Factors of Social Media Advertising

By: Ni Kadek Virgina Nanda Wedasari (Student of International Marketing Program)

Social media advertising, can be defined as application of social media tools to create awareness, persuade and educate consumers about a firm’s products and services (Boateng & Okoe, 2015). Social media marketing has become an indispensable part of today’s advertising and marketing land-scape (Chen & Chen, 2017). Therefore, social media can be utilized as an advertising platform to create and strengthen bonds between firms and customers, thereby developing more trustworthy relationships between the two sides than does traditional online media (Mangold & Faulds (2009), as cited in Dao et al., 2014).

A qualitative study resulted in the determination of social media advertising factors in the context of smartphone industry, namely:

  • Product Specification

In an advertisement of a smartphone, the product specification needs to be the point of the advertisement. The smartphone needs to be featured as the main aspect. The advantages of the smartphone also need to be portrayed in the advertisement.

  • Memorable Tagline

The advertisement containing catchy tagline will increase the top of mind of a product/brand.

  • User Experience

The advertisement to demonstrate the features of the phone, and how it is used.

  • Visually Pleasing

The advertisement elements need to be visually pleasing, the color, photography and fonts needs to be well made and executed.

  • Model Utilization

Using a model that can transfer meaning to the product.

  • Advertisement Familiarity

More frequently an advertisement is seen by someone, they will be familiar with the product and brand itself.

In order to make an effective social media advertising, the study suggested that these factors will help to increase the effectiveness of social media advertising.


Boateng, H., & Okoe, A. F. (2015). Determinants of Consumers’ Attitude towards Social Media Advertising. Journal of Creative Communications, 10(3), 248–258. https://doi.org/10.1177/0973258615614417

Chen, H., & Chen, H. (2017). College-Aged Young Consumers â€TM Perceptions of Social Media Marketing : The Story of Instagram College-Aged Young Consumers ’ Perceptions of Social Media Marketing : The Story of Instagram, 1734(December). https://doi.org/10.1080/10641734.2017.1372321

Dao, W. V. T., Le, A. N. H., Cheng, J. M. S., & Chen, D. C. (2014). Social media advertising value: The case of transitional economies in Southeast Asia. International Journal of Advertising, 33(2). https://doi.org/10.2501/IJA-33-2-271-294

