Vision and Mission

Our Vision:

“A world-class business school, fostering and empowering the society in serving and building the nation.”

Our Mission:

Providing world-class business and management education to build the nation and contribute to community development by:

        1. Educating BINUSIAN to develop exemplary character through a holistic approach.
          – We educate BINUSIAN through a holistic approach to become ethical & innovative graduates with various skills to face business and digitalization challenges.
        2. Providing solutions to business and entrepreneurship problems with meaningful and relevant research
          – We Encourage BINUSIAN to advance business knowledge and practices with high-quality research to solve business and entrepreneurial problems.
        3. Fostering BINUSIAN through self-development.
          – We foster the realization of BINUSIAN SPIRIT values ​​to improve personal and professional capabilities.
        4. Empowering BINUSIAN to advance the business community in a sustainable manner
          – We encourage BINUSIAN to solve the challenges of the business world through academic activities and community service.

Visi Kami:

“Menjadi program studi Manajemen berkelas dunia yang berkontribusi pada pengembangan ilmu manajemen dan praktik bisnis berkelanjutan, sekaligus membina dan memberdayakan masyarakat untuk melayani dan membangun bangsa.”

Misi Kami:

Menyelenggarakan pendidikan bisnis dan manajemen kelas dunia untuk membangun bangsa dan berkontribusi dalam pengembangan masyarakat dengan cara:

        1. Mendidik BINUSIAN untuk mengembangkan karakter keteladanan melalui pendekatan holistik.
          – Mendidik BINUSIAN melalui pendekatan holistik untuk menjadi lulusan yang beretika & inovatif dengan berbagai keterampilan untuk menghadapi tantangan bisnis dan digitalisasi.
        2. Memberikan solusi atas permasalahan bisnis dan kewirausahaan dengan penelitian yang bermakna dan relevan
          – Mendorong BINUSIAN memajukan pengetahuan dan praktik bisnis dengan penelitian berkualitas tinggi untuk menyelesaikan masalah bisnis dan kewirausahaan.
        3. Membina BINUSIAN melalui pengembangan diri.
          – Memupuk pengejawantahan nilai SPIRIT BINUSIAN untuk meningkatkan kapabilitas pribadi dan profesional.
        4. Memberdayakan BINUSIAN untuk memajukan komunitas bisnis secara berkesinambungan
          – Mendorong BINUSIAN untuk menyelesaikan tantangan dunia usaha melalui kegiatan akademik dan pengabdian kepada masyarakat.



Providing world class business education to build  the nation and to contribute to community development by means of:
  • Educating BINUSIANs to develop exemplary characters through holistic approach.
Educating BINUSIANs to be ethical & innovative graduates with multiple skills to deal with business challenges using holistic approach.
  • Resolving business and entrepreneurship issues with meaningful and relevant research.
Encouraging BINUSIAN to advance knowledge and practices with high quality research for resolving business and entrepreneurship issues.
  • Fostering BINUSIANs through self-enrichment.
Nourishing BINUSIANs’ SPIRIT for improving personal and professional capabilities
  • Empowering BINUSIANs to continuously improve business community.
Invigorating BINUSIANs to solve the business community challenges through academic and community service activities.