We are International Marketing students from Binus University (Giovanni Alexander, Karen Hutama, Yohanes Sidi) who participated in Marketing Plan Competition EURECA 2015 held by Prasetiya Mulya Business School.
We’re interested in this competition because the case contributor was Microsoft Mobile. So, despite the mid-term exam and thesis deadline we decided to participated anyway because we thought it would be interesting. We got a chance to visit Microsoft Mobile office in SCBD area where the marketing case was informed to us. We also learn about the product we’re about to market which is Microsoft Lumia 535 Dual SIM.
As a first step we’re required to submit a marketing plan, and the top 20 will proceed to present their idea through 5 minute rocket pitch. The process to create the marketing plan was really challenging for us, we need to make a lot of time to brainstorm aside from our own activities. Fortunately, from around 60 teams, we passed the first elimination and got a chance to present our idea to the judges.
The duration for the presentation was really short, so we decided that only 2 members will do the presentation for time efficiency. There is no audience in the presentation room, only the judges. But we’re still very nervous especially all of the competing teams seems very capable and talented. From 20 teams, only 5 will continue to the final round. We’re really excited when we found out that we’re in the top 5, although our score shows that we’re on the last place.
After knowing that we’re on the last place, we worked really hard and practice to perfect our presentation for the final judges. We did our best and answer all of the judges questions. Even though it’s not perfect, we’re satisfied with our performance. The winners announced on the same day in the Awarding Night Gala Dinner. We’re really proud that one of our member Yohanes Sidi won the best speaker award, and we managed to won second place.
From this competition we learned a lot about marketing implementation in real business, teamwork, and practice our public speaking skill. But most of all, we learned that no effort is ever wasted. This competition process is stressful and challenging so we got to put our best effort, and everything is worth it in the end.
We would like to thank Ms. Ina Melati, Mr. Martinus Fieser Sitinjak, our family and friends who have supported and bring out the best of us .Last but not least, we would like to thank God for His blessings and Grace to let us win this competition.