Design a Better Decision-Making Process for Your Organization
shared by: Nugroho J. Setiadi, PhD
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Unfocused meetings. Competing priorities. Confusion over who gets to make the final call. These are often signs that your organization has poorly designed decision-making processes. Rather than treating the symptoms, you can take on the system itself. Start by breaking down the types of decisions being made across your organization, then determine who should make which ones. Distribute decision rights thoughtfully to ensure everyone is clear on the boundaries of their departments and roles. Of course, no one makes decisions in a vacuum, and we often have to rely on others to execute our choices. Make sure to connect anyone who’s impacted by the decision to ensure effective coordination. You might need to identify liaisons to other teams, create shared calendars, or develop online portals where meeting minutes are posted. Finally, be sure to build in metrics to monitor how effective decisions are. Regularly assess what’s working and what’s not, and make changes accordingly. |
This tip is adapted from “How Systems Support (or Undermine) Good Decision-Making,” by Ron Carucci |
Source: Carucci, R. (2020). How Systems Support (or Undermine) Good Decision-Making. Harvard Business Review. From: . Retrieved on Mar 4, 2020, 4:38 PM
Andi Wijaya Andi Wijaya - 2001592372 the person of charge should act first to be decision-makers, meeting act like media of discussion to find the idea and the first things he/she should listen and understand the point and make a good decision based on that, good systems can very much help that to monitor and manage that.
Muhammad Ragil Kesuma Putra (20015839) It all comes down to the system, fix the organization decision making process then it'll get better
Ghia Sakanti Narendrakanyaka - 2001578374 The person who is responsible must take a charge on the system itself. But of course, they also need other person to execute their choices. Make sure to connect anyone who’s impacted by the decision to ensure effective coordination. When the system goes well, the process must get better and it'll manage easily.
Monica Vania Stephanie (2001590796) For me, this article realize that a better decision is important. Because it’s making a great process for the organization. We can rule the process well until it can achieve the organization goals. The decision based on the everyone in the organization. Make sure to connect anyone who’s impacted by the decision to ensure effective coordination.
Wulandari (2001610583) people are more likely to use and consider information when it’s readily available and easy to evaluate. So, the design of the decision making is critical to how people decide, act and take responsibility.
jemmy young nama: jemmy young nim: 2001624651 for me, to make better position we must make sure all person in organization understand what their job and what their responsibility because to make better decision, the key is how well all people in organization understand about their job. all person on organization must be involved when organization want to make/design decision so the company can design/make the best decision.
Melyana Pangestu Melyana Pangestu / 2001553112 We can ensure that the decision-making process in the organization is good through the breakdown of the types of decisions that need to be made, determining who should make which decisions, the distribution of decision rights wisely, notifications to various parties regarding the results of decisions taken.
Afra Soraya - 2001600393 This article illustrates how we have to confront the system that had gone bad, most importantly do are all activities must be clear and everyone has clear obligations and rights as well as the contribution or defined role. so there won't be any misunderstanding or people who don't want to be held responsible. Thank you, Afra Soraya - 2001600393
Brian Richard - 2001580321 Decision making is the core of organization business processes, that's why, every decision making process should be done in an integrated system. Therefore, this helps every party to have better decision better time efficiency, and of course, better results.
Ferrel Enoch Ibrahim Ferrel Enoch Ibrahim - 2001547671. From this article, we can learn about who made the decision. We can start from higher role to the lower role to made the decision. We can also take a voting which one is the better decision.
