3 Reasons Why Organizations Make Bad Hiring Decisions

People are most valuable assets of every organization. Every organization or businesses need employees that are able to get the job done, because employee performance is critical to company’s future successes. And with that, hiring better people, using a thorough and formal process, leads to concrete improvements in your organization’s operations and financials.

Many organizations still not able to hire people in most effective and optimal ways. Which affect the organization’s work from within. There are distinct reasons that mostly talent decisions are often handled with less care than other decisions of similar value, for example :

  1. Employee performance is inherently difficult to measure.
  2. Conclusive hiring outcomes occur years after hiring decisions and, worse yet, success criteria often go undefined.
  3. A sea of hiring assessments grows.

There are ways that can be done to address these challenges. But the main focus, we have to recognize the massive impact and investment that hiring decisions represent first.

Reference: https://www.mckinsey.com/business-functions/organization/our-insights/the-organization-blog/3-reasons-why-organizations-make-bad-hiring-decisions

Dr. Maria Grace Herlina S.Sos.,MM. & Devandra Nabila Aulia