
Prof. Firdaus Alamsjah is Executive Director of Binus CREATES. At the Master of Industrial Engineering, he teaches Supply Chain and Logistics and Operations Management. He has more than 20 years of extensive experience is in consulting, training, and teaching, which complements his research interests in strategy execution, supply-chain management, and business process management. He has published many articles related to his expertise which can be access at his SintaGoogle Scholar and Scopus profile.


Area of expertise

Business Strategy, Supply Chain Management, Business Process Improvement, Innovation

Research & Publication Information
  1. Technology and operations management
  2. Supply chain engineering
  3. Digital transformation
Professional Services
  • Executive Dean of Binus Business School (2005 – 2018)
    Bina Nusantara
    Binus Business School, Jakarta, Indonesia
  • Director of Binus Creates (2018 – Present
    Bina Nusantara
    Bina Nusantara University, Jakarta, Indonesia
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