people may see our advantage or talent that other people don't have because every person is different and of course have different talent and advantages.

  7. For me, gaining a good first impression for our new client is not a bad thing to do, but, changing behavior would be something different. Through this article, I learnt that we need to be ourselves, be the thing that we are comfortable of.

  8. I really agree with this article, we often see the incident that someone isn’t competent and doesn’t match what he/she said. We must show who we really are without exaggerating, if there are indeed many deficiencies or many things that we can’t. we can show our efforts by studying hard, so our skills and insights will develop. Thank you, Afra Soraya - 2001600393

  9. Ferrel Enoch Ibrahim - 2001547671. Saya setuju dengan artikel diatas. karena dengan kita menjadi diri kita sendiri, perusahaan dapat menilai kita sebagaimana yang dia inginkan dibandingkan kita berusaha agar terlihat baik karena nantinya ketika kita sudah balik ke diri kita sebenarnya perusahaan bisa mengetahui bahwa kita tidak jujur dengan berusaha agar terlihat baik sedangkan kejujuran merupakan hal yang penting.

  10. Saya setuju dengan artikel ini. Menurut saya jadi diri sendiri membuat kita menjadi orang yang lebih baik. Ini bisa memberikan efek yang baik pula. Menerima diri sendiri apa adanya akan membuat kita ingin selalu memberikan yang terbaik dalam segala hal.

  11. i agree with this article, yes we need to be ourself because It means not pretending to be other than you are. It means not pretending to be more (or less) professional than you are. It means owning what you do know and what you can offer.

  12. Edo Roy - 2001547665 ya, kita tidak perlu mengubah diri sendiri dalam wawancara kerja untuk memenuhi kriteria kerja. karena itu dapat menjatuhkan kita sendiri sooner or later.

  13. Fatah Panji Firmansyah (2001579780) This article teaches that the best thing we can do when dealing with clients is that we have to be ourselves because in my opinion there are so many people now that they only focus on what the client wants because in the article teaches we should focus on what you can give

  14. ade hafizh arifta(2001596244) dari artikel ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa kita dapat menyadari bahwa kita harus menunjukkan sifat kita kepada klien baru, karena jika tidak maka itu akan menjadi masalah bagi kita.

  15. Mohammad Rakhel Rahadian Harris/2001577226 For me, getting a good first impression for our new clients is not a bad thing to do, but changing our actual behavior will make us something different. Through this article, I can learn that we only need to be ourselves, so we feel comfortable and we are pressured by changes in our behavior in front of new clients And I also like this article. the information in this article is very good place. when we are ourselves, other people may see our strengths or talents that other people don't have because everyone is different and of course have different talents and strengths. And being ourselves won't make us nervous

  16. Bobby Ryan Hartono(2001569136) If the article said we should respond pressure from others to change then the answer is no. There are times, we should change ourselves to keep ourselves in check and to impress other or else. Since our basic outlook on life is selfish from birth. In our selfishness we created nuisance to others, therefore changes are needed to impress clients

  17. Nama : Calvin Sioe NIM : 2001551460 I think that self awareness is needed in order for someone to change their behaviour. It's impossible to change someone that doesn't have any self awareness.

  18. doing research for your client is important to know what their interests are, but not showing who you really are is bad for business, it will only backfire for your own skill and creativity during the job.

  19. Being ourselves in work environment is pretty good but in underlined we have to keep our professionalism. Showing our real potentials and skills is more needed than being someone we think that might be liked by the client or company. Rather than practice being someone else, its much better if we practice to improve our potentials and skills.

  20. It is human nature to want to impress others. However, what many people don't understand is that any conscious attempt to do so makes you appear rather, unimpressive. It's essential that you know how to create a great first impression, but just be yourself (but still on the track). Stay true for yourself even in professional situations like work

  21. Bayu Pratama - 2001624336 . Menurut saya, first impression kepada klien kita adalah salah satu hal yang penting. Bukan berarti harus mengubah perilaku melainkan adanya beberapa penyesuaian. Namun tingkah laku yang baik juga harus didukung dengan skill yang mumpunin untuk memberikan kesan yang positif bagi klien, kalau tidak hanya bualan semata yang dapat menjadi bumerang dikemudian hari.

  22. Kevin Bangun Renaldy - 2001536453 Artikel ini bagus, karena dalam sebuah bisnis, kita tidak boleh terlihat palsu, karena kepalsuan di suatu waktu bisa menjadi bom waktu yang meledak dengan sendirinya, dan semuanya gagal, kita harus belajar untuk menjadi diri yang sesungguhnya, tanpa ada yang ditutup-tutupi

  23. on this article, i learned that Hiding who you are or downplaying your ideas is cognitively and emotionally draining. Instead, be your genuine, authentic self. Thank you for the article, Sir. — Agustin Savira 2001604246

  24. Daniel Nalom-1901497174(LA26) To be confident and self prepared at all situation, surely brings positive energy for ourselves and others. Too much focus on being what peoples want is not necessarily what others look, instead try to be the best that we can do and people would appreciate and understand what we are striving for.

  25. Just be yourself when it comes to facing your client, this approach can backfire to you. Hiding who you are or downplaying your ideas is cognitively and emotionally draining

  26. Dalam artikel ini sya menemukan jawaban atas apa yang saya haruskan selepas saya kuliah dan melanjutkan kejenjang karir dimana dalam wawancara nanti saya harus menjadi diri saya sendiri dan harus mampu menawarkan ketrampilan untuk tempat saya bekerja nanti . Bahwa dengan menutupi jati diri asli adalah palsu diawal dan akan menjadi bumerang bagi diri sendiri adalah hal yang saya setujui . Karna jika kita bekerja dalam jangka waktu lama , ketika rasa lelah dan terkadang jika ada hambatan dengan kolega kantor maka biasa akan memunculkan bagimana asli jati dirri kita dalam menanggapi . Disini saya belajar bahwa saya harus bisa membuat kesan baik dengan menjadi diri sendiri

  27. Maximilian Fajar Linus - 2001574874 - LA26. Menurut saya kesan pertama pada seseorang itu sangat penting asalkan tidak membuat-buat perilaku yang dapat mengakibatkan kita menjadi orang yang berbeda dari biasanya. Hal-hal tersebut dapat terjadi biasanya karena kita terlalu memikirkan hal apa atau perilaku yang seperti apa yang kita harapkan orang lain akan dapat menerimanya yang dapat mengakibatkan kita berpikir berlebihan dan tidak menjadi diri kita sendiri. Hal ini yang tentunya dapat menjadi bumerang dan malah membuat kita membohongi diri sendiri dan orang tersebut.

  28. Do not change ourselves just to look perfect in front of others, but still be yourself with the uniqueness that is owned and the mindset that also continues to develop because that is our identity