What to Do If You Work for a Coward

shared by: Nugroho J. Setiadi, PhD

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No one wants to work for a cowardly boss. A manager who avoids difficult issues, praises poor performance, or tries to buy loyalty by saying yes to any idea can have a paralyzing impact on their team. There are a few things you can do if you’re in this situation. First, avoid the temptation to gossip behind your boss’s back. Sure, you may want to vent, but it will only end up making you look bad. Instead, study their behavior. What makes your boss fearful? If you were in their shoes, what would you do differently? Next, redouble your efforts to respectfully raise dissenting views. Talk openly about difficult decisions, making your hard choices visible to your colleagues. This will set you apart, while allowing you to maintain your integrity. It may feel awkward or unfair to “role model up,” but don’t underestimate the power of a positive example. Also, as difficult as it might seem, ask your boss for what you need — being direct in this situation may be the best way to get it. Finally, think about whether your boss is an exception or whether they’re representative of the company’s culture. If cowardice is the norm, it might not be a place you want to stay.
This tip is adapted from How to Work for a Cowardly Boss,” by Ron Carucci


Source:  Carucci, R.  (2020). How to Work for a Cowardly Boss. Harvard Business Review.  From: https://hbr.org/2020/01/how-to-work-for-a-cowardly-boss?utm_medium=email&utm_source=newsletter_daily&utm_campaign=mtod_notactsubs . Retrieved on Feb 18, 2020, 4:36 PM

Nugroho J. Setiadi, PhD
  1. Nama: Calvin Sioe NIM : 2001551460/LA 26 Menurut saya artikel ini merupakan topik yang sangat menarik karena sifat buruk pada atasan biasanya sulit diubah. Namun dengan memberikan contoh yang baik di lingkungan kerja dapat mempengaruhi atasan untuk ikut berubah apalagi jika dicontoh oleh seluruh bawahannya. Memberikan kritik dan saran yang membangun juga dapat membantu seseorang untuk sadar akan perilaku buruknya.

  2. Nama : Wulandari NIM : 2001610583 Kelas : LA26 dari artikel di atas saya belajar kalo kita tidak bisa mengubah sikap setiap orang termasuk bos di kantor. Saya harus mempelajari perilaku orang lain dan mencoba mencari tahu alasan mengapa mereka seperti itu. ketika menghadapi situasi yang sulit, saya harus berbicara secara terbuka dan hadir untuk menjadi panutan demi menjadi contoh atasan serta bawahan dan menjaga integritas.

  3. From this article, I got an important point to be aware of bad behavior or behavior to superiors who are difficult to change. But the tips and examples provided, I can know better to change it by avoiding negative vibes, increasing different views, and etc. so that, in the future we can feel positive vibes, maintaining a harmonious work environment. Thank You - Afra Soraya (2001600393)

  4. Brian Richard / 2001580321 The article above is very informative and useful especially for us, we might get some insight how the real work environment would be. It teaches me on how to behave if I have the same situation like the case above. Perhaps, learning on how to change our point of view is very important in this case, what if I'm the boss, what should I do? Why my boss have a decision like this? Sharing your thoughts might be the best option for this, but still, have some respect.

  5. This article is very interesting to let us know how to act/react different kind of people behaviour in work environment & i think the tips on this article about how to deal with situation like that is very usefull to manage a good work environment & a good relationship. What i have been learn about this article was be an open minded person by looking others perspective and other point of view , and be free to ask some question.

  6. ade Hafizh arifta-2001596244 LA26. ketika menghadapi situasi seperti artikel diatas, jangan sampai meniru apa yang Sudah berlaku pada perusahaan tersebut. apabila anda bisa menularkan hal positif ke perusahaan tersebut lakukan lah Karena dengan itu anda bisa menghilangkan hal hal semacam itu. jangan takut berbeda dan dianggap aneh.

  7. There are a few things that we can do when we have to work for a cowardly boss. First, avoid the temptation to gossip behind your boss’s back. This step is really important because we don’t want any bad gossip will affect the performance of the boss. So better as an employee, we don’t say it. Beside it we have to think as we in their shoes, what are make our boss fearful, etc. We as an employee we can help our boss to get head up against other company. By a good strategy to win the competition. Second, redouble your effort to respectfully raise dissenting views. In this stage we have to finish our work well, so it won’t make any reason to turn into our mistake. When our work has done, our boss will trust us as a good employee who wants to support the company to get higher rate beside the other competitor.

  8. Muhammad Ragil Kesuma Putra (2001583973) It's true that its sucks to work for a cowardly boss, but there's always a way. From this article now i know that it's important to first study their behavior.. so we know what we're up against, then ask them directly what they need or want, and last come up with a plan how to grab your cowardly boss interested in whatever you're planning

  9. Fatah Panji Firmansyah (2001579780) In my opinion this article is very helpful because nowadays so many people don't know how to deal with a cowardly boss and usually that person is just end up gossiping about the boss. With this article we know how to properly deal with bosses like this.

