Are You and Your Team Ready to Work from Home?

shared by: Nugroho J. Setiadi, PhD

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A crisis, like Covid-19, can impact how, when, and where you and your employees work. That’s why it’s important to be sure everyone on your team is prepared to work from home — perhaps on a moment’s notice. Map out which jobs and tasks can and can’t be done, even partially, without a physical presence in the office. Then do a thorough audit of the technology that your company uses for remote work. Make sure your employees are comfortable using the various hardware and software. Quickly train people and give them opportunities to practice. You’ll also need a clear communications protocol that should include: everyone’s contact information; which communication channels you’ll use — email, Zoom, Bimay, etc.; how employees are expected to respond to customers; and how and when teams will coordinate and meet. While putting these steps in place, it’s also smart to identify ways to measure how effective remote work is for your team. Once the crisis is over, this data will allow you to reflect on what worked, what didn’t, and why.
This tip is adapted from What’s Your Company’s Emergency Remote-Work Plan?,” by Cali Williams Yost


Source:  Yost, C.W.  (2020). What’s Your Company’s Emergency Remote-Work Plan?. Harvard Business Review.  From: . Retrieved on Mar 13, 2020, 3:37 PM

Nugroho J. Setiadi, PhD
  1. Covid-19 is surely give massive impact especially for us as student. We need to learn things on our own and lecturer gives tasks. For employees, they might need some base application that could integrate between one employee and another. There’s a feature from Microsoft called Microsoft Teams and the main function is to manage all your team conversations, files, meetings, and apps live together in a single shared workspace. Though its hard to say, we must adapt until the situation’s getting better. Stay healthy!

  2. I think work from home is a bad idea here. The most common problem is unstable internet connection. Beside that, disruption from audio devices makes it harder to work from home using video conference.

  3. Well for the right people, they can increase productivity depending on the policy as well. We can use Google Drive, VPN, video chats, Internet, conference calls, and etc to stay connected as though we are sitting at office rather than home. Remote working is the trend nowadays but the success in work might depend on the type of work we do.

  4. remote working is good, but it must well be organized and controlled on the pressure so it's not a "heavy-weight" list of a job to queue for employees.

  5. During corona outbreak, it might causes all outside activities to be disrupted. Coronavirus forces industries, school and university to let employees and students work from home. And yes! we all have to be ready because with modern technology, an easy fix for employers or students to have them use Facetime, Skype, Google classrooms or Microsoft Teams to know how them workspace and how they will move around in it.

  6. Right now corona virus makes us stop for a moment from the outside world, but even we stop for a moment from the outside world we have to keep doing activities through online. We can work without leaving our place , continue to work with the team through online & keep maintaining a good communication with our team.

  7. Right now Covid-19 makes us stop for a moment from the outside world, but even we stop for a moment from the outside world we have to keep doing activities through online. We can work without leaving our place , continue to work with the team through online & keep maintaining a good communication with our team.

  8. During corona outbreak, it might causes all outside activities to be disrupted. Coronavirus forces industries, school and university to let employees and students work from home. And yes! we all have to be ready because with modern technology, an easy fix for employers or students to have them use Facetime, Skype, Google classrooms or Microsoft Teams to know how them workspace and how they will move around in it. // Wulandari (2001610583)

  9. Covid-19 has a big impact on the world, as the economy is down. also affects companies, universities and schools that can't face to face by replacing systems such as online learning, online meetings and etc. But not all parties can do this system, because of many factors. To support this system running well, it must be able to adapt to technology, have extensive knowledge, and always update information. With this online system we can use google classroom, google hangout, zoom, microsoft teams, and other supporting software. Thank you, Afra Soraya - 2001600393

  10. Work remotely is the best option during this Covid19 outbreak while people cant go outdoor and interact with each other. Fortunately, we have been known some technologies features to help us to keep being productive during this situation. But, the disadvantage is not every job can be done by technology or work remotely. So, some people still have to go to their office. (Verent Angelia - 2001609745)

  11. Covid-19 made a huge impact on all of us because we have to bring our work home and may not do many activities outside the home. The difficulty that we, and also myself, feel is to adapt to new system of work and learning. For employees, the manager usually make a scenario which jobs and tasks can and can’t be done without a physical presence in the office. Train and help people to adapt to use the hardware or software that help work and learning continues. We can use microsoft teams or google classroom, the fitur of this app can help for video conference, disscussion, sending a file, and etc.

