6 Rules To Transform Your Leadership Development Program


Business Development merupakan langkah – langkah dalam suatu perencaan bisnis yang dilakukan perusahaan untuk menciptakan nilai jangka panjang untuk perusahaan yang berawal dari pelanggan, pasar, serta relasi. Dapat juga disingkat sebagai semua ide atau inisiatif yang dilakukan untuk meningkatkan bisnis secara menyeluruh. Ada tiga komponen yang biasa digunakan dalam Business Development yaitu Revenue, Expansion, dan Strategic Partnership. Business Development mencakup beberapa departemen yang ada di dalam organisasi yaitu Penjualan, Pemasaran, Manajemen Proyek, Produk serta Vendor, dan Partnership. Penjualan (Sales) dengan Business Development memiliki keterkaitan karena bagian penjualan akan focus terhadap pasar tertentu dan sering mencapai target, bagi seorang business development mereka harus focus terhadap perkembangan produk tersebut. Business Development juga memiliki kaitan dengan Pemasaran (Marketing) karena seorang Business Development ialah seorang yang harus menjual suatu produk serta seorang Business Development harus dapat bernegosiasi dalam partnership. Hubungan antara Strategic Partnership dengan Business Development yaitu sebagai seorang harus membangun hubungan yang baik dengan perusahaan yang lain, peran Marketing sendiri yaitu melakukan promosi dan mengiklankan produk tersebut kepada partnership atau perusahaan lain. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa seorang Business Development ialah seseorang yang mempunyai tanggung jawab yang besar karena ia harus menyusun target serta strategi yang akan digunakan organisasi atau perusahaan untuk jangka panjang. Seorang Business Development juga harus membangun relasi yang baik dengan perusahaan yang bekerja sama atau pun dengan pelanggannya, bernegosiasi, menganalisis peluang yang ada, serta mengontrol dan mengawasi perkembangan organisasi tersebut. Seorang Business Development juga harus memiliki pengetahuan yang luas seperti tentang administrasi, manajemen, serta penjualan dan pemasaran.


Peter Drucker, had little to say on leadership, he believed that leadership was only useful inside of organizations when viewed in aggregate. Successful managers today use media to build their personal brand, which then accrues back to their organizations, a complete reversal of Drucker’s assertion. Companies need good managers to keep operations going—and organization development needs to modify their mission not to just instill competency, but to identify and nurture leaders. There are six rules that can help organizations large and small make their leadership development more effective and engaging. The first one, is Create an Organizational Context by writing a guide or a framework that essentially comes from the best idea, Organizational development needs to focus on how ideas apply to the company in very specific ways. The second one, Reconcile Management and Leadership by create frameworks, competencies and guides intended to help employees see a broader world beyond their jobs, and to help move them through gates of achievement toward more responsibility, and hopefully, more pay and benefits. The third one, Be Action Oriented it means Leadership development should be about putting people into mental situations that they may not regularly see in their job so that they are prepared for them should they even occur. Next tips, Don’t Try to Manufactures Leaders, Leaders can be made but leadership tends to be an emergent property. Rather than trying to manufacture leaders organizations would be better off trying to identify them, nurture them and give them the freedom and permission to be leaders. The last second tips, Use Leadership Attributes to Identify not to Instill, Leadership is not a list of attributes, it is a way of being and acting but leadership isn’t about reaching some tipping point on a check list and then suddenly finding oneself transformed from manager to leader. The last one, Grant Permission don’t Create Incentives, Leadership, like collaboration, coaching and other complex concepts require permission, not incentives. Drucker’s description of a leader is holistic and integrated and Leaders are clearly not made from cobbled together components, or developed through a curriculum that imparts particular skills.

Reference : https://www.fastcompany.com/3013397/6-rules-to-transform-your-leadership-development-program?cid=search

Dr. Maria Grace Herlina S.Sos.,MM. & Tasya