Career Seminar: Interview and CV Clinic

BINUS BUSINESS SCHOOL in collaboration with Universitas Pembangunan Jaya will hold the Career Seminar: Interview and CV Clinic.
Day/date: Wednesday/May 17, 2017
Time : 09:30 AM – 12:00 PM
Venue : R.615, Universitas Pembangunan Jaya
Agenda :
- 09:30 AM – 10:00 AM: Registration
- 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM: Career Seminar, workshop, and Q&A by Dr. Rini Setiowati, MBA (Head of Business Management & Creative Marketing Program of BINUS BUSINESS SCHOOL)
Benefit : E-certificate
- 0822 11730 200 (Ananda)
- 0812 9977 713 (Fauzan)