Adsina Fibra, S.Sos.,M.Ed

Adsina Fibra, S.Sos.,M.Ed

Adsina Fibra holds a bachelor’s degree in social science from University of Indonesia and a master’s degree in international education development program from Boston University. She has ten years’ of experience working in the education field and eight years’ of experience in the managerial level. She managed various education programs in national and international levels. At the national level, she managed civic education and exchange programs which were designed for youth, community leaders, and university professors throughout 30 provinces of Indonesia. At the international level, she managed “The World Congress on Civic Education” with the total of 250 participants from 60 countries. Currently, she serves Bina Nusantara University’s as the Learning and Faculty Development Manager. She also involves in a three year INDOPED project with a consortium of five European universities and five Indonesian university in Modernizing Indonesian Higher Education with Tested European Pedagogical Practices.

Case Document

Other Year 2017


The case presents an Indonesian NGO named Indonesia Mengajar (IM) and its holistic approach in education issue. IM believe that the society can be independent by and grow stronger, and believe that the education development in one area is determined by the educational local actors, such as teachers, parents, the regency government and the people.

The case shared the best practice of recruiting young people into education sector. However, IM’s teacher recruitment method is still questioned, whether being a teacher is a temporary or a lifetime profession? Lastly, the IM’s achievements and inspiring young educators’ stories were aims to stimulate the readers, how we as citizen can contribute in developing the nations.