Edo Roy Edo Roy - 2001547665 ya saya setuju dengan artikle di atas karena dengan mambagi nya ke beberapa bagian makan decision making process dapat di lakukan dengan mudah. orang dengan jabatan lebih tinggi dapat mengambil yang lebih sulit sementara semakin turun maka pilihan akan semakin mudah
Fatah Panji Firmansyah Fatah Panji Firmansyah (2001579780) From this article I learned how important a system is to be able to make good decision making in companies. and this article also teaches to be able to make good decisions so everyone must be ensured coordinated with each other even more for the different divisions
ade hafizh arifta ade hafizh arifta-2001596244 dari artikel ini dapat diambil kesimpulan bahwa proses pengambilan keputusan dalam organisasi itu baik melalui pemecahan jenis-jenis keputusan yang perlu dibuat, harus di design dengan baik.
mohammad rakhel rahadian harris Mohammad Rakhel Raahadian Harris/2001577226 From this article, what I understand is that we can learn about who makes decisions. And we can start from a higher role to a lower role for making decisions. We can also take the vote which is the better and right decision to make, therefore we need to make the wrong decision.
Calvin Sioe Calvin Sioe/2001551460 I think that the most important thing to do is hiring the right person in charge of decision making. Hiring the right person with integrity will make decision making easier.
m ramadhan aditia - 2001570623 now i learned new things knowing how to tolerate other's interests as working in a team, to make an agenda to list priorities and such, thanks for the article, sir.
Irfan Arsyad - 2001583752 Thanks for sharing this usefull article sir. As a team decision making is very crucial , because there is so many idea from each person in the team. It is important to choose which one is the best decision in the organization by selecting them.
Bayu Pratama Bayu Pratama 2001624336. Dari artikel ini bisa dipelajari bahwa, sebuah sistem dapat berpengaruh pada pengambilan keputusan seseorang . Sebelum melakukan langkah lebih lanjut juga diperlukan identifikasi untuk apa keputsan tersebut dibuat. Untuk corporate decisions, strategic decision, atau operational decisions.
Verent Angelia - 2001609745 By reading this article, i got some points. Bad performance means there is something wrong with the decision making process. To fix this problem, we must reorganize the decision and determine who will responsible the decision. Give some boundary about what should they do to team members so there are no "work without knowledge". Connect with each other even the job description is different with each other. The last is don't forget to assess every work.
Raden Mikail Akbar Aulia - 2001615205 From this article I learned about how to designing a good decision that has a good impact also for the organization. We need to consider many things to make the decision more effective, efficient and impactful for the better results. Raden Mikail Akbar Aulia 2001615205
Kevin Bangun Renaldy Kevin Bangun Renaldy - 2001536453 Its a good article, when you on meeting, there must one people who lead the meeting, to take the decision, so the team will know what to do if they focus on one thing
Agustin Savira - 2001604246 on this article, i learned that Making Process for Organization and Design a beter decision start with breaking down the types of decisions being made across organization, then determine who should make which ones. and be sure to build in metrics to monitor how effective decisions are. Thank you for the article, Sir. — Agustin Savira 2001604246
Daniel Nalom Daniel Nalom 1901497174(LA26) Priority scale and job distribution should be considered for any planner out there. Good coordination is an important key for any group project and assignment in order to be done collectively.
Erlyta Agustin Wilarto Erlyta Agustin - 2001598956 Sering kali dalam kehidupan nyata , rapat tidak menemukan titik akhir jawaban atas keputusan apa yang akan dipilih . Dalam artikel dapat membuka wawasan dan pengetahuan baru untuk kita bagaimana cara kita seharusnya dapat menjadi sistem baru untuk menentukan keputusan apa yang akan diambil. Memastikan kita memiliki hubungan ke tim lain dengan baik sehingga semua dapat teridentifikasi dengan baik dan membuat segala menjadi efektif
Maximilian Fajar Linus - 2001574874 Maximilian Fajar Linus - 2001574874 - LA26. Dalam menjalankan suatu bisnis proses pengambilan keputusan merupakan suatu hal yang sangat penting dengan pengambilan keputusan yang baik maka aktivitas-aktivitas yang ada dapat dijalankan secara tepat dan langkah-langkah perusahaan akan terarah.
Sri Wulan H.T (2001548535) Make decisions wisely and openly to other opinions given, and consider all positive and negative aspects of the decision to minimize the bad risks that may occur