Minor Description

The Culinary Minor Program provides learning that focuses on the Culinary, Pastry & Bakery fields. The curriculum design is more of practicums, which aim to make students have the competencies required in the fields of Food Production, Pastry & Bakery and Authentic Indonesian Cuisine.

Career Options

Entrepreneur in the field of Culinary (Resto, Café, Catering Business), Chef, Restaurant Owner/Manager.

Features and Uniqueness

Students from all existing majors can follow this minor program without having to demonstrate basic knowledge of Culinary (Food Production, Pastry & Bakery). Interaction with experienced lecturers who are hospitality experts (reliable Chefs) from 5 Star Hotels can provide very useful information.

Alignment of Student Outcomes to Learning Objectives
Student Outcomes Learning Objectives
(SO 1) Able to apply basic knowledge and (L.Obj 1.1) Able to explain products, basic
methods of cooking of food production, ingredients,    cooking   –    baking   processes
pastry & bakery according to international according to international hotel standards.
hotel standards. (L.Obj 1.2)   Able   to   apply   cooking-baking
  principles to produce food products according
  to international hotel standards.
Group Course SCU


HTMN6108021 Food and Beverage Management 2
HTMN6008021 Kitchen Operation 4
HTMN6128021 Pastry and Bakery Operation 4
Total SCU 10