Andini Ayuningtas Hartanti’s effort to finish her scholarship master program at Young Professional Business Management of BINUS BUSINESS SCHOOL (BBS) pays off after she graduated on the 54th BINUS UNIVERSITY graduation ceremony at Jakarta Convention Center on Tuesday (26/7).
Ayu earned her Master of Business Management degree at the age of 24 with 3.55 GPA. During her study, she also served as a Research Assistant at BINUS UNIVERSITY. These busy schedule made her able to adapt with using her spare time to do all of her assignments as well as preparing her thesis. “I often stay awake all night to finish my assignments. Sometimes I spent only an hour to sleep and use my weekend to study instead of resting,” she reveals.
The opportunity to earn a scholarship has motivated her to pursue master degree at such a young age. Further, she was also eager to earn master degree. “After all, my dream is to earn a master degree. Sooner or later I will take a master program somehow, so the sooner the better.”
Ayu, who also has an experience as an announcer at Binus Radio (Bvoice), said she is delighted to pursue her master at BINUS BUSINESS SCHOOL (BBS). She feels that the quality and the chosen program in BINUS really fit her needs. After graduating, she plans to look for a work which matches her degree and build a good career.