  12. Mohammad Rakhel Rahadian Harris/2001577226 covid-19 or corona has an impact on the way we live now, from students to employees learning and working from home, fortunately we are now in the digital age so work or lessons become easy to do from home. We can use applications such as Microsoft Team, Google Classroom and Cisco Webex, in this application there are features such as: video conferencing, file sharing, or we can present using power points in real time

  13. Work remotely from home is the best option during the pandemic of Covid-19. I can say that although working/studying from home sounds amazing, as it seems more flexible and we are doing it in our own environment, we have to be very careful about making boundaries and keeping motivated to make sure we can still work efficiently and effectively. Raden Mikail Akbar Aulia 2001615205

  14. Melyana Pangestu / 2001553112 COVID-19 affects almost all countries. For example: in Indonesia, the government urges people to stay at home and implement social distancing, the aim is to minimize the increase in the number of suspects, so that the spread of the virus can be more controlled. Therefore, many companies have implemented systems that work from home, where several days before various preparations have been formed. Including meetings through the Microsoft Team, coordination through WhatsApp and Line groups, requesting VPN, etc. So, they can be productive at home. Although there are some companies that have not implemented it or not implemented it because their work cannot be done at home, especially those who work in the field such as banks, sellers of basic necessities, janitors, and BUMN (PLN, Pertamina, etc.).

  15. Bayu Pratama - 2001624436. Ditengah wabah virus corona ini social distancing merupakan salah satu cara terbaik yang dapat dilakukan sekarang untuk mengurangi resiko terinfeksi virus corona. Oleh karena itu banyak aktivitas yang dipindah alih fungsi untuk dikerjakan di rumah, mulai dari bekerja, belajar, beribadah,dll. Namun memang ada beberapa aktifitas yang tidak bisa dikerjakan dari rumah, seperti pada bidang pertanian,peternakan, dan yang menghasilkan bahan - bahan pokok lainnya. Di Indonesia sendiri tidak sepenuhnya diterapkan peraturan ini, melainkan secara bertahap.

  16. dalam menyikapi masalah yang sekarang perlu dihadapi yaitu covid-19, sangat penting untuk menyesuaikan untuk work from home, dikarenakan kegiatan ini dapat memperlambat penyebaran virus dan diharapkan dapat menghilangkan virus tersebut. sehingga semuanya harus memanfaatkan hal-hal yang dapat membantu berlangsungnya kegiatan bekerja contohnya email, Zoom, dll.

  17. Fatah Panji Firmansyah (2001579780) Corona virus certainly makes a huge impact on the activities that we usually do every day starting from students who are made to learn online from home or employees who work from home. But in my opinion with the many platforms available, surely we are ready if we want to work from home because the available platforms also offer convenience to use them. If the company is not willing or not ready to make its employees work from home, the company can make a policy of a week of work in the office a week of work from home as many companies in Indonesia have done because WFH is important to overcoming corona virus.

  18. Monica Vania Stephanie // 2001590796 COVID-19 is now effects in many countries of the world. Work from home is one of the solution to avoid the virus. Although work from home didn’t efficient, but it will help to reduce the number of victims. Work from home is need more evaluation on how it done for the student nor the teacher. The student and teacher need a proper application to do the work at home. For example in Binus students need Bimay to see the assignment. The Bimay must run well so it won’t difficult for student to know the assignments are. But for me, work from home have the positive and negative sides. The negative side for a student is not productive rather we study in the campus. The positive side is we reduce to interacting with people so we don’t easily get that virus.

