Change Management Lessons From Japan


The Presentation comes from Ralali brought by Highly professional in Human Resource field which is Mr. Jonas Danny.Business development is a process of creating a long-term value of an organization for the stakeholder such as customer,market, and other relationship. To simplify, it is a process of enhancing the overall business such as ideas, initiatives, and activities into specific long-term organisation goals. Business development linkage between division such as sales,marketing,partnership, project management, product management, vendor management, negotiations, and cost savings.The process of business development is very important in each of organization for example gojek that expand their businesses and services with several acquisition like halodoc, mapan, midtrans, kartuku, and other businesses. There are several key takeaways that student can learn and use the golden advice from the speaker.Vision is very important for the success of every professional. preparing a vision for student career is very important. Choose the industry. What kind of industry that students like. Student have to know your own speciality. Have expertise in something that van bring value to organization. Know your compentencies and all of that combine can create a professional that can help business or organization to grow.


business development is very broad subject related to management of business. The article is written from business development expert, Naoyuki Iwatana, A senior partner of Mckinsey Tokyo, Japan.Every organization and business need to innovate and evolve, and it requires a change management to cover it. Using japan as an example, culture influences play an important role in shaping the model of organization. Several ways that management can use such as educating the new team, explain in detail about how the organization works, and give a big picture of the company looks ahead in the future.Another way is creating more inspirational and effective change leaders and changing the mindsets and behaviours.There are various practical ways to drive changes.First,define the end state in detail and provide a roadmap much earlier.Second,engage the front line very early and create opportunities to endorse change.Third,map the organizational network and tackle change blockers.Lastly,expose top management extensively, broadly and directly.


Dr. Maria Grace Herlina S.Sos.,MM. & Mahanara Pradya Rizaldi