Being an Intern at MarkPlus, Inc., MarkPlus Institute – Company Profile

By: Hendy Suwandi (Student of Global Business Marketing Program)

Hello! My name is Hendy Suwandi and I’m a BINUSIAN 2022. I’m currently on 6th Semester of my study and on BINUS 3+1 Enrichment Program in which students must take part in one out of five programs. There are: Internship track, Research track, Study Abroad, Community Development Track, and Entrepreneurship track. For my journey, I took Internship Track at MarkPlus, Inc., MarkPlus Institute.

When we are talking about Marketing Consultant, it is not unfamiliar to hear the name of MarkPlus, Inc. MarkPlus, Inc., is a leading Southeast Asian professional services firm that serves companies and individuals in the areas of consulting, marketing research, education and media community. Founded by Hermawan Kartajaya, a world-class marketing guru in 1990. MarkPlus consulting services are supported by 2 divisions: MarkPlus Institute, Training and Education division and MarkPlus Insight, Research division. During my internship, I have been assigned to MarkPlus Institute.

MarkPlus Institute offers training and education programs through in-house and public training as well as executive education programs. MarkPlus Institute has 3 programs for training and education which are Public Education Program (PEP), Executive Education Program (EEP), and In-Company Education Program (ICE).

PEP is a home-made training program to provide most relevant competency development training to business professionals. PEP programs are classified into 4 types: Generalist Marketing, Specialist Marketing, Digital Marketing, and Entrepreneurship & General Management.

EEP provides action-learning based approaches especially designed for participants to help them develop creative and winning solutions to problems. This program is most suitable for executives or employees who have high position on their job. Programs Focus: Strategic Marketing Management, Strategic Brand Management, Strategic Sales Management, Strategic Service Management, Strategic Digital Marketing Management, Integrating Marketing, Finance and Technology

ICE program helps other companies to train their employees by providing customized material and training depends on the client’s needs. The goal of this program is to help the client’s employees to be equipped with essential knowledge and skill, especially in Marketing. As for my internship, I’m responsible for designing, developing, and executing ICE program.