Building and strengthening networks will always be important, likewise for academic institution and the Ph.D’s. Therefore, BINUS held the Ph.D Gathering 2016 on Monday, November 29th, 2016, at BINUS JWC Campus, Senayan, Jakarta. The Ph.D Gathering was filled with dinner session, several opening speech and Sharing Session by the speakers.
In his welcoming speech, Mr. Bernard Gunawan Hadipoespito, the CEO of BINUS Group, invited the audience to not only build their networks, but also utilize the networking to build the nation. “I believe that all of us have a same vision to build the nation,” said Mr. Bernard Gunawan.
Meanwhile, in his opening speech, Mr. Iman Herwidiana Kartowisastro, Ph.D, the Vice Rector 1 in Academic and Provost of BINUS UNIVERSITY, explained the World Class vision of BINUS. He said that “World Class” for BINUS is the capability to produce graduates that can contribute globally.
He also said that BINUS is striving to increase its contribution to the community. “Knowledge shall not be ended in publication only. It must be able to be utilized by everyone inside or outside BINUS,” Iman H. Kartowisastro added.
In his testimonial, Mr. Sani Muhammad Isa, a Faculty Member of BINUS from Ph.D Gathering 2014, shared his experience as a Faculty Member at BINUS. According to him, BINUS has an excellent managerial quality, comfortable working environment, and opportunities to expressed talents and hobbies outside the academic.
“But the most important thing is, BINUS strongly supports its lecturers and the research activities,” he said.
The testimonial session was followed by Sharing Session by Mr. Firdaus Alamsjah, the Executive Dean of BINUS INTERNATIONAL. In the sharing session, Mr. Firdaus invited the audience to build a great faculty which consists of four roles – educator, researcher, practitioner, and public contributor.
“Great faculty can change the world,” Mr. Firdaus said.
The Ph.D Gathering was closed with a Question and Answer Session with Mr. Firdaus Alamsjah, Mr. Stephen Wahyudi Santoso, Mr. Iman H. Kartowisastro, and Mr. Harry Surya Adam.