Hutchison 3 Indonesia Wants to Take BBS Students’ Ideas Further
Twelve students of BINUS BUSINESS SCHOOL presented their research and ideas for the GIEP Project in front of the Chief Executive Officer and Chief Commercial Officer of Hutchison 3 Indonesia. The meeting and presentation that was held on Wednesday, November 23rd 2016, at Hutchison 3 Indonesia Office, Mulia Tower 10th floor, Jakarta.
Randeep Sekhon, the Chief Executive Officer of Hutchison 3 Indonesia, said that he appreciates the way the students handled the research. “We would like to take some of the ideas further,” said Randeep Sekhon.
The students also won praise from Dolly Susanto, the Chief Commercial Officer of Hutchison 3 Indonesia. She said that she was happy with the well-structured research and presentation that the students did.
In this GIEP Project, the students were divided into four groups with four different topics – M-commerce, Branch Strategy, Customer Engagement, and Big Data. Aside from doing the research, the students were also asked to find the solutions that could be implemented by the company.
Dr. Rini Setiowati, SE., MBA., the Head Of Program of Business Management and Creative Marketing of BINUS BUSINESS SCHOOL, explained that this program was conducted to make the subjects that were taught in the class become relevant. The students were faced with the company’s real problem and were required to find the solution. Therefore, the skills and knowledge could be implemented in the industry.
The goal of this project, according to Rini Setiowati, is to strengthen the students’ analytical, strategic planning, and problem solving skills. “Those skills cannot be obtained in the class room only,” she added.
Minsani Mariani, MBA., the Lecturer and Subject Content Coordinator, said that Hutchison 3 Indonesia needs some insights from the academics that are also represent the customers, especially the millennials. The need is in harmony with BBS’ intention to provide more real-world experience to the students.
According to Minsani Mariani, the toughest challenge for the students in this project was dividing the time for working, doing the research, and finishing their thesis. The students that were involved in this project had to make their time so that this project could be finished. “Therefore, I really appreciate the students’ effort in finishing this project”, said Minsani Mariani.