  10. Melyana Pangestu / 2001553112 Through this article, I realized that the conditions of the work environment might not match what we expect as our boss's behavior. But, talking about it in the back isn't the right way out. The solution we can do is to study their behavior. In addition, we must maintain our integrity, don't follow the steps of our boss. But if these conditions have become the norm in our company, we better find another company.

  11. To work for a coward is to work for a failing business Many successful businesses start with the courage to take risks in their lives. Those who do not dare to take risks are on the road to "collateral failure", according to the founder of Facebook. Therefore, Without risk there will be no chance for success and There is no such thing as a risk-free life. As an employer, We can combat this behavior by asking our selves some questions. Will it threatening the business in the future? and do you have anything to lose?

  12. what i got from this article, some people just cant change their behaviour even if they are the leader but we can learn about the situation and think if there any ways to do or to fix this, do not talk behind your boss' back. Talk openly about the situation and make them understand about the situation. So, we can solve the problem together and know what are we dealing with.

  13. Verent Angelia - 2001609745 -LA26 Terima kasih atas artikel yang bermanfaat, disini ada beberapa poin penting terkait artikel di atas untuk menghadapi situasi jika mendapatkan atasan yang kurang kompeten. [1] Jangan bergosip, lebih baik pelajari perilaku yang membuat atasan menjadi tidak kompeten. [2] Gandakan aura positif yang mungkin dapat membuat kita berbeda dengan lainnya dan yang terakhir [3] Perhatikan apakah sikap tersebut memang sudah menjadi budaya di sekitar lingkungan. dengan poin-poin ini kita mungkin dapat lebih terbuka dalam melihat situasi yang ada saat bekerja di suatu perusahaan nantinya.

  14. Ferrel Enoch Ibrahim - 2001547671 - LA26. Artikel ini sangat menarik karena boss yang bersifat seperti artikel diatas tidaklah sedikit. Maka perlu diingat saran diatas coba cari tahu apakah memang budaya perusahaan tersebut seperti itu atau tidak. Kalau memang seperti itu dan kita tidak betah, lebih baik pindah saja dari perusahaan tersebut.

  15. m ramadhan aditia - 2001570623 to work under a coward boss is such a pain for us, and others too, but, if there is a will, there will be a way to understand what makes you be the one who speaks and model up as yourself to show it is okay to take risk more than your boss ever could, and that behavior should encourage your boss more that trust is bigger than the fear he has.

  16. Nama: Edo Roy NIM : 2001547665 I got a crucial purpose to bear in mind of dangerous behavior or behavior to superiors UN agency that are tough to alter. however the information and examples provided, I will try to alter it by avoiding negative vibes, increasing completely different views, and etc. so that, within the future we will feel positive vibes, maintaining a harmonious work atmosphere. I realized that the conditions of the work atmosphere won't match what we have a tendency to expect as our boss's behavior. But, talking regarding it within the back isn't the correct reply. the answer we will do is to check their behavior. additionally, we have a tendency to maintain our integrity, don't follow the steps of our boss. however if these conditions became the norm in our company, we have a tendency to choose another company.

  17. Mohammad Rakhel Rahadian Harris/2001577226 from the article in it I learned something, that we cannot change the attitude of everyone including superiors/Boss in the office. I have to talk to the person and try to find out the reason why they are like that. compilation answers the difficult, I must speak openly and be present to be a role model for the sake of being an example of superiors and subordinates and guaranteed integrity.

  18. There are so many characters and habits of a boss that can't be changed. But that doesn't mean we can't handle it. As colleagues, we must be able to position ourselves so well to overcome this problem. With this article, I got a valuable benefit, a step to overcome a coward boss. This thing not always be a bad thing if we can handle it wisely, and not make it worse. This article is very useful.

  19. Andi Wijaya - 2001592372 ( LA26 ) There is some situation in our working environment where there is a positive aspect or a negative one. when we face our boss and his temperament is not good in working condition and we have to do the work. the question is do you still want to work with your boss and cope with the situation like doing " the article advised " maybe you can continue and your boss might be changed.

  20. Anak Agung Lanang Hartawiguna R. - 2001561972 This articles is very relevant to the work culture in Indonesia because of the senior hierarchy. I strongly agree to ask what we need directly from the manager and to talk openly so we the workplace can be more productive.

  21. menurut saya artikel ini sangat bagus. karena sikap "coward" adalahsalah satu masalah jiwa yang benar-benar bias menghambat karir maupun kemajuan hidup kita. artikel ini membahas cara mengatasi masalah ini adalah dengan ,melatih "courage" dan menurut ini sangat benar. melatih keberanina secara konsisten akan membuat kita terbiasa dengan situasi yang membuat kita takut dan akhirnya akan membuat kita keluar dari rasa takut.

