Being an Intern at MarkPlus, Inc., MarkPlus Institute – Invaluable Internship Experience

By: Hendy Suwandi (Student of Global Business Marketing Program)

“Success is not final; failure is not fatal. It is the courage to continue that counts.” – Winston Churchill

This Internship experience in MarkPlus Institute has been truly amazing. I simply learn a lot from professional work experience to marketing knowledge. The skills and knowledge that I’ve learnt will be very much useful in the future.

As I have explained in my first article, I’m responsible for designing, developing, and executing ICE program. In MarkPlus Institute, the client’s industry is classified by 6 Industries so that the material can be customized and keep the quality checked. There are Financial Services Industry (FSI), Automotive, Transportation, and Logistics (ATL), Communications, High-Tech, and Media (CHM), Healthcare, Property, and Consumer (HPC), Resources, Infrastructure and Utilities (RIU), and GPS (Government and Public Services). I’m assigned to HPC-CHM industries.

Throughout my internship, I have done various projects such as making training proposal, making training material, directing video learning, and moderating talkshow. My job in the project is to analyze the client’s need, develop the training materials, and monitor the training. The training materials that I created are about Marketing for both B2B and B2C. For example, Consultative Selling Mindset, Account Mapping, PDB, Creating Value Proposition, etc. Aside from that, I also have directed a video production. In this project, the client asks us to make a “video learning” about B2B Selling. Last, I was chosen to be a moderator in MarkPlus Institute Online Class, Marketeers Youtube Channel.

Surely, I’ve learnt a lot from this internship. Not only I learnt hard skill but also soft skill.

I think that BINUS 3+1 Enrichment Program is a really nice program for student to get a real experience in the work industry. This is particularly excellence for my future career. Thank you for reading my writing!