Dr. Junius Tirok, B.Sc., MBA

Dr. Junius Tirok, B.Sc., MBA

Dr. Junius Tirok, B.Sc., MBA has a lot of lecturing experiences in accounting and finance at some universities. He was a Lecturer at BINUS Business School, University of Indonesia, New York University, IPMI International Business School, Klabat University of Seventh-Day Adventist. He received his Doctoral from University of Indonesia and MBA degree from AndrewUniversity, USA.

He had more than 17 years hands-on experience in various multinational and public companies such as South Celebes Mission of the Seventh-Day Adventist Organization, East Indonesia Union Corporation of the Sevent-Day Adventist Organization, PT Tirta Manggala (Nugra Santana Group), The Institute of Certified Management Accountant, Australia.

Case Document


As one of the major investment companies in Indonesia, PT Bakrie & Brothers Tbk (called BB) is considering a major expansion of the business, growth through internal investment (organic), or invests by acquiring other companies (inorganic). From the firm's perspective, the investors' expected return is a cost of using the funds, called the cost of capital.  A variety of factors influencing a firm's cost of capital, such as level of interest rates, tax policies, and the regulatory environments.  The degree of risk in the projects it undertakes and the types of funds it raises both have a profound effect on its cost of capital.