Disruptive Innovation Part.2
Author : Nabila Indrasari, AF. Utami
Discussing more about disruptive innovation, one of the interesting case is that huge company such as Toyota choose to invest in their lower product when they can compete with Mercedes with their upper products, the reason itself is because they would gain more profit with their innovation in their simpler products, Toyota also able to compete with upper class car company with their own disruptive innovation and enter the high-end market.
Not only change the business but disruptive innovation also changes the way professor teach and talk because they have to adjust to the changes in business and they need to teach how to look into the future. Hello Fresh a company in Germany create a disruption with their services of subscribe and they will deliver a box of ingredients plus recipe. There are four elements in disruptive innovation which is:
• Footholds: where the company stand in the market whether new market or low end
• Inferior: whether their products is inferior or not.
• Accessible and affordable
• Technology: what technology that they use.