  22. nama: jemmy young NIM : 2001624651 artikel ini membahas tentang rasa takut yang menyebabkan seseorang menjadi pengecut. menurut saya isu ini dibahas sangat baik dalam artikel ini. rasa takut adalah rasa yang membuat kita menjadi pengecut sehingga menyebabkan kemunduran dalam hidup kita dan menyebabkan kita sulit untuk maju. di dalam artikel ini dibahas bahwa mengatasi rasa takut dilakukan dengan cara melatih keberanian dan saya setuju dengan ini. dengan secara kon sisten melatih keberanian, lama kelamaan kita akan terbiasa dan menjadi berani menghadapi situasi yang kita takuti.

  23. artikel ini sangat bagus untuk dibaca semua orang karena artikel yang dibahas sangat relevan dengan isu saat ini. menurut saya artikel ini sangat bagus. karena sikap "coward" adalah salah satu masalah jiwa yang benar-benar bisa menghambat karir maupun kemajuan hidup kita. artikel ini membahas cara mengatasi masalah ini adalah dengan ,melatih "courage" dan menurut ini sangat benar. melatih keberanina secara konsisten akan membuat kita terbiasa dengan situasi yang membuat kita takut dan akhirnya akan membuat kita keluar dari rasa takut.

  24. Maximilian Fajar Linus - 2001574874 - LA26. Menurut saya artikel ini sangat menarik, karena pada dunia kerja kita dapat menemui orang-orang dengan sifat dan kepribadian yang berbeda-beda. Kita harus dapat belajar untuk memahami perbedaan tersebut dengan tidak langsung menilai buruk orang tersebut. Sebisa mungkin kita mencari tahu terlebih dahulu kenapa dia bersikap seperti itu, dan jika memungkinkan berdiskusi dengan orang tersebut agar bisa menjadi lebih baik lagi.

  25. Bayu Pratama 2001624336. Artikel yang sangat menarik, dalam menghadapi situasi ini bergosip bukanlah hal yang baik. Jika bos anda mengetahui di gosipkan malah dia akan bersikap buruk kepada kita. Lebih baik disampaikan keresahan yang dialami kepada bos agar dia bisa instropeksi diri dan merubah sikapnya. Walaupun tidak mudah untuk merubah kebiasaan dan perilaku buruk orang lain setidaknya kita sampaikan dengan cara yang baik. Kalau masih tidak betah dalam situasi ini, cara terakhirnya adalah pindah tempat kerja.

  26. Daniel Nalom-1901497174 What i can learn from this article was, sincerity is the best method and behaviour in a working environment. For any effort we did inside any teams we should do best with integrity to encourage positive mental atittude towards co-workers and reduce unhealthy potential situation while doing the job. Thank you.

  27. There are so many characters and habits of a boss that can't be changed. But that doesn't mean we can't handle it. As colleagues, we must be able to position ourselves so well to overcome this problem. With this article, I got a valuable benefit, a step to overcome a coward boss. This thing not always be a bad thing if we can handle it wisely, and not make it worse. This article is very useful.

  28. on this article, i learned that having a cowardly boss is exhausting. by studying their behaviours as the article says, it allowing me to maintain my integrity and think about what if i been if i'm on his position. Thank you for the article, Sir. -- Agustin Savira 2001604246

  29. Kevin Bangun Renaldy - 2001536453 i think this article is interesting, because sometimes, we met this conditions. in my opinion about this one is if we can accept a cowardly boss, yes we can stay on this job, but if we cant accept that thing, we can say it to the boss, what makes the boss like that (i think that must be a reason for every single choice). but if we still cant accept that thing, i think that not the place for you, go get another job and boss is the best choice i think, because if we work with a happy heart, im sure the result is positive.

  30. Erlyta Agustin Wilarto - 2001598956 - LA26 Menurut saya didalam artikel ini dapat menambah wawasan saya tentang bagimana menghadapi karakter atasan yang berbagai macam . Banyak atasan yang tidak bisa bekerja baik dengan bawahannya , dan menurut saya artikel ini dapat membuka pikiran dan wawasan saya harus bagaimana saya bersikap untuk mengatasi hal ini jika terjadi pada saya . Karna didalam suatu pekerjaan pasti kita akan menemukan hal seperti ini , tetapi kita tidak bisa selalu untuk menghindari ataupun keluar pekerjaan begitu saja , namun bisa kita selesaikan dengan mencari teknik bagimana menghadapinya supaya kita kuat

  31. Aji Sinta Prameswari/2001541283 It may be sucks to work for a cowardly boss, but the positive way is you get motivated be not like her/him. You get motivated to bring the best in you for your work, to spread a positive vibes around, and not the be the topic of some gossips around your peers. And this article gives good advices of how to find a way to face the cowardly boss

  32. I agree with the statement above, because after all I think we must still respect the leader, even though the leader has a bad attitude though, because it is the one who is appointed to become a leader of course has gone through various processes that were not easy either before