On March 26 to April 16 2014, Geebiz competition were held in Victoria University of wellington, New Zealand. Geebiz competition is The Global Enterprise Experience competition to develop global leaders skilled in managing across cultures, time zones, and developed and developing countries with world views that are worlds apart. It builds a mindset for creating successful business ventures that tackle social and environmental issues. Participants are in teams of six or eight, with members drawn from around the world
The contest was followed by 960 participants from 208 Universities in 62 countries placed in 114 multinational teams of eight members. Teams used distance communication technologies to build their team, come up with creative ideas on profitable businesses to address the needs of youth and/or children and write business proposal.
Indonesia are represented by Binus University- IBM program students Daniel Lim and Denny Khong in this competition. They were team up in Team 88: Pall ETS that consist student participant from New Zealand, Iran, England and Nigeria. In this team, they create business plan and product of emergency transition shelter, reliable shelters that can be used as schooling facilities for those in need –due to disasters that strike communities or displaced refugees. With this team the students awarded as ANZ highly commended Team.
Congratulation Daniel and Denny as Binusian that prouds our University and nation internationally.