  19. Kevin Bangun Renaldy - 2001536453 Artikel ini bagus, karena mengajarkan seperti yang kita tahu, bencana seperti ini bisa terjadi tiba-tiba, maka dari itu, kita sebagai perusahaan, harus memanfaatkan teknologi yang ada, yang tentunya harus menunjang work from home, dimana kerja dari rumah yang memungkinkan perusahaan tetap berjalan walau pekerja berada di lingkungan rumah mereka

  20. Corona surely make a huge impact to the world. Actually work from home is a good idea. But i think the platform aren't good enough to support the students. They should improve the platform to support all the students(jonathan adhianto 2001608452)

  21. on this article, i learned the importance of work from home with the team, with Map out which jobs and tasks can and can’t be done, even partially, without a physical presence in the office. Then do a thorough audit of the technology that your company uses for remote work. Thank you for the article, Sir. — Agustin Savira 2001604246

  22. Daniel Nalom-1901497174(LA26) This coronavirus outbreak gives and train us as a college student to map and sort out our assignment to be done. Eventhough we are currently staying far away and such remote place, that should not be a reason for us to not start working our chores.

  23. Nama: Jemmy Young NIM: 2001624651 in this corona virus outbreak situation, work from home is the best choice. because we dont want this outbreak getting worse. but the problem when work from home is not everybody get used to this working model. there is still a lot people who dont know how to use apps and software that support them for work from home and there is still a lot place with bad signal.

  24. Corona S*ck!! Working from home isn't such a good idea to be implemented in indonesia, but you know what? Its necessary. We gotta beat this corona thingy

  25. Erlyta Agustin W- 2001598956 Dengan adanya wabah corona ini kita benar benar harus berhati hati atas kesehatan kita dan social distancing serta WFH adalah jalan terbaik karna ini dapat mengurangi bagimana penyebarannya . Dan apa yang dikatakan didalam artikel saya setuju , dengan memantau bagaimana pekerjaan yang dilakukan dirumah , melakukan audit atau diskusi secara online adalah jalan bagimana pekerjaan tetap dapat dilakukan ditengah wabah yang ada

  26. Maximilian Fajar Linus - 2001574874 - LA26. Pandemi Covid-19 memberikan dmapak yang besar hampir diseluruh dunia. Semua kegiatan seperti kegiatan sehari-hari sampai kegiatan ekonomi ikut terkena dampaknya. Hal tersebut membuat perubahan dalam aktivitas, yang biasanya dilakukan diluar rumah atau ruangan sekarang hampir smeua kegiatan harus dilakukan dari rumah. Saya setuju dengan artikel tersebut, dalam memberlakukan kegiatan kerja dari rumah perusahaan juga harus dapat memastikan apakah setiap perangkat keras maupun piranti lunak yang dimiliki perusahaan dan karyawan memungkinkan dan dapat mendukung kegiatan kerja dari rumah tersebut, sarana komunikasi yang memadai juga harus di cek agar segala komunikasi antar pekerja dapat terus terlaksana. Selain itu penting juga bagi perusahaan untuk tetap memberikan perhatian kepada jam kerja karyawan sehingga para pekerja tetap bisa mendapatkan istirahat yang cukup sehingga dapat memberikan hasil pekerjaan yang maksimal kepada perusahaan.

  27. Edo Roy - 2001547665 kehadiran virus covid-19 tentu saja berpengaruh terhadap semua orang tak terkecuali. termasuk yang bekerja pada kantor dan juga lapangan seperti gojek/grab. jika kita memimpin sebuah team sebisa mungkin kita harus bisa bekerja secara maksimal dengan perlengkapan yang ada. seperti bekerja di rumah menggunakan zoom atau aplikasi lainnya. kita harus bisa memimpin karyawan kita untuk sebisa mungkin melakukan pekerjaan yang bisa di lakukan dan tidak meninggalkan pekerjaan.

  28. We have to adept. because of Covid-19 we have to work from home, study at home, everything from home. This will be something new for us, so we have to adept in every situation so we still can do our best at every situation.

  29. Kevin Bangun Renaldy - 2001536453 Saya setuju mengenai hal kita harus memberi rekan kerja kita waktu untuk beradaptasi, tetapi menurut saya evaluasi keberhasilan akan lebih baik jika dilakukan 1-2 bulan setelah diberlakukannya WFH (jika dalam bulan itu masih WFH tentunya). karena keberlangsungan perusahaan dipertaruhkan, jika mengevaluasi setelah selesainya krisis, bisa saja sudah terlambat, dalam hal ini, saya rasa evaluasi perbulan diperlukan, karena ini adalah hal yang baru.

  30. Work from home needs to pay attention to all kinds of aspects, such as the ability of employees, etc., so that it will bring more compactness even if it does not work in f2f