3 Critical Steps To Improve Hiring 

We must be careful in recruiting by looking at the main performance criteria to avoid large-scale recruitment errors. With record low unemployment and higher rates of attrition among its sales people, the organization was struggling to maintain its desired pace of growth while still making high-quality hires. While many organizations often find it quicker and easier to simply add more assessments to the hiring process, the client here wanted a more objective and data-driven approach—one that begins with a clear definition and measure of job performance. it is critically important to ensure you think carefully about key performance criteria for different roles in order to avoid costly hiring mistakes at scale. Three part series dives deeper into three specific steps organizations should take to be more thoughtful about hiring. Three critical steps to improve hiring : Capture both the ‘what’s and ‘how’s of performance. Find the right performance data. Get systematic about connecting performance and assessment results. The following are steps to consider the definition of performance and capture the meaning of success for a given role.

Reference : https://www.mckinsey.com/business-functions/organization/our-insights/the-organization-blog/3-critical-steps-to-improve-hiring

Dr. Maria Grace Herlina S.Sos.,MM. & Vanessa Augria